Struggling to stay on track

joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
Not sure why but here goes. I did whole 30 for 45 days found it so easy felt great, loved the food and my abs improved significantly I had the beginnings of a six pack. I stopped because I felt I was getting too obsessive and didn't want to replace one eating disorder (binge eating) with another (obsessively reading food labels scrutinising everything I ate). Since then I have stuck to paleo most of the time but keep having binges. I do well all day then while making the kids packed lunches I will eat a left over mini cookie from there it spirals out of control. I think the only way for me is to be strict with myself and say no that item is banned. My diet is generally good and I have only done this 2-3 times but it negatively effects my mood. I also feel horrendously bloated and to be quite honest fat. My husband says this is in my head and I still look the same. Any tips I don't want to be obsessive regarding diet I have a young daughter and don't want to send out the wrong messages about food. How can I do this without it controlling my life.


  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I found this to be somewhat enlightening:

    The main thing that I have to remember is nobody is perfect all of the time. We do our best and that's amazing--I mean, look how much success we've found with merely our strength of will! I try to make my non-Paleo choices somewhat planned, but even if they're not, I strive to not stress out about it.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Personally, I'd consider reading labels a healthy habit to get into. You should know what's in your food or the "food" being presented to you. Being picky about the foods you eat isn't necessarily a bad thing, but everyone has to draw their own line about how picky they're willing to be.

    That said, I suggest making friends with Akimajuktuk (I think I spelled that right). She used to have BED as well, and cured it with very low carb, strict paleo. Like her, your trigger seems to be sugar. I think she'd be able to help you and be a good influence.

    At the risk of rationalizing what may well be a dysfunctional behavior (only you can know for sure though), look at the more strict way of eating like this -- if your doctor told you that you had a disease and the only way to manage it was by cutting out all sources of fructose (or other ubiquitous ingredient), would you consider reading every label to be dysfunctionally obsessive? Managing your BED is the same way, you just don't have a doctor telling you what to do.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I consider my obsession with the quality of my food a positive thing. I expend a lot of effort to access the healthiest food I can. Living in the Arctic has the benefit of some access to wild food, but accessing other healthy food is challenging.

    I've looked at your food diary periodically and thought you must not be struggling at all because you generally choose a very high carb/low fat way of eating. Very high in sugar especially. A lot of fruit and quite frequently, grains, legumes, processed foods.

    If you are struggling, especially with metabolic issues and bingeing I would highly recommend a high fat/low carb version of Paleo. Sugar is not your friend. I went back a few days and you are consuming 100 grams of sugar or more. That is a lot, even for conventional SAD people.

    I did in fact have BED, and many other psychological and physical illnesses. Everything was due to malnutrition and was easily resolved with a ketogenic Primal/Paleo lifestyle. Personally, I cannot moderate sugar. I either eat below 10% (I started at 5%) of my diet as carbs-take note of my sugar macro- or I struggle and over-eat constantly. Even 10% is proving difficult.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I actually eat no legumes, grains and processed food is minimal when I am on track I have been struggling this last week but prior to that I wasn't. I have had beans once this week and white potatoes once but other than that mainly paleo. I agree I eat a lot of fruit and I have tried to cut this out. The tinned fruit is now gone and I won't buy anymore but my oldest son eats fruit for breakfast so there will always be pineapple in the house. I suppose it is organisation, work has been crazy and I have been doing extra shifts so I am so tired but I am on holiday next week. It has been easier to grab fruit in the morning as it there and convenient. I am intolerant to eggs so that rules that out as a breakfast food. (I know I ate them once last week. Apart from this last week my fat is usually about 50% so I am surprised you say I eat low fat. Also most of my carbs come from sweet potatoes and veggies. I feel i need these as i am training for a half marathon maybe after that i will experiment with lower carb. I have done better so far today and will hopefully get a couple of chicken dishes prepared later. Thank you all for your advice. I will get back on track although slightly worried about the school holidays next week.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I found this to be somewhat enlightening:

    The main thing that I have to remember is nobody is perfect all of the time. We do our best and that's amazing--I mean, look how much success we've found with merely our strength of will! I try to make my non-Paleo choices somewhat planned, but even if they're not, I strive to not stress out about it.

    I agree. Sounds like you are beating yourself up quite a bit for slips that almost everyone makes from time to time.

    Willpower is finite, if that is what you are counting on you are guaranteed to fail.

