nerdy girl looking to make friends to help shift weight!


My name is Jess and I am 23. I have always struggled with my weight (and bulimia as a teenager) but I only really put alot of weight on in 2012-2013 when I started university. I shot up from around 11st13 to a massive 15st5 going from a 14 to a size 16 on top and 18/20 on my bottom half.

I decided to loss weight in Feb 2012 when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries which is a pre-diabetic condition. A few months later I was also diagnosed with Endometriosis. The key to improve the symptoms of both, and possible future side effects such as type 2 diabetes, was weight loss. I originally started using Weight Watchers online but only for the first couple of months. After that I have mainly improved my diet, cut out snacking and drinking during the week and tried to do more exercise.

In the last year I have gone down to 12st6. I have lost 42lbs which I am really proud off. I feel much better and am back to a size 14. However I really wanted to get down to around 11st6 and back to a healthy BMI. However I am struggling to loose my last stone. I have a hectic and physical job during which I work up to 14-hour shifts and am mostly on my feet and struggle to get to exercise classes anymore. I also had to leave the classes I liked attending due to personal issues with a friend who also attends so im on the look out for new classs that, as a poor student, don't cost the earth or require a membership.

I really do want to loose another stone. I just need to get back on track with my diet and exercise. I also want to get back onto using this site and need some supportive friends to help keep me on track!!!! I am lucky to have a really supportive boyfriend who lost 4st himself a few years back and now is a keen weight enthusiast at the gym but I'd like to be ale to talk to people who are going through the same thing at the moment and will able to give me advice and support

I am a huge nerd in most areas of my life - my main hobbies are cosplay, warhammer, gaming (both pc and xbox), sci-fi, reading (mostly sci-fi and fantasy), keeping rodents, swmming, manga and anime, crafty activities, going out for cocktails with my friends and adventure type activities like go-karting and go-ape :)

I like most people and will be happy to chat to anyone! :)


  • zagon_the_ultimate
    zagon_the_ultimate Posts: 115 Member
    ill be your friend! what's your dietary intake right now. being up and mobile for up to 14 hours a day should burn quite a few calories.
  • jstur14
    jstur14 Posts: 30
    Great job loosing the weight you have lost, Sometimes can be hard to get in the exercise... I know myself I have been getting up in the morning a hour early to do some exercise or else i know I will never have time to get it done the rest of the day
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a nerdy, but active, gamer.

    The closer you get to a healthy weight, the slower the weight loss goes. Have patience. Make small adjustments to your diet and exercise if you get stuck on a plateau. Really, it's consistency over the long term that works.

    And congrats on your weight loss so far!:flowerforyou:
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm a nerdy girl too! We will totally get along :)) Sending FR
  • hisaku
    hisaku Posts: 19
    Some low cost things I do is to go walking from my place to a park ~15-20 mins away and just explore either the shops or go into the park. I also recently invested a few dollars in an android podcast software (pocket cast) so I could listen to fitness podcasts while walking/driving. Audiobooks are pretty pricey to buy. If you have an apple product, apple has a free podcast app and you can subscribe to podcasts in the itunes store.

    I do more body weight excercises when not at the gym, because I realize if I'm X weight above my "normal" weight than its like I was working out wearing X weight on. So that mental image encouraged me to do more body weight things.

    Look into carb cycling, fasted training, and intermittent fasting for free ways to adjust your nutrition and get steady results that are easy to keep.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    One day I'll cosplay, but I'm not very good with arts and crafts.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Another geeky gamer girl here, feel free to add me!
  • colie3395
    colie3395 Posts: 4 Member
    feel free to add me! love anime and video games too :)
  • Congrats on the weight loss!! Feel free to add me (goes for anyone on here :) ). Always looking for friends :)
  • CaptainGeorgio
    CaptainGeorgio Posts: 18 Member
    Fellow nerdy girl here! :) will send you FR :D ^_^
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member

    I love cosplay, video games, and Marvel comics (among many other things)

    Feel free to add me...unless you're a DC fan ^_~
  • pennypuffkin
    pennypuffkin Posts: 41 Member
    Yay nerdy girls!

    I grew up gaming (had my first Sega Genesis when I was three and was playing Doom on PC by the time I was five) though I don't have as much time to play these days as I'm working full-time. I'm also super girly and love crafting, baking, and singing along with Beyoncé... when I'm not nerd raging. :D

    Add me if you'd like. :) I'll try to be super positive and helpful. :)
  • DrNerdy
    DrNerdy Posts: 168 Member
    I am extremely nerdy, into all types of games, cosplay, anime, and other nerdy things. Us nerds gotta stick together!
  • Xsadia
    Xsadia Posts: 20 Member
    Also nerdy lol will send you a FR ;)
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    No such thing as "shifting weight", but good luck and add me if you want.
  • Yabiwaz
    Yabiwaz Posts: 17 Member
    Nerdy gamer girl here! First off, WOO well done on your weight loss :) I'd love to chat with you any time. I'm a fan of games, cosplay, anime and books :D
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Where were all these nerdy girls when I was younger? :sad:
  • HardkoreGam3r
    HardkoreGam3r Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also looking for friends to help me stay motivated and to help motivate! Just a gamer chick trying to get fit. Please add me on myfitnesspal. HardkoreGam3r.
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    Ill add you :) Always looking for new MFP friends and nerdy ones are the best as they can understand my geeky game, comic and scifi references ^_^ Anyone else feel free to add me as you please :)
  • Dont know if this thread is still active but im also looking for some people to jump on my *kitten* when i cheat or about to! Ill do the same, so any feel free to add me!