Goal Setting

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
I think this is a HUGE factor in keeping your goals present each and everyday. Here is what I would like for each of you to do.

1. Visualize your goals. Dig deep for these goals. Why are you now at the breaking point and have said I am doing this and doing it now.
2. Write them down and make these goals visible to yourself each and everyday. Tap them on the mirror in the bathroom. Put them in your phone to look at daily and say these goals to yourself each and everyday.
3. Make your family and friends aware of your goals. This is so they too will help hold you accountable of what your goals are.
4. Shoot for small attainable goals. Meaning something you know you can reach.
5. Each day is a new day. Take each day as it comes. Have a plan of action in place before going to bed for the next day.
6. Schedule your workouts for yourself and keep them. Do not allow anything to come in between you and your workouts. You will thank yourself later for it.

Let's hear from each of you. What have you placed as your goals. Let's start today by helping one another.


  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    Has anyone been thinking about their goals? If so, would you like to share your goals with the group? Please do not feel obligated to do so if you are uncomfortable with it.
  • graceisfree
    graceisfree Posts: 84 Member
    My goal is to lose 30 - 40 lbs by the end of May
  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    My goal is to lose a minimum of 40 lbs by May and build my work outs from 3 times a week to 4 times a week. Once I reach these goals I can set some new ones :smile:
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member

    Anything is possible with commitment. You are well on your way.
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    With commitment and dedication you will accomplish your goal by may. Anything is attainable.
  • morris76058
    morris76058 Posts: 17 Member
    My goal is to lose another 40lbs by our anniversary trip to Cancun! I have 130 days and I know I can do this!
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    My goal is to lose another 40lbs by our anniversary trip to Cancun! I have 130 days and I know I can do this!

    You most certainly can. Take it easy on the knee until it heals.
  • morris76058
    morris76058 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks! I am trying to stay off it as much as possible. :)

    I know that we are supposed to have "mini" goals. I do try. But honestly, bigger things like a family reunion, or my vacation are what really motivates me. Maybe its because I am still so far from goal. I wish I was one of those people that could set a 10lb goal and be happy. I do get happy when I enter a new "decade" for my weight, but I wouldn't consider it a mini goal.

    The bad thing about the way I think: After my family reunion, I lost only about 15lbs in 6 months. So, I've got to find a balance. That or just keep planning vacations! LOL, JK.

    I'm hoping that once I'm closer to goal that those 10lb mini goals will mean a lot more to me.

    Any ideas?
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks! I am trying to stay off it as much as possible. :)

    I know that we are supposed to have "mini" goals. I do try. But honestly, bigger things like a family reunion, or my vacation are what really motivates me. Maybe its because I am still so far from goal. I wish I was one of those people that could set a 10lb goal and be happy. I do get happy when I enter a new "decade" for my weight, but I wouldn't consider it a mini goal.

    The bad thing about the way I think: After my family reunion, I lost only about 15lbs in 6 months. So, I've got to find a balance. That or just keep planning vacations! LOL, JK.

    I'm hoping that once I'm closer to goal that those 10lb mini goals will mean a lot more to me.

    Any ideas?


    How about when I reach this goal I am going to treat myself to that new outfit I have been wanting, but cannot get yet because it's just not my size YET. Or when I hit this mini goal I am going to treat myself to a massage and a facial. Set goals for things you know YOU are going to enjoy. Do something for you. This too, makes things fun and keeps things creative.