    Keys that I've found to staying on track (not perfectly, but pretty well)

    1. As much as possible eliminate the foods that initiate the binging from your house. That might mean the kids start eating fruit at lunch instead of cookies. Probably better for everyone in the long run.
    2. Avoid situations that caused you to binge. This might mean hanging out less with friends who are going to lead you down bad eating paths.
    3. DON'T GET HUNGRY. My meals are pretty well spaced and I am rarely hungry in between them. If I do get hungry I have a small serving of nuts or some fruit close at hand to knock it out. If I let myself get to hungry willpower is gone and I'll eat whatever is at hand.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I actually eat no legumes, grains and processed food is minimal when I am on track I have been struggling this last week but prior to that I wasn't. I have had beans once this week and white potatoes once but other than that mainly paleo. I agree I eat a lot of fruit and I have tried to cut this out. The tinned fruit is now gone and I won't buy anymore but my oldest son eats fruit for breakfast so there will always be pineapple in the house. I suppose it is organisation, work has been crazy and I have been doing extra shifts so I am so tired but I am on holiday next week. It has been easier to grab fruit in the morning as it there and convenient. I am intolerant to eggs so that rules that out as a breakfast food. (I know I ate them once last week. Apart from this last week my fat is usually about 50% so I am surprised you say I eat low fat. Also most of my carbs come from sweet potatoes and veggies. I feel i need these as i am training for a half marathon maybe after that i will experiment with lower carb. I have done better so far today and will hopefully get a couple of chicken dishes prepared later. Thank you all for your advice. I will get back on track although slightly worried about the school holidays next week.

    Baked beans and bread on Saturday. Both together according to your diary. Beans are legumes.

    I'm not trying to pick on you; I'm trying to suggest solutions. For the challenges you are having, I can say with much certainty that it's the food. You can justify it, continue on or whatever, but I'm just sharing my experience. Been there.

    You have your fat setting at 30% and over the last week you eat very close to that goal. I just calculated just the past few days and none reached 40%. It's too low for someone struggling with hunger/bingeing. For me, even 50% would be too low. 100 grams of sugar is the other part of the puzzle working against you.

    Until you are on track carbs matter. Even sweet potatoes. I don't tolerate sugar or starch so sweet potato is a treat food for me.

    There are people out there who can thrive on a high carb diet but it still has to be healthy food and still wouldn't be dominated by sugar (I'm thinking of the Kitivans) but they still did it on an unprocessed food diet and didn't have metabolic disorders (until colonization). Sometimes a health problem requires a specific treatment and metabolic disorders usually resolve with a high fat/low carb diet.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I know you are not picking on me as and I am not trying to make excuses. I did say I ate beans we had been out for the day and not been shopping classic case of being unprepared. That was the day that was particularly bad. My macros were set at 50% fat 20% carbs and 30 protein and until this last week I was hitting that goal. For some reason my macros reset themselves to the setting MFP gives don't know how that happened. I will reset them tonight after dancing, kids homework etc. I know I have work to do which is why I asked for help. I am a little scared of cutting carbs in case it affects my running this close to the half marathon. If you could suggest a book on the subject I would be grateful. I am genuinely interested in learning.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I know you are not picking on me as and I am not trying to make excuses. I did say I ate beans we had been out for the day and not been shopping classic case of being unprepared. That was the day that was particularly bad. My macros were set at 50% fat 20% carbs and 30 protein and until this last week I was hitting that goal. For some reason my macros reset themselves to the setting MFP gives don't know how that happened. I will reset them tonight after dancing, kids homework etc. I know I have work to do which is why I asked for help. I am a little scared of cutting carbs in case it affects my running this close to the half marathon. If you could suggest a book on the subject I would be grateful. I am genuinely interested in learning.

    You said you don't eat legumes, you didn't say occasionally. lol. A bit confusing. Not necessarily a big deal if you tolerate them, but the canned variety can also have sugar etc. I was only looking at your diary for the last week and you are eating close to the MFP defaults, whether that's what you intended or not.

    You do not need a high sugar diet for exercise. I would strongly suggest getting your health in order first and foremost. Marathons are not necessarily a super healthy thing for everyone and you would be best to undertake those kinds of challenges after you have resolved your health problems. Building strength and moderate daily activity with occasional short bursts of high effort movement would be best. I know some of my friends are very proud of their marathoning but they are very stressful to the body (I would argue even that they are not healthy) and being in good health is essential to undertake them.

    Some resources:

    Your Personal Paleo Code- Chris Kresser
    Primal Blueprint- Mark Sisson
    Primal Body, Primal Mind- Nora Gedgaudas
    Gut and Psychology Syndrome- Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
    Good Calories, Bad Calories- Gary Taubes
    Nutrition and Physical Degeneration- Dr. Weston Price
    The Paleo Manifesto- John Durant

    There are SO many. Look at the pinned "Recommended Reading" for more suggestions. There are lots of websites as well. Paleo and Ketogenic topics are useful.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I know you are not picking on me as and I am not trying to make excuses. I did say I ate beans we had been out for the day and not been shopping classic case of being unprepared. That was the day that was particularly bad. My macros were set at 50% fat 20% carbs and 30 protein and until this last week I was hitting that goal. For some reason my macros reset themselves to the setting MFP gives don't know how that happened. I will reset them tonight after dancing, kids homework etc. I know I have work to do which is why I asked for help. I am a little scared of cutting carbs in case it affects my running this close to the half marathon. If you could suggest a book on the subject I would be grateful. I am genuinely interested in learning.

    Sorry to hear of your struggles, but we all do, no one is perfect. But we all know what we should and shouldn't eat. I try to avoid triggers and situations that might cause me to deviate, but at some point I have to decide if I am eating to live or living to eat. I have friend who is CrossFit trainer who regularly runs half-marathons and she eats strictly paleo and “carb loads” on Paleo friendly foods, such as sweet potatoes, nut butters, etc. Hang in there, you’ll get through it!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I know you are not picking on me as and I am not trying to make excuses. I did say I ate beans we had been out for the day and not been shopping classic case of being unprepared. That was the day that was particularly bad. My macros were set at 50% fat 20% carbs and 30 protein and until this last week I was hitting that goal. For some reason my macros reset themselves to the setting MFP gives don't know how that happened. I will reset them tonight after dancing, kids homework etc. I know I have work to do which is why I asked for help. I am a little scared of cutting carbs in case it affects my running this close to the half marathon. If you could suggest a book on the subject I would be grateful. I am genuinely interested in learning.

    Going keto within about a month of something like a marathon will affect your performance, but being fat-adapted/keto for a few months and then doing a marathon won't affect performance nearly as much (and the effect it does have can be accounted for). In fact, most people have found that they don't hit the "wall" or if they do, it's not as hard. Dr. Peter Attia, who follows a keto Paleo diet, has a whole host of blog entries, one of which includes a sample of his workouts and a video with it. His workouts are generally CrossFit/tabata style, and he also bicycles for long distances (sometimes as much as 600 miles in a day) and remains in ketosis.

    That said, if you're too close to marathon time to do it while in keto, then you can always cut your carbs down for now, then "carb up" the day or two prior to race day. I agree with Akima, though, get your diet and health in order, first, before trying to do stuff like half and full marathons. Marathons really aren't all that healthy (even Mark Sisson, a former marathoner, will tell you this), so if you're trying to do it for health, then back yourself down to 5k and 10k stuff. Even if you're doing it because you love running that much, I'd still back off for a while until you get your BED under better control. The extra stress of a marathon (and its training) isn't really something you need right now.
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    I know how you feel; I also have feared, in moments of self doubt, that my real food journey is going "too far" and that I'm heading back to the disordered eating patterns of my 20s. For me tthere are primal foods that trigger old overeating habits. For me its nuts and dried fruit so for now I don't eat them at all; but some day I know I'll be able to. Recovering from An unhealthy relationship is a long road; it brings up all kinds of old feelings/emotions. Keep going. It gets easier. It may be helpful to keep a journal to figure out what prompts you to slip up. For a while I always kept salami with me so I knew I had something to eat with me. Stress exhaustion being overly hungry a food slip that turns to a binge these are all things you can learn from. It will get easier.
  • annoel
    annoel Posts: 18 Member
    I did marathons and triathlons mostly because I thought I'd lose a butt ton of weight. Not so. The training put a lot of stress on my body. Then too, I felt I "deserved" to eat more because I was in training. Bad choices ensued. In retrospect, I am proud of my achievements, but I no longer feel endurance sports are for me.
    Maybe your body is feeling stressed, wanting those carbs. Perhaps you're overtraining. If you want to be paleo, then read, or re-read some paleo blogs, particularly ones fro athletes.
    Good luck on your half-marathon. Let us know your results.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Joy I listened to this blog a few days ago and he addresses some of the issues with Marathons and how he now approaches them. I don't run them and it never interested me but this was a good blog for anyone interested in doing so.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Joy I listened to this blog a few days ago and he addresses some of the issues with Marathons and how he now approaches them. I don't run them and it never interested me but this was a good blog for anyone interested in doing so.

    You grabbed the wrong link (that just goes to the banner picture; I assume it was unintentional). Here's the link to the blog entry itself.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Thanks, I am not good with internet tech yet
  • janpuzzle31
    janpuzzle31 Posts: 48 Member
    I can relate to your struggle. I have good days when paleo/primal feels very easy and others when I feel I have hit the self destruct button. However, one of the best things for me about MFP has been that once I have logged a food once I can easily add it to my daily record without undue scrutiny of labels etc. After a solid run of about 3 months of daily recording I have just had a week away from logging and it felt OK, but it also feels good to be back in control.

    Good luck with staying on track, sometimes you have to draw a line under what has happened and move forward without being too hard on yourself.