Day 8 Check in

Hello Insanity challengers

Today was day 8 - Cardio power & resistance...although I am cursing part of the way through when I get to the end I feel amazing and I need to keep reminding myself thats what I do it for...the feeling I get after not how uncomfortable I may feel during!! Oh and perhaps a little eye candy from Shaun T :)

Happy day 8 to all...Pure cardio tomorrow yaaay!!!


  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Nice work. Way to push it
  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    Great job on day 8. I just finished it and I also feel so much better after finishing and feel it was worth it. Even if I am suffering during.
  • MizMouRin
    **Wait Wait!... What!?? ..I thought today was a rest day? Are we skipping the rest? .. well, I didn't do the the workout video :-S but I did get out of the house & spent the day at the lake, if that counts for anything.. :ohwell:
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    We did it!! I did so much better than last week, but still have a ways to go to ace it!

    Rest day turned in to power house cleaning day... I think I missed my Insanity!! :)

    I did push through the whole workout, but gave out on a few of the moves... did so much better on the Power Jumps than when I started! Proud of me today! Proud of all of us!! :)

    Have a great week all!!
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    cardio power and resistance is my fav!! just finished it!
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    Hello Insanity challengers

    Today was day 8 - Cardio power & resistance...although I am cursing part of the way through when I get to the end I feel amazing and I need to keep reminding myself thats what I do it for...the feeling I get after not how uncomfortable I may feel during!! Oh and perhaps a little eye candy from Shaun T :)

    Happy day 8 to all...Pure cardio tomorrow yaaay!!!

    That's funny, I am a big fan of Tanya and Rachel.
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I think the cardio resistance is my favorite too! I really feel like I could have pushed myself harder. There were times when I took a break and thought it was more mental than physical. Like I knew I could go harder but thought I just needed it in my mind. Does that make sense? I'm going to try to be more mindful of this tomorrow
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I also find myself feeling like I could have pushed harder. Sometimes I struggle with getting up in the morning and pushing play that I don't put in the effort I should. For example, on day 8 I think I did a 7-8 (out of 10) effort. I've decided to keep myself accountable I will post on here what level of effort I think I put in. My goal will always be at a 9 or 10. I'm hoping this will keep me accountable and help me push myself harder, to dig deep and start going beyond pressing play!
  • MizMouRin
    Ok, now I'm back on track :smile:

    It took me a bit longer this morning to push play but when I did, I got into it.

    I have the same problem with poopin out on some of the moves during the workout & then feeling like I could have done better when its all said & done..

    @jade_222 *I think accountability for effort is a great idea! Just try not to Underestamate yourself .. id give myself a 7.5 for effort today. :smile:
  • fieryfjord
    Just finished with day 8 despite my legs aching. I feel refreshed and ready for bed. Good job to everyone who endured today!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Did it! OMG I'm tired. I've noticed I'm cranky after my workout... am I the only one? I started out pacing myself and on the second set I was like "...**ck it!" and pushed hard. Yeah...
  • MountainMoverJosh
    I did day 8 (2) today. First time getting back into it since the fit test. I honestly hate this is my least favorite one. Pure Cardio is better than this. I felt my stomach getting exhausted, you know that feeling when you taste bile....yeah, but I kept pushing through, kept my heart rate above 150 bpm, and made it.

    I will catch up with you guys, but I will be posting on all the other days. I have decided to sprinkle in some 2-a-days here and there to keep on keepin on. I will use rest days and Cardio Recovery days to push on, because I know I have to get done with it the first month to be back on track. I have 6 workouts to double up on, besides what I am doing for Wednesday (Plyo/Pure Cardio). That is my strategy. I decided that I do not have time to put it at the end, because I only have 66 days until Spartan in CO.

    If anyone else has any ideas, I would love to hear them. Otherwise...You go kick some Shaun T butt!