Bacon eaters; do you eat regular bacon or nitrate free ?

I feel guilty eating bacon & can't afford nitrate free. I eat the microwave pre cooked kind, usually 3 pieces/day, 3 days/wk. is that worse than.... Well idk, how bad is it really ?


  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    I eat regular bacon. I can't afford nitrate-free either, and I've also been told that even nitrate-free bacon has nitrates still. Not sure how true it is, but I'll stick to how I've been doing it :)
  • cchild2
    cchild2 Posts: 47 Member
  • 195to135
    195to135 Posts: 33 Member
    I buy what ever is on sale including the precooked kind, Plus you'd eat more nitrites from veggies and natural cured preservatives meats then you would in any regular cured meats so why pay more for nitrate free anything? Heck your body produces more by itself than you'd ever eat so eat whatever you want to buy.
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I either buy bacon from my butcher or buy Hormel from the store (because it's what my husband prefers). Both will have nitrates from the smoking/curing process. Even the "nitrate-free" stuff has nitrates from the celery juice or whatever they use to cure it. They just get to label it differently!
  • mixelated
    mixelated Posts: 23 Member
    I started buying pork belly instead, thinking I'd cure it myself and avoid the question of added nitrates/nitrites. But I have just ended up using the pork belly without curing it, which I think is just as delicious when seasoned. Now regular bacon tastes weird and chemical-like to me, even the 'uncured' versions, because I'm expecting something more meaty. I would prefer pastured, for health and ethical reasons, but finding an affordable source is problematic.