Week 1* Things to Consider

Hi Ladies!!!!
I am by no means a weight loss expert but I have picked up a few tips and tricks along this weight loss journey that I want to share with you all :) Every friday I'll post some things to consider durring the week and if they work for you let me know and if you have any additional thoughts throw them out there we can all grow and learn together!

HUNGER can derail the best of intentions pretty quickly so lets try to stay on top of that beast!
* meals should be about 4-5 hours apart to avoid spikes and drops in blood sugar and hunger so if you think it will be longer than 5 hours before your next meal try to grab a portable snack like a piece of fruit to carry with you.

BREAKFAST you all know its the most important meal of the day!
* try to eat within an hour of waking up (i never can do this but its suggested) but no matter what get that morning meal in!

CALORIES we are all at different stages so i wont suggest a calorie amount but its a good idea to keep your meals around the same calories so if you were doing 1500 cal a day each meal would be around 400-500 calories

FOOD GROUPS eeeekkk! lol fruits, veggies, grains/starch, protein, dairy and fat.... they all have a place in our diets and we should try to have at least 3 different food groups with all meals making sure one is a fruit or a veggie. I highly recommend getting protein in where you can because it sticks with you a little longer :)

That's it for this week if you can try to work some or all of these tips in and make sure you TRACK that food! Have a great week guys!


  • newday1981
    newday1981 Posts: 41 Member
    Great tips! Thanks Brooksn20.
  • CassandraEldridge
    CassandraEldridge Posts: 56 Member
    Something I picked up...
    200 calories of oil is a LOT less than 200 calories of Meat which is a LOT less than 200 calories of vegtables
    You will be eable to eat larger portions if you are eating more low calorie vetables and proteins than high calorie fats and meats
  • YES!!! that is very very true it's like a bank spend that money (calories) wise!
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    I don't ever eat breakfast mostly because I don't wake up in time to eat it before I have to head out to work. I think I'm going to try to hard boil some eggs then grab them on the way out so at least I can have a little something. Hopefully then I won't overindulge at lunch!! I'll have to remember the granola bar thing for snack in between lunch and dinner...that's a long period of time for me. Thanks for the tips!!
  • Great info. Thanks!