New to competing

Hey everyone!! I am new to wanting to get into competition. I would. Like to do bikini. I live on long island, new York, what are good comps for a new person to get into? And are there books or anything that I need to get myself competition ready? I don't really have the extra money at this moment for a personal trainer.... In a month or so I will I need to start right away!!! Diet plan also is there certain things I should be doing?? No one in my circle of people actually do any sort of fitness so I am totally on my own with this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I'm considering a show too. It would be my first one, and I'm looking at a show in May. I think it's unrealistic for me at this point, with as much cutting as I'd have to do to be stage-ready, but I'm going to try, and if I'm not ready by that show, go for one another 4-8 weeks out. The way I'll know I'm ready is from feed back from my coach. You don't need an in-person trainer, but there are many options online for online coaching with someone who can give you realistic feedback and a workable plan to get you prepared.

    If you REALLY can't look into that kind of option due to finances, you should be aware that being in shows is expensive. You'll need a professional-grade tan (can run you upwards of $100), the entry fee (varies, least I've seen is $40), a suit (oh god, they go for anything from off-the-rack prices to literally thousands for custom made blinged out versions, you can look them up on etsy and ebay for used ones too), shoes (not everyone has clear high heels laying around), not to mention hair and makeup for the show.

    Not trying to discourage you at all, just be realistic about the costs up front so you won't be disappointed later.

    ETA: As far as diet plans, yes, you need one. You need an assessment of where you are now physically, and a workout and diet plan to accompany your goals. I can't tell anything about you from your photo, except that you may have a lot less muscle than you might need to compete and do well. That's why you need a coach. Feedback and help to achieve the look you want. :)
  • Thank you. I'm not worried about hair makeup and tanning. I'm a cosmetologist I do all that fun stuff =) I def need to build muscle. I have hardly any upper body. Lower body I am much much better. Was a dancers for 20 yrs! Had kids and that got pushed to the back burner. Now, being older it's unrealistic for me to go back into it. The gym I go to the trainers want a lot of money. 72.00 an hr. I dont have money like that lol. I'm not worried about fees and everything else. Just that really no getting on to a diet plan I don't know where to start Especially for the cutting part of comp.
  • IntegratedBodies
    IntegratedBodies Posts: 10 Member
    Hey im in Long Island too, Hicksville to be exact!! I'm planning for a Figure Comp in August :-)
  • That's around the corner from me!!! I'm in east islip!! What gimp are you doing???
  • Comp* not gimp
  • IntegratedBodies
    IntegratedBodies Posts: 10 Member
    XSport! You?