
Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
This thread is for everyone to learn more about your fellow challengers.

I'll start~

I go by Nikola and am currently in my final years of high school.
I am a swimmer and water polo goalie. I take my sports very seriously, they are my life!
I even sweat chlorine! Hahah
I am a child of five although I have no full siblings, all halves.
Math is my favorite school subject next to German.
Lastly, I can't wait to start these 30 Day Challenges with you!!!

~ Nikola


  • madDino27
    madDino27 Posts: 19 Member
    I go by Deeno. I've been out of college for a few years and I'm married. I want to get back into Irish Dance for the first time since I graduated High School. I've been trying to do stretches and exercises every day to get back into shape since I've gained 100 lbs. I just completed a 30 day challenge for losing 10 lbs and want a new short term goal. I'm going to try the planks. I'm so excited!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    I go by Deeno. I've been out of college for a few years and I'm married. I want to get back into Irish Dance for the first time since I graduated High School. I've been trying to do stretches and exercises every day to get back into shape since I've gained 100 lbs. I just completed a 30 day challenge for losing 10 lbs and want a new short term goal. I'm going to try the planks. I'm so excited!

    I wish you luck on your quest. I'm sure that you shall accomplish your goals. :)

    If you ever need help or have any questions just ask ((This part goes for everyone)). I'm pretty good at teaching. Hehe
  • JesseeS
    My name's Jessee and I'm 23. Looking to get healthy and go into the military, but with my weight as it is, it's holding me back. I'm going to do the push ups and crunch challenges (why not have some extra challenge haha) Best of luck everyone!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    My name's Jessee and I'm 23. Looking to get healthy and go into the military, but with my weight as it is, it's holding me back. I'm going to do the push ups and crunch challenges (why not have some extra challenge haha) Best of luck everyone!

    I'm glad that you could join us Jessee~
    I hope you have fun as you pursue your goals and complete these challenges. :)
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Hi, I'm Marie - 28, married (military spouse) and currently a stay-at-home mom to an 8 month old (I do have my college degree though!). Trying to get healthy for my family; plus we just found out the Army is sending us to a post near the ocean, so I have to finish getting bikini ready. :laugh:

    I'm definitely doing the squat challenge, and probably the plank. Going back and forth over the push up challenge, since I injured my chest while in the military. I'm thinking that would be a good way to work on strengthening everything back up.

    Good luck to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • hutchema
    hutchema Posts: 130 Member
    My name is Marsha and I am going to do the plank, crunches, pushups, and squats challenges. I am about half way through a 90-day workout and I am feeling the strongest I have ever felt in my life. I want to keep challenging myself more and more to see what I can do and see my own progress over time. I am trying to get fit, my goal is 16% body fat. I have a long way to go, but I know I am on the right track with the clean eating, protein and amino acids supplements, and weights. I am seeing real results and that is all the motivation I need. I am going to start tomorrow! Nice to meet you all.:wink:
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome Marsha and Marie!

    Thank you for joining~

    I wish you well as you go through your challenges! <3
  • wrifay
    wrifay Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Wafa and I am 23. I am going to do the easy push up and the plank challenge. I recently tried to do Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and would get migraines from just how intense it was so I think my body needs to work up to that level of fitness. I am also on week 3 of C25K so I am getting some cardio in as well. I just want to be healthier and clothes to fit better, there is nothing more frustrating then not being able to fit into clothes because your busty.
  • cerulence
    cerulence Posts: 14 Member
    Alright then, my name 's Laurence (not a guy, though), I'm 38, and I teach kids with autism. I plan on doing the plank, easy push ups, and squats challenges. I've been doing sport again for over a month and have seen some cool changes in my body, so why not do those challenges, too! Thank you for creating this group.
  • kimama76
    kimama76 Posts: 2 Member

    I am Naomi, I am 37 and a mum, work part time, study part time and volunteer as part of my studies. My youngest is 3 and a half and I have been struggling with my weight since he was born, I did really well for a while but I have put on 21lbs in the last year and a half. As well as losing weight I need to strengthen my upper body and core. I am trying to using Davina Intense and 30 Day Shred depending on how much time I have but always 'phone it in' on the press ups and planks so going to attempt those challenges.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • cerulence
    cerulence Posts: 14 Member
    but always 'phone it in' on the press ups and planks so going to attempt those challenges.

    Me too! Well I can do 30 seconds of plank with a lot of pain and struggles, but I still can't do a push up! I'm not sure what my push ups will look like during the challenge...

    Good luck to you, too.
  • kimama76
    kimama76 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't even do 30 seconds on a plank and I am never sure if my positioning right on either :( Got to find a video somewhere that shows the correct positions from all angles. I am determined to do it even if it kills me!
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Sorry cell phone decided to post mid sentence so I started over.
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm Bri, im 26 and have an executive position/desk job that keeps me sedentary most of the day... Already do 30 to 80 minutes of cardio most days of the week and looking to add in a challenge to make things a little more interesting. I am in for the squats and planks challenges... May even attempt the burgers challenge but haven't decided quite yet. Best of luck to everyone! We can do this!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Hi I'm Judy - thanks for the invite I was going to give some of these a try on my own but this will be more fun. I work at a jail and have worked shift work for about 15 yrs which contributed to my gradual weight gain. I have recently taken a steady days Monday through Friday assignment so that I can take a break from shift work and work on myself for a change. I am going to start with the plank and the "easy" push up challenge (it's been about 16 yrs since I have done a push up :indifferent: ).

    Looking forward to adding something new to my not so strenuous routine. Good luck everyone! Yay us!! :drinker:
  • Malibuhalle
    Malibuhalle Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Stacey and I'm a 42 year old working mom. I want to lose 15-25 pounds by the summer so that I can feel good about my body again. It has gotten so hard to motivate myself to be active and lose the weight I have put on over the past 10 years. I always used to be small but then becoming a mom and working full time hasn't left me much time for myself and when I get time to myself, I don't feel like exercising, but I really want to get back in the habit of exercising and making it part of my life again.
  • hagood01
    hagood01 Posts: 7 Member
    I am Marie and am 56 years old. Over the last year I have gone from being the heaviest in my life to being at a comfortable weight...with a loss of 25 pounds. My goal is to keep it off! I am walking, counting calories, and using DailyBurn to build strength and flexibility. Have not looked at the challenges yet, but am headed that way.
  • cerulence
    cerulence Posts: 14 Member
    I am determined to do it even if it kills me!

    But then it's a lot harder to find the right plank's position if you're dead.
  • hagood01
    hagood01 Posts: 7 Member
    I have decided on the crunch and push-up challenges! Here we go!!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome all!

    I'm so excited to see that 19 more have joined the group~!

    This will be a lot of fun <3