


  • LisaEngle2014
    LisaEngle2014 Posts: 9 Member
    I am in. I started W1D1 last night, so I guess I will do Sun, Tues and Thursday, and see if I need to do any repeats on the weekend to stay on track. I have started this program a couple of times before but never made it past week 1. With all of you "watching" I am sure that I will be able to finish it. I used to run quite well, and for some reason about 3 years ago, I just stopped. I am sure I had all of the proper excuses, though. :-)

    My goal is to run a 5K all the way through by June and then move on to a 10K and so on. I took one of my dogs with me last night, but he is definitely not my workout partner. He is a shih-tzu and the poor thing got tired. So, I am going to bring my German Shepherd mix with me. The good thing about him is he only does "his business" in his own yard so there are no stops along the way. :-)

    I am 45 years old and have four grown children and one grandchild, two dogs, one cat and one very wonderfuld boyfriend/life partner/SO. He is also overweight and I am trying to get him out walking with me at the least. Both of our jobs put us in a chair all day, then we both go home and are on the computer and watching TV. Trying to make a change.

    Well, I guess that is enough rambling about me. Soooo, after completing W1D1 last night, I was really tired and really sore. I didn't know how sore until after I went to bed and realized I still had my contacts on, I got up to remove them and hobbled to the bathroom. Ouch. But, took some Advil and went to bed. I am only slightly sore this morning and am looking forward to the next workout.

  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    day 1 week 1 done :)!!!!!!!!!! lets do it
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    I'm only looking to lose 20, have already lost 6lbs. I completed the C25K seven months ago when I got to my goal weight of 160lbs. I stopped running after that, stop exercising and put the 20 lbs back on. I tried out Week 6 D2 (I believe it's 10 mins run, 3 minutes walk, 10 mins run plus w/u and cool down) and completed it. It was challenging but I wasn't huffing or on the floor :)

    If you are doing weight lifting on off days, this program is a great addition and I noticed a lot of my fat loss came from my ab area (more so than different cardio programs I did in the past) :D

    I really love this program because last year for the first time in my life, I could run for 30 minutes no problem. Stick with it guys :)
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member

    I'm Jenny, I live in south Yorkshire UK. I'm 29 (30 in a couple of months eeek). I joined MFP a couple of yrs ago and have been on and off here and there. Actually managed to lose 25lbs in total. Life has been unkind these past few yrs and I've put about 8lbs back on. I've never really cared for running, but being a single mum with 2 young boys (7 and 5) I don't have the time or the money for any other exercise.

    When looking for some form of exercise I could do that would at the most take half an hr I came across the C25K. I have actually already started (Monday 17th). It went a lot better than I expected and I sort of enjoyed being out in the fresh air. I didn't have the podcasts at the time on my MP3 so I just walked/ran to some music and guessed the timings.

    My next run/walk of the week is tomorrow (Wednesday) I have the podcast all ready on my MP3 this time.

    I've never really been fond of running and although im full of motivation for the moment, i'm sure i'll need you guys to keep me on track before the 9 weeks are through. I'm doing this mainly to aid my weight loss and improve fitness, but i'm thinking that if I get past the 3rd week I may look at signing up for a 5k run.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Stefanie here,

    Live in Minnesota and just purchased a treadmill and ready to get started. Completely sedentary job for the past 4 years so I am extremely out of shape. I will be starting tomorrow 2/19/2014 in hopes of sticking with this, my weight goal is 30lb loss but I just want to feel better and not so out of shape and breath to keep up with my active 10 & 8 year old :) I'm 5'2"; 37 yrs old and am not a runner in anyway, but I'd love to get the endurance and exercise! Would love to have the motivation of others. :) Tomorrow it is!!!:tongue: Just downloaded the C25K app for android on my phone... :)
  • gretagirl2013
    I'm Greta, age 42, and starting to feel my age for the first time. I have never been one for exercise and have been lucky enough to more or less maintain my weight through diet (would love to shed an extra ten pounds), but my sedentary lifestyle is starting to take its toll. I am tired, lethargic, easily out of breath! Need to make a lifestyle change while I still can. Thank you for starting this group ... Found it this morning, which is perfect as I just completed W1D2!!
  • Mandy_SD
    Mandy_SD Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started the c25k program this week and was happy to see others in the same boat. I signed up for a color run on June 21st and am looking for support and guidance. I have done the c25k program in the past but had to stop due to an injury. My advise is to listen to the instructions and run every other day. I was a little overzealous and was running everyday and ended up with an "overuse" injury. I can't say I like running but I do love how I feel afterward!
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Realized that I didn't introduce myself. I'm Melissa. I am almost 30 (5 more days) and a stay at home mom to three boys (7, 4, 2) and my baby girl (7 months). I've always struggled with my weight, especially after my first child was born. In the past few years I have lost some weight and then gotten pregnant and gained it all back, plus some. We're not planning to have any more children so I need to lose the baby weight. I am going to do a 5k with my little sister at the end of May and I'd really like to keep up with her and not pass out! I started the C25K on Monday and found this group Tuesday. I've never tried it before so I'm excited to see how well I do!
  • QueenyLanae
    QueenyLanae Posts: 27 Member
    hi all
    I'm Queeny, Age 25, live in maryland. I started C25K on Feb 3. i finished week 1 but then got side-tracked which easy for me to do. I am picking up where i left off. I've never like running; mostly because i couldn't. Or at least i thought i couldn't. I want to challenge myself to run a 5k... prove that i can do it.

    Issues: No treadmill. No gym. No way in hell am i attempting this in the freezing cold.
    Solution: I do it at home in place (better than nothing). then outside when warmer weather comes.