In community

We are called to be in community. So let me start. Good morning friends I am Tamara. A small bit about me. I am a Christ follower who is married to my best friend and have 4 children combined. I have lost 100 lbs . I love the outdoors and lead groups at my church on faith and fitness. I have played around on the Daniel plan website for a couple years and although my family has adapted this to our lifestyle. I want 2014 to be all in! So here I start with you all :) ALL in for 2014. Do you have the book? Have you started?Lets build a loving supportive Christ centered community.


  • Monome13
    Monome13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there Tamara I'm tabarak I'm a sophomore college student I lost about 60 Ib in total right now I'm 181 , I'm a Muslim and I joined your group and this site looking for help to stay motivated , my goal Is to loss 50 Ib in 7 months , is that realistic , knowing I f I put my mind to something I can do it .:smile::smile:
    May I ask what book are you talking about ?
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Hi,My name is Amanda.I am a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful girls(18,14,and the baby will be 10 tomorrow).I have been married for 18 years.I have lost 74 pounds since I was my heaviest.My goal is to get to 105 pounds by my birthday in April. I have about 10 pounds to go still.I don't have the book and I haven't read it yet,but,I have researched the Daniel Plan online and I feel I have a good idea what it's basically about.I hope I can be an encouragement and prayer warrior for the others in this group.I look forward to seeing what God is going to do and the lives that will be transformed here in this group.
  • The Daniel plan. I am a nutrition coach as well. So applied you go back to the basics. If from a plant eat it and made in a plant don't.
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Very well stated.Thank you and now I am even more excited since I know you are a nutrition coach!I finally have someone to ask my questions to when they arise:happy:
  • Stacy_of_Oregon
    Stacy_of_Oregon Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    New (again) to My Fitness Pal. The reason I left before was that I got discouraged that so much of the community activity was risque and foul in nature. I am so happy to find this group and surround myself with fellow believers!

    I just purchased "The Daniel Plan" book a few days ago and I am about half-way through reading it. I really need to work on my diet and exercise. I consume most of my calories through beverages, so I decided to detox off most beverages except distilled water and herbal teas, before I officially start the "Food" portion of the plan.

    A brief bio: I'm 42, married to a wonderful man, and have 4 kids combined. I'm a homemaker for now and I'm trying to live one day at a time in God's grace.

    Bless you all!
  • Jesusfan54
    I am gonna start this diet tomorrow I will have to find the book : ) I bought A book awhile back ,that talked about this diet, the book was called The proverbs 31 book I stopped reading it at this point lol But I think I am ready now!
  • jkner4
    jkner4 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all. I am Jessica and have recently returned to MFP. I picked up the Daniel Plan at Costco last month and have really felt motivated to get back in shape. I lost about 40 pounds last year, then ended up with Plantar Faciitis and stopped running. I gained about 20 pounds back, but am now healed and ready to try again.
  • Welcome Jessica, I to have suffered a injury. I lost 100lbs and in the last year lost my Mother in law whom has been like a mother to me since I was 17 years old and then had a injury from work that has left me not working. I went from running, biking and training mode to 5 surgeries. I am not where I once was but certainly with God I will be where He wants me. I did gain 15 lbs but I am here and ready to go!
  • tiffnkailey
    tiffnkailey Posts: 150 Member
    I posted my post in the wrong section, sorry. I posted a thread called Newbie.
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    My name is Mary and I live in Sunny Arizona. Just turn 60, am retired, happily married for 29 years and we have 2 grown children (ages 25 and 28) and one delightful grandchild.

    I started doing the Daniel Plan during Lent. Our church sponsored the endeavor and gifted anyone who wanted to participate with the book and workbook. I was part of a small group that met weekly, for 6 weeks. BUT, our meetings have ended. The women in my group, although very nice Christian women, were older than me and not very interested in exercise.

    I love to exercise almost as much as I love to eat.

    Am wanting to be part of a supportive, encouraging group.

    I think the Daniel Plan is a fantastic program. Since being on the DP, not only have I lost weight, I have also strengthened my faith practices. Although I've been on the DP for 6 weeks, I just finished doing the 10-day detox. I would HIGHLY recommend the detox. So much so, that I'm going to keep going with it. No dairy, no artificial sugars, no wheat/gluten, no processed foods. Am eating massive amounts of veggies and fish and lean turkey.