
Daily thread


  • I am resolved to get started today! I've downloaded the Zen C25K app...as soon as I get home from work I WILL do this...I hope this morning's motivation lasts to this evening!
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    So glad to find this group! I did W1D1 on 2.17 and I did W1D2 today! I am super determined to finish all 8 weeks, but I know I'll need some motivation.

    Is anyone else doing the workouts on MWF?
  • I am on a M/W/F schedule to. But I more plan to just make sure I do them 3 days/week....so if I miss a day I have to make sure i make it up that week. I plan on sticking to M/W/F as close as possible though. I also did W1/D1 on Monday and will do W1/D2 today:)

    Good luck getting started Stacy!!
  • Thanks!! I have to admit...I'm terrified. I'm incredibly self-conscious and afraid people are going to laugh when I try running...I'm just going to have to get over it...ugh!
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    week 1 day 2 done!!!!!! I will be doing this mon/weds/fri/ :):bigsmile:
  • I am doing T/Thur/Sat, to the extent possible, but will look forward to hearing everyone else's progress on my rest days!! Today was a rest day for me, and I decided to take it easy by just walking along the park during lunch . . . really enjoyed getting outdoors and taking in some fresh air. Since I typically would stay in my office all day, and limit my exercise to walking to my car at the end of the day, it's a huge improvement for me! Looking forward to W1D3 tomorrow. Think I may try to stop by a running store for shoes as well!
  • jamies7852
    jamies7852 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing MWF on the treadmill. I'm determined to finish the program. Good luck everyone!
  • w1/d2 complete! Nothing like the start of a C25K to make you realize just how out of shape you really are!! My legs felt like lead and I wanted to give up just about every single run period, but knowing I had to post on here kept me going. I was so slow though. During I felt like such an out of shape loser (mainly because even during my "jogging" periods I wasn't catching up to the old man SMOKING while he was walking....lol). But about 30 min after I was done (and still) I am so proud of myself for just making myself keep going. I am just thinking someday I can look back on this day (it was my first day doing it outside) and realize how very far I have come!
  • w1/d2 complete! Nothing like the start of a C25K to make you realize just how out of shape you really are!! My legs felt like lead and I wanted to give up just about every single run period, but knowing I had to post on here kept me going. I was so slow though. During I felt like such an out of shape loser (mainly because even during my "jogging" periods I wasn't catching up to the old man SMOKING while he was walking....lol). But about 30 min after I was done (and still) I am so proud of myself for just making myself keep going. I am just thinking someday I can look back on this day (it was my first day doing it outside) and realize how very far I have come!

    Way to go! I just keep repeating to myself, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch!!"
  • Stacy, I really didn't want to do my first day either----as in a REALLY didn't feel like it anymore. I also felt very stupid today because the trail I was on is next to a golf course and I felt stupid with my barely more than walking jog I was doing. But you know what, who cares what anyone else thinks. Most likely they aren't noticing and even if they are----kudos to us for starting. We can't improve unless we start and everyone starts somewhere. I am still very proud of myself for doing it today and trust me when I said it did NOT feel good when I was in the middle of it!! Greta, thanks so much for the encouragement-I think I need new shoes too.....mine are old and I have a history of foot problems, so I don't want to mess anything up! Good luck on day 3 tomorrow! And good luck to everyone else that is doing this and great job for doing your workout!! (I am bad at the "support" posts....but I am reading them all and being inspired even if I don't comment on each one!!!)
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    W1D2 done.....I ache all over lol. You don't realise how many muscles running actually gives a workout to. The first few run periods I was quite pleased I could fairly comfortably do. The middle couple I found the hardest to push through and I have to admit on the last two 60 second runs I walked the last 20 to 30 seconds. I think I need to get some proper running trainers. I was surprised to find that it was the back of my heels/ankles that stopped me running rather than my legs or my lungs. It feels all tight and painful around my ankles. As I run outside im thinking its the impact shock on them....what do you guys think? Anyway, ive decided for my 3rd day I'll just do a brisk walk, give my ankles chance to recover?
  • W1D2 done.....I ache all over lol. You don't realise how many muscles running actually gives a workout to. The first few run periods I was quite pleased I could fairly comfortably do. The middle couple I found the hardest to push through and I have to admit on the last two 60 second runs I walked the last 20 to 30 seconds. I think I need to get some proper running trainers. I was surprised to find that it was the back of my heels/ankles that stopped me running rather than my legs or my lungs. It feels all tight and painful around my ankles. As I run outside im thinking its the impact shock on them....what do you guys think? Anyway, ive decided for my 3rd day I'll just do a brisk walk, give my ankles chance to recover?

    I would definitely listen to your body. Maybe the day of rest in between will be enough or maybe it will be better to pull back for a bit. My right shin ached a tad last night, which I want to keep an eye on as I have no intention of getting shin splints! I think it's better for us to go slow and repeat weeks then overdo it in the beginning and risk injury or giving up. Our poor bodies must be in shock, lol!!

    I have heard that it is super important to get the right pair of shoes fitted at a running store ... That it can make all the difference in the world as far as how your feet, shins (ankles??) feel. I bought my last pair in 2000, so it's probably time for an upgrade!!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    I had an in-promptitude 'run' tonight, wednesday is kickboxing, usually but i go with my son and he was napping and did not want to wake up. because I wouldnt have made it in time decided to join my sister on a 'run'. Then we had a tag a long, my husband usually runs with my brother, but they run upwards of 10k. So our challenge was not a challenge to him at all. I thought that him runing with us would increase our pace and put us over 3k but we were very slightly slower than last night.

    I know that im out more than is recommended, weve already done 3 times this week and its only wednesday, but defiantly not going tomorrow. but there is no way i can do that three minutes without building up to it.
  • I am also doing m/w/f did w1d2 today!!:)
  • Also, not only do you need good runners but make sure you are lacing them tight and properly!:) will make a world of difference.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    Did this yesterday on the 19th. My first day :) Had to walk one run... Oops LOL. My app gives me 148 calories burned but my Polar HRM put me at 248 Calories! Yay
  • QueenyLanae
    QueenyLanae Posts: 27 Member
    W2D1 complete. My mother had a brilliant suggestion for me. Why not just run in the house? "Just lap around the hallway kitchen and dining room." (How many parents say that?) :noway: I :heart: my mother. She is the biggest part my support system.

    I'm gonna run in the house because my mom told i could. :laugh: