Rest Day

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
Sunday's are rest days for me. I have to tell you that I do look forward to these days. I find that it prepares me for Monday's workouts. What about you?


  • morris76058
    morris76058 Posts: 17 Member
    I think rest days are very important for your body. On your rest days to you eat on plan, or is it more of a cheat day?
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    I think rest days are very important for your body. On your rest days to you eat on plan, or is it more of a cheat day?

    My rest days are not cheat meal days for me. It's the reverse. My cheat meal is always on Friday's. I typically have hard workouts on those days so I know I can treat myself. On rest days, for me I am more aware of what I am eating since I have not worked out. How about you?