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  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Tomorrow begins week 2, day 8. Feeling pretty good. I think I have gotten my meal size down and am not feeling too hungry between meals. I have found that having a post-workout snack is a big help as well as a cup of bone broth in the afternoon. I know a lot of the mediators over at the whole30 forums swear by a few cups of bone broth a day. I know it is very gut healing and is great for my joints so I am not too worried about it being a snack per/se. I am having a bit of trouble at night with craving a snack or something sweet. Been able to just ignore it so far but I obsess until I fall asleep. Over it! I don't think I am hungry so it's just a pesky craving, poop :(

    So far so good though, am happy with the way things are progressing. I am having a massage tomorrow as my "reward" for making through week 1. Learning to give myself non-food rewards and treats. Not a bad trade if you ask me!
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 10. I feel the best I have felt in a long time. Bring on day 11.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Day 43 whole 30 and I am doing OK. It is now part of my routine to eat like this. Doesn't enter my head to eat dairy or grains so that's great. I am eating very healthily but somehow I feel very bloated not sure why. I made red cabbage sauerkraut the other day just waiting for it to be ready hoping some probiotics will help. Finished nights this morning again so that might be a reason. I have added back in the occasional NAKD bar (British version of lara bars) which I enjoy. I will also add back in almond milk as I prefer it to coconut milk. Still not weighed not expecting a massive loss. You are all doing great keep at it.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 43 Great job! Very inspiring. I hope this becomes my way of eating for life. I believe right now it feels wonderful and I could live like this. I haven't felt that crappy I ate too much feeling in almost 2 weeks. Strict paleo may be the way I go after the whole 30. :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have decided that from now I am going to eat the majority of my foods whole 30 style but not stress if I go a but over on sugar have something that is not strictly whole 30. I will never eat dairy, grains again I know they don't agree with me. I will be having some wine on valentines day but that is going to be my only real change. I am still here cheering you all on. I have done 43 days of strict whole 30 and I am proud of that achievement. I will probably continue until Friday then drink my wine and then more or less back to it. Thanks for your support. I am so glad I did this I have found a way of eating that suits me and for the most part I will stick with it. Good luck on your journey. If anyone needs a paleo friend I am happy to accept.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    That is awesome! Congrats!
  • mbf82
    mbf82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am on Day 17 of my first Whole30 and what a difference from the first 11 days of this plan. I struggled quite a bit at the beginning and on Day 11 I almost quit. But now that I have made it to Day 17 I am coasting! It isn't always easy but in general I am getting used to this way of life and how great it is making me feel! I do something called 'Fit Club' with two friends of mine which is a competition but also a fun excuse to get together every couple weeks, workout, have dinner and weigh ourselves to see our progress. Therefore I did break the rule of no weighing yourself but I have to say I am sort of happy I did! I am 9 POUNDS down and have never felt better! It really gave me the motivation to keep going and I finally feel like I am in control and that losing weight is actually possible! This is a great plan. I have very little willpower but I am getting married in October and this has really kickstarted a whole new way of thinking! Hope everyone is doing great! :)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Aahhh, Day 11. the tail end of the "quitting days". The last push to the peak with greener grasses of boundless energy and Tiger Blood on the other side.

    I have really been up and down over the last week-ish. I wake up in the AM and feel amazing and energetic and I am getting major amounts of stuff done then I have lunch around 1:00 and BANG, I hit a wall and am pretty well done for the day. I have managed to push through on the days where I really didn't want to do anything but it's pretty hard. I am trying to be kind to my body and the changes it is going through, and I am making sure I work out everyday, but I wish I could get to the "boundless energy" stage already!!

    I have been playing around with what I am eating when, I felt like I was having too many carbs and sugars from my morning sweet potato so, I have cut that out for now and am focusing on protein and fat with lo-carb veggies. I really want to be under 100 gms of carbs a day to help burn fat and keep my sugars (from veggies) as low as possible to not trigger cravings. I am still having cravings but am pretty succesfully ignoring them. There have been a few evenings where I think my tummy is truly growling so, I have been eating hard boiled eggs and cherry tomatoes. I would kill to get into the cashew butter but, that seems awfully treat like to me! Bone broth has been a major saviour as well! 1 cup in the afternoon between lunch and dinner, I am getting extra protein in and really good fats and collagen from the bones!

    Dreaming like crazy about all matters of things I cannot have! At least they are interesting dreams and have stopped being panicky ones.

    Worked out like crazy this AM between shovelling the darn snow and 40 minutes of HIIT so I think I should hit the showers before my husband puts on a respirator, lol! Hope you all are doing well!
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I'm slightly worried... I bought ingredients for cupcakes... I wanted to make my husband something for valentines day and for all of the hard work he's been doing: 1) cleaning the house before our in-laws visit this weekend, 2) watching our daughter, and 3) all while being sick with a cold. They are technically called "Banana Pumpkin Pucks" from "thepaleoparents", and they are healthy- but still cupcakes. I know I would view these as a dessert/treat, so I'm hoping that I can be strong (and maybe put some extras in the freezer for after my whole 30...hmm I'll have to think about if that could work...)

    Other than this baking thing looming ahead, I've been doing pretty good...still fully AIP compliant. I've been having more fruits lately at the end of my meals, but that's because I was constipated (not uncomfortably so, but I knew I hadn't gone in awhile).

