Anyone trying "The Walk"?



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I have tried the Walk out and initially didn't like it. But then it occurred to me that I tried using it as Zombies, run, i.e. to listen to it/use it during a run/walk and that's not how it's meant to be used at all. Instead it's a general activity tracker you turn on in the morning and forget about it during the day and listen the entire story in the evening after you have completely unlocked it and can play all the tracks automatically in sequence. After that adjustment it turned out to be a fun app.

    So just don't try to use it as you would use Zombies, run as it just doesn't support that kind of use (no music, tracks have to be activated individually from the map if you haven't unlocked the whole mission yet etc.) and you're good to go.

    so it is like you are creating your own story by walking during the day?

    No, not at all. You just have to wait for a short story that isn't very good. There's zero interaction, it's like an audio book on a pedometer controlled dispenser.
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    so it is like you are creating your own story by walking during the day?

    No, not at all. You just have to wait for a short story that isn't very good. There's zero interaction, it's like an audio book on a pedometer controlled dispenser.

    I checked it out and purchased it. Sounds interesting. It is definitely not a workout app the way most of the folks on here are talking about. it is meant to be a pedometer with "rewards." :) You are supposed to start it and kinda forget about it and only check it so often to see your progress.

    I did also find another app galled Battlesuit Runner that I purchased (.99 cents). the story changes and lets you choose your own adventure based on running faster or slower. seemed interesting. You can level up your suit, too. haha! (hey, it was only a dollar!)
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    I keep trying THE WALK - I've started over twice. I keep having issues with it that I don't think are related to a glitch, just how the program is setup really frustrates me. I usually run so I guess that might be part of it.... lol

    I'm going to try that Battlesuit App. mentioned. I've been looking for other running games desperately since finishing ZR. I'm redoing the missions but it would be fun to have more games to play. :-)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Please report back on the Battlesuit app! Inquiring minds need to know! :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes, interaction and reward for work done.

    These are good things.
  • lizpirate
    lizpirate Posts: 92 Member
    I've been playing it for the last few weeks. It's a very different app from Zombies, Run! for sure. I walk around all day with my phone on me and have basically been using it like a pedometer, since i don't have a fit bit or anything. I do think they could improve the interactive aspect of it, and I'd really like to see an online tracker of activity over time, i.e. zombielink, but I've been enjoying it, regardless.
  • BSRjogger
    BSRjogger Posts: 8 Member
    BattleSuit Runner Fitness is amazing! It's my new go-to story running app. For just a fraction of the price of Zombies Run and The Walk, it has much better acting, is more interactive, has actual battles and other adventure game aspects, and has no bugs (that I have seen). Definitely recommended! What a thrilling adventure!
  • BSRjogger
    BSRjogger Posts: 8 Member
    Here is a video for BattleSuit Runner Fitness:
    There are free versions of the app for iOS and Android! Try before you buy!
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    I bought The Walk not long after it came out, and I'm really enjoying it. You open the app, decide whether you want to take the longer diversion (I always do, so I select them before I set off, but you can choose them later too if you haven't already passed the intersection). And then it will run in the background tracking your steps as you walk and every now and again another audio clip will be unlocked. The longer diversions unlock flyers or pieces of paper, that sort of thing, that add background to the story.

    The update has new settings which allow the audio clips to start playing automatically when they're unlocked, and some other updates and options, but my phone is having issues updating, so I can't comment on that yet.

    You can set it to track just as you're playing the episode (I'm currently on episode 13 and it's pushing two hours long with the diversions) or to track you throughout the day. I haven't noticed a significant decrease in battery life - I have to charge my phone at least once a day anyway.

    I find the story very compelling, and although I am two episodes behind on listening to what I've unlocked, that's just because I haven't had the time to gorge on the story all at once (which I like doing).

    As you walk along, if you check your phone every ten minutes or so, you will see little glowing grey squares in the surrounding countryside on the map. Clicking these mostly just brings up things like 'One Welly' or 'Ghost Walk Flyer' but, often enough to make it worth it imo, they unlock little audio clips. They aren't yet directly tying into the story but I'm beginning to see more and more where they tie in and listening to the people in them tell they're stories adds a strong sense of the grander scale of what is happening. Unfortunately, they can't be listened to after you complete the episode (unlike the main story audio clips), so just listen as you unlock the grey squares.

    The Walk isn't Zombies Run. You can't treat it as such. It is a pedometer/walking time tracker with a compelling story with likeable characters and a semi-apocalyptic setting (makes sense if you listen to it) leading to just as much heartbreak and laughter as there is in ZR.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I have tried the Walk out and initially didn't like it. But then it occurred to me that I tried using it as Zombies, run, i.e. to listen to it/use it during a run/walk and that's not how it's meant to be used at all. Instead it's a general activity tracker you turn on in the morning and forget about it during the day and listen the entire story in the evening after you have completely unlocked it and can play all the tracks automatically in sequence. After that adjustment it turned out to be a fun app.

    So just don't try to use it as you would use Zombies, run as it just doesn't support that kind of use (no music, tracks have to be activated individually from the map if you haven't unlocked the whole mission yet etc.) and you're good to go.

    Thats what I was doing wrong lol . I'll try that maybe because I too was trying to use it like ZR and getting very frustrated ... I don't like to satrt and stop and press any buttons while I am doing my work outs at all .

  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Agreed with the folks who're pointing out that The Walk is a very different app from Zombies, Run!

    The Walk is basically a gamification of Fitbit-style technology... The more active you are, the more progress you make, but it's more appropriate for general fitness / activity level encouragement than for interactive, event-driven story-line exercise. Basically you let it track your activity, check in every now & then, and progress through the app.

    It does require that you keep your phone with you and on you in order to track activity through-out the day, so that could be a deal-breaker for a lot of folks. It'll really shine with the iPhone 5S M7 chip that tracks movement separately and more efficiently than the older iPhone models' accelerometers (less battery drain, for one), but it'd be really nice if it could sync with a Fitbit for tracking.

    Pretty good write-up of The Walk here:
  • BSRjogger
    BSRjogger Posts: 8 Member
    If you want to see more story running options or share with friends who don't know what all the hype is about, check out my blog post: "5 Great Reasons to Gamify Your Workouts with a Story Running App"
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    I was using The Walk and enjoying it, but the latest update was too big for my phone. Even deleting every other app I could, I still didn't have enough space for it. I had gotten it to get back to exercising so I could move on to Zombies, Run! 5K anyway, so I went ahead and started that. I've finished the getting started mission and the first week's workout one and I'm really enjoying it :-)