Welcome :)

MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member

Thanks for all jumping on board the idea of not weighing for 30 days. I know it's going to be hard to break that daily visit, but I really think it'll be worth it in the long run! Feel free to share a bit about yourself and why you're joining in :)



  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member

    Thanks for all jumping on board the idea of not weighing for 30 days. I know it's going to be hard to break that daily visit, but I really think it'll be worth it in the long run! Feel free to share a bit about yourself and why you're joining in :)


    Thank you for starting this.

    I'm joining because this morning, once again I'd gained weight on the scale and I'm just sitting here crying and ready to give up. Never mind that I know part of it is that I'm constipated (TMI, sorry) because I had to take narcotic pain pills for my abdomen and back issues, and that I haven't been able to get more than 6 hrs of sleep for a week due to work/family, but I'm still completely frustrated by those numbers. Considering I look close to the same as I did 40 pounds ago, I was using the scale for validation since appearance won't help my ugly self :grumble: I actually was feeling a bit stronger, too...but now it's like the balloon has popped and I feel defeated.

    So I need to just not even go on a scale, so hopefully this will help give me the support to avoid obsessively walking past a scale and jumping on it. And I mean obsessively to the tune of 4-5 times a day or more.

  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm ditching the scale for a while because fluctuations are driving me nuts.
    I'm eating at a slight deficit, so my slow progress is often concealed by fluctuations. It's normal, but it's depressing and it makes me want to cheat, which leads to more fluctuations and slower progress because it's easy to negate a slight deficit. Very bad vicious cycle.

    That number still has too much power over me and it's time to take that power away ;)
  • jbeanv
    jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
    This is great! I was going to do this on my own but having a group is even better :-) Definitely needing this, have been struggling. Just going to focus on the journey for the next month :-)

    PS - Feel free to friend me anyone!
  • amyrrich96
    amyrrich96 Posts: 15 Member
    We can do this! We're all going to be glad we did by the end of the month - saves a lot of anxiety and misery.
  • kheagy
    kheagy Posts: 5 Member
    I worked out of town 3 days last week. Yesterday morning, before my cardio at the gym, I hopped on the scales. I wanted to cry. I'm tired of my day being good or bad based on that dreaded number that pops up. I'm in. NO scales for 30 days. I'll continue to log my food, water, and exercise... just no scales.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Hey! I'm doing this to break the habit of getting on the scale. I do it every morning...and it doesn't dictate my day in terms of my feelings BUT I do realize that when I get close to a certain number I self sabotage...in a sense...by being free to eat more of the junk foods I love so I want to just do what I do...lift heavy weights...and THEN see what the scale says. I'll be happy with it only moving a pound or so if I am visibly smaller though.
  • jbeanv
    jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! I'm doing this to break the habit of getting on the scale. I do it every morning...and it doesn't dictate my day in terms of my feelings BUT I do realize that when I get close to a certain number I self sabotage...in a sense...by being free to eat more of the junk foods I love so I want to just do what I do...lift heavy weights...and THEN see what the scale says. I'll be happy with it only moving a pound or so if I am visibly smaller though.

    This is exactly what I do! Glad I'm not alone...enjoy the scale free month!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I'm doing this because I have realized my whole life / happiness seems to revolve around what the scale says.
    I have a Dr Apt 3/8 that I will have to weigh at but otherwise, I will be staying off of the scale! :)
  • I've done this for nearly 3 weeks already. I don't have much weight to lose so it's coming off really slowly and weekly weigh-ins were getting me down when the scale showed no difference. I'm much less likely to lose motivation if I stay away from the scale.
  • Hi all!! 48 yr old female here that has gained 20 pounds in the last year after quitting smoking. I hate feeling "fat"! But that scale makes me crazy because I can't seem to make the number get smaller!! So since Jan 1st I have been logging calories, doing cardio 3 days a week for a minimum of 30 mins and light strenght training 2 days a week. I have NOT been on a scale since Jan 1st. Most of the weight loss challenge is mental...got to stop sabatoging myself because the number is not what I think it should be. It's not easy. I have so much to tone before I am going to see a true size difference. It's easy to want to give up. Will take whatever support I can get from you all and will try to jump in and support you too!! Feel free to add me as a friend....I have none on here :( and I will be there to help talk you out of giving up on the best thing in this world...you!! Oh...and thanks for starting this group!!
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Hi! Great to see you all in here :)

    GetDancing - Big hugs xx I know how it feels to have chronic pain, I take tablets every day for pain and have all those lovely side effects too and don't even start me on sleep! Have you taken measurements from start to now? If not maybe try taking some measurements today or tomorrow to compare to at the end of the month? I know that I have stayed the same weight since Xmas, but I think my body has still been changing as my pants are looser etc I'm due to get measurements re-done, but I'm waiting till the end of this to do them just in case I get disappointed! Hopefully putting the scales away can help you re-focus too :)

    sbarella - The constant back and forth on the scale does my head in too, it'll be nice to have a break from it for sure :)

    Hi jbean and amyrrich, kheagy, tesha, great to have you all on board!

    ifaber - I'm very much the same, and pretty much the whole reason I'm doing this is that I am self sabotaging because of a number that is a wall in my head. I know once I'm past it I will just keep on going with just a few small hiccups along the way no doubt, but there's no other major roadblock in the way and I need to stop fighting this one. I'm not expecting to lose a load of weight by the end of the month, but if I can get 30 days and have a good result then I might find the motivation to do it all over again!

    LittleMiss and Maybe2 - it's very motivating to hear that you have both had success at this so far! Helps me to feel that I can do it too and that it's not the end of the world.

    Was today the last day for everyone? I didn't weigh this morning and every time I went to the bathroom today was hard to resist, I think putting them where I cant see them will make it a lot easier. I also got back to the gym yesterday, and started a quick 3 day clean eating/juice cleanse to give me a bit of a kickstart in the right direction. It's not low calorie so I'm not starving and so far I'm feeling pretty good and happy to continue tomorrow, it's all motivation building for me at the moment as well to try and get my head back in the game and focus on how I feel, what I eat and how much I move instead of the possible numbers.

    I also made up a little spreadsheet that I stuck on my wall near my bed to mark off each day of avoiding the scales, bit dorky LOL but I figure the more days I have crossed off and can actually 'see' it the better chance I have of success :)

    Anyway feel free to start new posts about anything at all, doesn't have to be just about no scales, if you're having trouble or need a boost then we can all support each other along the way :)
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    My last day was yesterday and I won't even look at the scale until April 1st... A bit more than 30 days but it can't hurt for sure!

    If it works, it's never dorky :D
  • ooh this is going to be so challenging for me, but I love it. I'm gonna do it. I let that number have wayyy too much impact on my moods and eating habits, etc.
  • morefit_bec
    morefit_bec Posts: 20 Member
    I'll join. I'm 21 and only have about 20 or so pounds that I want to lose, so it isn't coming off as quickly and it'll only slow down as I get closer to my goal. I accidentally got in the habit of weighing myself daily so I need to break the habit now before I let that number mean more to me than overall health which is my real goal.