meal planning to bring to work

I got my macro breakouts from my trainer but I'm struggling with the meal planning to take the correct food to work. I spent a hour last night planning my menu and getting my food sorted out by meal. Does anyone have any tips on making the meal planning more efficient when you work outside the home ? I think my hubby thinks I'm crazy ! Any ideas or tips would be appreciated.


  • I try to pack as much as I can with me on Monday. Usually that consists of couple avocados, Mary's Gone Crackers, hardboiled eggs, cut up fresh veggies (individual baggies for each day), boxes of soup (I like the pacifica ones or whole foods), coconut water, vega protein smoothie, etc. Then I bring the small extra things throughout the week but I am otherwise covered.

    I also released today I can bring a carton of egg whites, and some Ms. Dash and microwave up some eggs in the AM.
  • orangegirl1
    orangegirl1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks..i need to found those soups..that would be easy.
  • Just a warning, any of the non-organic soups seem to taste like garbage.
  • stephaniefiteni
    stephaniefiteni Posts: 48 Member
    1. Buy containers.
    2. Go to the fruit&veg store - not supermarket (much cheaper)
    3. Select your favourite vegies.
    4. Spend one night a week chopping up all different sorts.
    5. Mix & Match each day.
    6. Select a meat you could like to place with these vegies.
    7. Carry a snack :) any that @watermelonsug suggested seem to be O.K. I would also suggest nuts & rice cakes :)