SOS shout out Sundays

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
so game how's it going? What new things did you do this week that made it a success? Did you have any mishaps that you learn from? Share your thoughts so we all can learn from each other. No judgement!

For me I learned to except I'm not a morning person I really hate getting up early to exercise but I can do it if I have a goal in mind I went with my girlfriend to a spin class. But I do prefer exercising later in the day. I do the line that I have to be focused otherwise I won't exercise I have to do my yoga to make sure I'm flexible so I can do my other exercises also I learned how extremely weak my downloads are this is week 2 starting to do abdominal work and I feel it.


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I learned that getting older is getting expensive! This past week I had two doctor appointments at $40 each (so $80 in one day since they were on the same day), Got two prescriptions that are Tier 1 meds so I have to pay the highest copays on them ($35 each, one of them I got on the same day as the doc visits, the other on the same day I bought some claratin) and at the recommendation of the gym owner, to help my knee problem, I bit the bullet (and probably needed one to bite while I had it done) and got a deep tissue massage.... he was right, I needed that one, my IT band is so knotted up, it's no wonder I'm having knee problems.... and I still have the muscle bruises two days later (it literally hurts to have my clothes brush against these spots), but hopefully when the bruising goes away, my knee will feel better
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I learned even though I have been exercising - I have not been hard core enough. My body composition has even changed because of the slack - denying this serves no purpose. I have been fighting all winter to keep my head above water & keep at the healthy things. This cold, snow, and LONG LONG cold snap is beating me. Depression is hard enough to fight but now I feel this defeat in my body too.
    The huge thing for me is that even though I have a sit/stand desk at work & my bathroom set up to work out during the day - I have totally lacked any positive thoughts to make me move during the day!!!!! I can not make any sense of it.....I get here and its hard to get out