    I know I need to increase my healthy gut flora, so I've been researching kombacha and kefir, and pondering fermented veggies. I know that doing a whole 30 without these things is not going to benefit my gut as much. And I know these things would help. But 1) it's scary to try new things, 2) I don't want to have to buy a bunch of supplies for $$, and 3) I don't know if I can keep up with it... I don't want to buy a starter kit and then have to throw the cultures away because I was lazy and killed them. And I know store bought stuff can be expensive and half-dead... just trying to find the right option for ME. It's just been really hard for me to decide what to do.

    *On a normal day, I only get about 10-15 g of fiber a day. I know there have been paleo websites that claim you don't need fiber for a healthy digestive system, but since I've been getting this low of an amount...I'm not sure what to do except try to eat more in the meantime before I start some new plan to increase healthy gut flora...
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    So I ended up eating those "cupcakes" (Banana Pumpkin Pucks)...but whatever. I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Healthy ingredients that were fully AIP compliant as well as paleo (banana, pumpkin, dates, applesauce, coconut flour, coconut oil, and spices). This is the first time I've ever made a paleo baked good, but for ME- I think it's okay to celebrate and do a baked good for holidays. So there! Done trying to convince myself that I'm okay and that my whole30 isn't ruined. I'm not going to add on another 15 days, but I am going to do better about avoiding baked goods. Okay- done with my "this isn't a failure" speech.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    I made it past the half way point. Today is the end of day 16. Feeling good. But today I was jealous of everyone that can have the crap. But I didn't give in. I reminded myself how good I feel. I can do this.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 19 and feeling great. My face is a better color- so close to my normal skin tone. I started to add more cardio. I feel really good and my clothes are getting baggy I tried on my spring clothes and they are fitting better. I have a nice wardrobe again. Looking forward to spring weather. Not many winters I can say that. :)
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Tomorrow is my birthday and one thing that I wanted to do was go to dinner with my husband. We go out to dinner every couple of weeks, but this time there weren't any kids. I wasn't tempted by bread or dessert or even soda. I had a plan, ate large meals made at home for breakfast and lunch. I preplanned my meal ahead of time when I viewed their menu on line. I feel really good. We had a great time. Tomorrow will be day 21 for me. They say 21 days for a behavior change and I think this way of eating and making time for my meals has become a part of me.
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    Day 7, and I'm feeling fatigued but pretty good about the program. There were donuts, pizza, cake and candy set out at work today because we made everyone come in over the weekend, and I barely gave them a second thought (although the pizza did smell pretty good...). Too tired to workout, but hopefully that will pass and I know I'll be doing PT with my unit on Tuesday so at least there's that.
  • GSD_Girl
    GSD_Girl Posts: 4 Member
    Day 6

    Surprisingly, I am not having any cravings, and passed up bacon and chips and salsa. Personally I think i deserve an award for passing up the bacon. I went to Trader Joes because I read you can get Whole30 compliant uncured bacon there, but all of them had added sugar. /sigh. Didn't stop my husband from buying it and eating it though!

    Couple weird things I am noticing - 1. Weird junk food dreams where I am pigging out on non program foods, I've read other people having a similar experience. 2. My legs are sore and I haven't added in any activity.

    Anyone else noticing similar or different weird effects of the program?
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    I haven't found any bacon yet either... the nearest place I think has it is Atlanta which is a 2 hour drive. Plus, bacon is a food I figure I should limit anyway (lest I get too carried away with it...)

    I was hoping to incorporate sauerkraut or kimchi as well as more seafood in my diet, and before my wife was able to grab some at the store I had a dream about a kimchi store. Not quite the same thing, but pretty weird in retrospect.

    Last Tuesday I ran 1.5 miles, and on Thursday my quads were killing me when I ran 3 miles, but I'm pretty sure that was only from Tuesday (but it did surprise me just how sore they were).
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    I keep having dreams about what I am going to eat. Combining different foods together. My husband jokes about how this way of eating is all about planning. I say that he is right. I did dream around my birthday that my husband had picked up some bakery stuff and an ice cream cake and in my dream I was so let down and disappointed that he would try to sabotage my goals. LOL. Thankfully it was just a dream and he didn't do that. I actually got flowers for valentine's day and a date to a restaurant that was compliant for my birthday. I am thinking about the end of my whole 30 a lot. I want to reintroduce foods and then do this again for lent. I have found that I enjoy this way of eating and thinking about food. I fear falling into old habits if I stop, but will test the waters during the reintroduction phase.

    We have a friend who raises a pig for us. It is a small farm, they are family raised, and treated well. No hormones or antibiotics. My kids enjoy going to see them as they grow. It has been some of the best flavored meat. We would like to find someone to raise a cow for us or even buy a 1/2 cow, but it is too expensive. That's where we buy locally raised beef and I only buy from the grocery store if I have to. There is such a difference.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Well I am afraid to say I have totally lost the plot. I am paleo for the most part but keep eating the occasional non paleo item. I have been like this for a week and I can't get back on track. I am so weak and dislike myself for this very much. I am furious with myself but can't stop sabotaging myself. Why am I doing this. I need to get back on track
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    3 more days left and all I can think about is how I am going to reintroduce foods and which ones I want back. And I am sick so I just don't even have any desire for food. So thankful for bone broth. I did eat lunch and dinner though.
  • bethcongdon1
    bethcongdon1 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 30 is done. I plan to continue on this path. I love how I feel. I am in the March 2014 group if anyone is looking to extend or continue their whole 30 journey! :)