Epiphany Moment

agarlits Posts: 429 Member
What was yours? What make you say to yourself "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to get fit"?

Mine was a combination of a few things but the big one was seeing myself in the mirror and absolutely hating my reflection.


  • kethra
    kethra Posts: 85 Member
    Mine was stepping on the scale at my all-time high and wondering how I let it get that far.

    That and I'm never able to run and play with my daughter, have never been able to, in her entire life so far (8 yrs) because I get so out of breath. Breaks my heart.
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    Which time? LOL ....

    Not so sure it was an Epiphany Moment as it was a moment of survival instinct kicking in.

    In December 2009 my fiancee died in an accident. We were supposed to be married the next month.

    Alone and grieving I saw the new road bikes we'd purchased in the fall of 2009 and they were a constant reminder of her absence, but also of opportunities lost. We rode them a couple of times together, but not as much as we'd hoped. I was heavy at that point, but she loved me anyway. But I was tired of feeling tired, tired of feeling aimless without her and needed a healthy diversion or I was going to end up in a place I didn't want to be.

    So I started riding my bike. Indoors at first, on the bike trainer, and then outdoors when the weather broke.

    While I've had my ups and downs with my weight since then, and not always eating right, I always come back to the bike, to what it meant to me then, and in a lot of ways it means the same thing to me now.

    Back then, in 2010, the bike gave me purpose, kept me healthy for my kids and kept me sane when I could have easily slipped the other way.

    Now it still keeps me sane and healthy. And it reminds me of her and what we had.
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Mine was seeing myself in the background of some photos from my work holiday party. They were awful and showed me how big I really was.
  • mummee1
    mummee1 Posts: 12 Member
    Mine was when my dad started losing weight uncontrollably from cancer and his treatments. There I was eating whatever I wanted and my dad just wished he could have something simple and not have a problem with it.

    I think it was a long time coming, though. Before that I knew I had an issue when I barely fit onto a roller coaster. I shied away from the rides after that, and I could see disappointment in my kids' faces. I knew I had to do something, but my dad's health really pushed me to actually do something about it. He would give anything to be healthy. And here I have a chance to do it, so I can't squander the opportunity.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I was in denial big time for so long. My husband actually talked to me about how he was worried I'd end up like the people on the Biggest Loser who say, "Why didn't you tell me." It hurt like hell. I am doing this for me though. He just gave me the wake up call that I really needed. Someone had to call me out.
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Well being someone who was on 2 blood pressure meds, a fluid pill, 2 inhalers, and 3 different diabetic pills i knew my next step would probably be insulin. I didnt want that. I couldnt even walk up steps without huffing and puffing to breath. I knew i had to do something! I always said i need to do something or i would die before i am even 40 or be in a wheelchair!
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    Mine was after I spent $400 on physical therapy because I have loose joints in my knees. Not to mention for every extra pound you carry adds up to 3 pounds of pressure on your knee joints. As well as the fact I looked really big in my pictures lately lol.
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    I turned 32, for some reason that did it.
  • kacydanielle
    Like others it was a combination of stepping on the scale and looking in the mirror. I was over the weight that I used to be in high school and i never wanted to go back to that weight because it wasn't flattering and I was no where near being confident in myself. What made it worse was knowing that i had gotten down to 135 only to go way up to 154.5 after getting into a relationship and both of us noticing.
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    So so so many things!
    A photo last summer when I had been walking a lot and thought I was doing well...uh no. Then I went into complete denial about the whole thing.
    My 71 yr old mom broke her leg without even knowing how she did it (how does that happen??) and I saw everything she went through. She and my dad pop more pills than a human should be allowed and I don't want to walk that road.
    My 14 yr old daughter who is still taking athletics even though she has fulfilled the requirements. She is so fit and I hope she always appreciates what her body can do for her. Telling her that women will hate her later in life to have even half the strength she has - she does not see it yet!
    And from my profile - I work from home and have ZERO excuse for not doing this, doing it the right way, and keeping it that way!

    I seriously am just really, really tired of hiding; and that's what I've been doing. :huh:
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    My weight just kept creeping up no matter how much I worked out and I wasn't eating horribly. The turnaround for me was going to lunch with my sister who is 10 years older and until recent years was always super small, way smaller than me. She gave up for some reason (lots of excuses) and she looked at me at lunch and said, 'OMG, look at this'. She put her arm out and started to swing the fat off her lower arm - HER LOWER ARM. I almost threw up in my mouth seeing that she had gone from super hot to super not and she's 10 years ahead of me with no kids and an easy lifestyle, i.e. she could work out hours every day and has tons of time to cook but chooses not to...let me add that she also has a boyfriend who is in great shape and is younger than me so there's that to get fit for too. I decided that day that I was going to do whatever it takes to not fight the creeping weight for the rest of my life. I owe it to myself to be in the best shape possible. I don't care if this is a shallow story, it's honest-
  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    the dreaded question........

    "when are the you due"?
  • TapouTFTW
    Getting back from the doctor after getting a clinical diagnosis for gout, 237 lbs and 32% BF. Getting a prescription for one pill for the rest of my life and another pill for flareups. I knew either I was going to sit idle and feed the habit OR get off my butt and do something about it.

    Six weeks later, 8% less BF (25 lbs lighter), starting week 4 of C25K and my wife has lost weight too. We are on the right track. We just gotta keep doing laps and encourage our friends to get out of the stands to join us. :)
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    When I first started on MFP two years ago, it was because my dad had been diagnosed with diabetes & he and my mom had started eating right to combat it. they both lost a lot of weight just by altering the way they ate, & it was SO inspiring to me. He did so well that he's now off any medication for it & no longer has to check his glucose level.

    That's still one of my huge motivators - knowing if I just eat well & stay under calorie goal I can lose weight - but when I started up again this January it was because I had come across the What Will I Look Like? website, & was SO impressed by the before & after pics, particularly of people my same weight & height down to a healthier weight. Knowing what success could look like after staying on track even just for a few months really pushed me to make a serious effort for more than a week or two. So far, it's worked! :D
  • tangogem
    tangogem Posts: 16 Member
    A beach photo...trying to hide my belly with my arm and not doing a great job of it :/ I gross myself out each time I look at it
  • tangogem
    tangogem Posts: 16 Member
    I too got the got asked if I was pregnant. Some people have no class!!
  • rrieschl
    Realizing that I've lost the same five to ten pounds over a dozen times. Ugh.