Prayer needed for friends and work collegues

KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
Hello Ladies,

Could I please ask you to remember these people in your prayers? I would so appreciate it :-)

Friends of ours have a close family member with months to live due to his substance abuse. His wife also has the same problem but she is not yet in his position. If this family cannot get their addictions under control, they will leave two young children behind. Our friends are travelling to meet them this weekend to work alongside the doctors and do whatever they can to help.

Please can you pray for God to bless our friends' journey, for comfort and strength for everyone involved and that the peace of the Lord remains in that household.

Could you also please pray for my new colleagues, team and course leaders/ trainers. We've had a very tough week or two and we really need to pull together and support one another in order to learn and keep our jobs!

Please could you pray for peace, knowledge and friendship.

I thank God for this forum and for you all :-)

God Bless you as you Pray and Thank you again,

Kaela x


  • kimmieb2u
    kimmieb2u Posts: 43 Member
    Father God, we come humbly before you to ask for mercy for this family and grace. Lord you know we are but dust and without the help of your Holy Spirit, we just wallow in our sin. God, please open the eyes of the living parent, surround with helpful people and give courage to give up the drugs. I pray also Lord that you would surround the children with good, godly people that they can count on in times of trouble, people who will not only be an example but an active help, a place of refuge. And Lord, if these children and parent have not known you--may your Spirit draw them to You--their Savior, friend and help in times of trouble. Show yourself strong to them. Lord God, we have full confidence in this, that you love this family enough to die for them and that you've put us here to help show that love. Please God, give wisdom into the hearts, minds and mouths of those surrounding them. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.
  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    Amen to Kim's prayer. Lord, give wisdom, insight, and as only you can, please bring redemption to this situation.
  • bluetulip4
    bluetulip4 Posts: 13 Member
    Praying that God will give you the wisdom you need to help in this situation