Starting JMBR 2/17. Anyone else in?



  • bridgeydidge8
    bridgeydidge8 Posts: 24 Member
    I didn't manage to start yesterday but i DID start today :)

    and what a motivations feeling so out of it from workout 1! i remember being able to breeze through it before.

    Now im even more determined to get that fit feeling back.......just once my arms stop shaking from the pushups, planks and weight hahah
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    First lesson learned for next time - not to work out in front of a roaring fire...was a bit cooked to say the least
    I know what you mean! I have to turn off the radiator at least 2 hours before I start working out :).

    Bridgedidge8, the hardest part is over, you've broken the ice :). Now just keep doing it over and over and you'll be breezing through it again in no time!

    Today I only burnt 190 kcal. This workout 2 seems pretty low impact, but it's too late now to add any cardio. I will have to remember to do that next time.

    How is it going for you ladies?
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    I wanted to let you know that I am still planning on doing this with you all! I will probably just update on my previous week every Sunday or Monday instead of updating daily. This week, I have already skipped Monday and Tuesday. I think in order to still be on schedule and not have to start over next week, I will plan on doing both Workouts 1 & 2 today and Friday and then do Cardio 1 on Thursday and Saturday. Being that this is not my first time with workouts 1 & 2 since I have done them several times in hopes of getting through week 1 (like I said, cardio always delays me and then I just don't do it, but I will this time :) ), I do not foresee a problem with doing 2 days where I am doing them back to back. There will only be the one day where I don't get a full 48 hour rest between working those muscles, but I will get in a full 24 hour rest so I feel that will be sufficient. Next week though, I will be right back on schedule with the rest of you! :)
  • Just finished my workout today!! I love it so far and I'm sore. How is everyone else doing?
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Bravo, peggy2580! Maybe you should try adding more stretching exercises at the end - works great for me, I haven't been sore once.

    I just finished cardio 1 and burned 265 kcal :). I'm really liking this program so far. Still, I can't help but feel this is just the calm before the storm... I'm too scared to sneak a peek into the upcoming workouts, though. Maybe it's best to just leave it alone and go with the flow :)

    How about you ladies, have you had the chance to try it yet?
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Just finished workout 2 here...hrm puts me at 214 calories so I'm pleased with that as I couldn't put my all into the lunges with twists as my knee doesn't agree with them at all...I don't really have a bad knee and lunges have never been a problem before so not sure what that's about, perhaps in doing the twists I'm accidentally twisting it a bit too...

    I'm quite enjoying feeling sore now as I know I've worked out :)

    Lalajka - just think of the surprise the new workouts will bring as your reward for getting that far when you do :)
  • I've heard that it gets a lot harder. What size weights are you guys using?
  • nicolecl1
    nicolecl1 Posts: 2 Member
    It surprises me that I feel like it's easier than ripped in 30 while I do it, but I definitely feel more sore with BR; so I know it's working! The time goes by so fast. So far I really like it. I didn't do great with my eating today, but tomorrow is a new day!
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Nicolecl1 - love the attitude :) each day is a new start

    Peggy2580 - I've got some old aerobics dumbells, 0.5, 1 & 1.5 kgs but after payday I'll be looking to buy some bigger ones as I feel I can go much heavier on the upper arm exercises
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Lalajka - just think of the surprise the new workouts will bring as your reward for getting that far when you do :)
    I guess that's one way of looking at it - harder exercises as a reward :). I like it!

    nicolecl1, I feel the same way, that's why I can't wait to kick it up a notch. I'm challenging myself by doing harder versions of the exercises and I increased my dumbbell weight.

    peggy2580, I'm using 2kg weights (4.5lbs) that I got from my boyfriend for Valentine's day :). I was using 1kg (2.2lbs) with the Ripped in 30 program and I feel pretty silly about that weight now :). I think I might still go a little higher.
  • I hear that! But I'm back at it and really starting to feel great.
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Third workout done and dusted...feeling good :)
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    Can I.join? I am starting Monday. I did it where I ended at thanksgiving so this will be round two. Love it! I was modifying a lot the last phase so I hope to see improvement this time around.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I am also doing couch 2 5k three mornings. I hope to add a second workout each day of taebo or elliptical or walking.
  • I am on Day 6 and enjoying the workouts so far. For my 2nd week I will up the weights to keep my self challenged and probably add light weights to the cardio too. Great so far, just hope I don't get bored anytime soon.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I am on Day 6 and enjoying the workouts so far. For my 2nd week I will up the weights to keep my self challenged and probably add light weights to the cardio too. Great so far, just hope I don't get bored anytime soon.

    I'm on week 7, and bored is not a word I would use. Challenged, pushed, exhausted, and sore, but definitely not bored!
  • lalajka
    lalajka Posts: 368 Member
    Just finished week 1, only 11 to go :tongue:! Loving it so far, I work up a good sweat but don't kill myself in the process. Can't wait to see what is coming next. But first we have to repeat this whole week again :ohwell:
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    Hi folks! I hope it's not too late for me to join in with this group, but I also started JMBR on Monday 17th Feb, so would love to hang with you guys and get some motivation and hopefully give some back in return? It's the first time I've done this particular program, but have done lots of Jillian's other DVDs in the past, so have a rough idea of what to expect as the weeks go on (i.e. lots of huffing, puffing and sweating!).

    I'm doing JMBR in the mornings before work and I'm also doing the TurboFire schedule in the evenings when I get home from the office, so keeping busy at the moment!! :-)
  • Smokitopaz56
    Smokitopaz56 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the BR, and have done it, once completely and once half-*kitten*. I'm going to dust it off and DO IT! I really hope to share the journey with you here, even though I won't be on the exact same day! Now all I gotta do is get UP early enough to DO it!

    Is anyone else using a Fitbit? How does it do with the BR?
  • Smokitopaz56
    Smokitopaz56 Posts: 15 Member
    I got out the booklet and put stickers over all my previous entries (I dated each workout as I did it. Ready to start! Oh, I won't be doing the meal plan either- letting MFP guide me, along with my Fitbit! Anyone??