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Introduce yourself

I'm rachel, 30 years old from Bristol UK.

My goals are to maintain weight for first 5 months, then gain minimally. This is because I have started off overweight.

My preferred exercise in fitter days were Pilates, weight lifting and programmes like Chalene Xtreme.
Now I'm pregnant I *plan* to do some pilates, some strength training with bands, and some dancing via dance central games...

Looking forward to meeting new people


  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather. I'm 31 years old and this is my second pregnancy. First trimester has been rough, still not completely over the nausea, so my eating hasn't been great. I'm trying to now start eating better and keep my weight gain overall at less than 30 pounds. My first pregnancy was easy but this one has been totally different so far. I've only been doing a bit of light walking so far as far as exercise but plan on continuing to try to stay active throughout the pregnancy.
  • HI Heather, hopefully the 2nd trimester bloom will ease its way in shortly *hugs*.

    I also hope more people will join this group ha. Feel like the pressure is on. Right, well I'm off to work, had my toast and boiled eggs, let's hope it's enough to last til lunch as my appetite is back with a vengeance right now.

    Have a great day xxx
  • Hello girls I'm Jo I'm 27 from Wales I'm on my second pregnancy first trimester left me completely wiped ,
    I'm a duty manager at Dw sports , I'm also a PT and I'm doing my GP exercise referral course ATM (really hope I finish it before baby comes lol)
    I normally train 6 days a week , I love Insanity , I take my dog running and I love weight/ strength training .i love anything high intense .
    My fitness level has dropped but I'm trying my best to do what I can I'm only training 3 days a week ATM
    My nutrition i eat is very Paleo but the last month I've gone way off course and put on a bit of weight so glad u made this group as I'm on track making ad planning meals again xxx
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    Hey! I'm Bree, I'm 24 years old, living in Atlanta, GA. This is baby number 2 for my husband and I. We have a 5 1/2 year old daughter who is ecstatic to know she is going to be a big sister! We have been trying to have another for a while now and I was happy and terrified at the same time when we found out we were pregnant again with this little one. This is going to work out this time and I can stop holding my breath and worrying so much. I'm super excited and can wait for my next appointment.
    So far its been an easy pregnancy, slight nausea (thank goodness) and the fatigue has worn off at this stage. I gained 45 lbs with my daughter, I NEED TO KEEP THE WEIGHT GAIN AT A MINIUM this time. So far I've gained 7 lbs :( and since I also started off overweight I'm back to logging to stay on track. I love the site! Its helped me lose 50lbs before, Its a great tool!
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    Hello! My name is Sara. My husband and I are expecting baby number 2 in late August. I have a six year old girl who is very excited. I was about 12 pounds away from my goal weight when I found out I was expecting. I am in a lot better shape this time around, and I feel pretty good so far (aside from some nausea and general tiredness).

    I am definitely trying to keep my weight gain to a minimum (15-30 pounds). So far I've been able to keep up with my regular exercise routine, and I still fit into all my pre-pregnancy clothing. With my first pregnancy, I was already in maternity clothes, and I didn't really do much in the way of exercise, so I think I am off to a good start this time.

    It's great to meet other expectant moms! I wish each of you a very happy and healthy pregnancy. :)
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member

    I am 23 yrs, 5'3 and this is my First baby
    Pre Preg weight: 168
    16 weeks: 180

    I feel like I am so flabby and cheeky. My back has been killing me these first couple months so I have been in no mood to work out! (and I have an elliptical at home) I have been making poor food choices I guess. A lot of eating out is probably not helping. I don't even look pregnant yet i just look fat :( I'm only supposed to gain 15-20 pounds for the pregnancy. Can anyone recommend a certain diet I can do, tips, or just a buddy that is on the same page as me is appreciated :)
  • acpeters07
    acpeters07 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I'm Alli and I'm in Minneapolis, MN!

    This is my second, due August 3rd. My daughter is 6years old and very excited to be a big sister! So far this has been a very easy pregnancy for me. We didn't really confirm the pregnancy until recently. I had taken several at home tests all showing negative, so I kinda gave up for awhile. Then right before a trip to Vegas I thought it would be good to do another (I suspected for quite awhile, but never got confirm) and got my positive! Did an ultrasound to see how far along I was and came up with 13 weeks! No morning sickness or anything, it's like I just breezed by my first tri without noticing!

    Just before the positive I had just started seeing weightloss. I'm about 15lbs down from my highest... was hoping to start better than my last pregnancy, but it is what it is :) I haven't been diligent with calorie tracking or exercise, and I'm actually down about 5lbs from my pregnancy start weight. I'd like to do light exercises but haven't planned anything yet.

    Thanks for starting a group, I love hearing about everyone's experiences!
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    Hello everyone! I am due with our first on August 18th. Before I found out I was pregnant I lost about 28lbs. I'm trying not to gain more than that back, but I'm having a hard time keeping my weight steady. Mostly because I'm inconsistently logging and eating foods I know aren't doing anything good for me or the baby (ie Taco Bell!) trying to get back on track though!
    Hoping to find out what I'm having in about five more weeks. So excited! Add me if you would like :)
  • DorfsSunshine
    DorfsSunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 29 and I'm due with our first Aug 27th. So far I haven't really gained any weight but all my pants are starting to feel tight. :cry: Since, I'm already overweight (only 5'1" and 157 lbs) I really want to keep my weight gain to a minimum. I haven't been the most athletic person in the last few years where I have been very sporadic with workouts so my goal is to find some sort of schedule I won't be able to weasel my way out of. I'm thinking lots of DVDs to keep me interested.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hello, My name is Sarah this is my 3rd. I'm due august 11th. I feel like i've put on a lot in the last few months. other than i did go on a ice cream splurge for a few days i have been eating really well. I need to motivate myself to exercise more. I used to workout quite often but when the 1st trimester hit i just would sleep. I currently exercise 3x a week but would like to do more. I'm really looking forward to the warmer weather to come. I'm a outside girl
  • JillMarie529
    JillMarie529 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello...I'm due August 17 with #2. I have a 10 month old as well. I'm very dedicated and disciplined to my gym routine going 6 days a week and doing cardio (spinning, sprints, elliptical, stepmill) and weight training. This is something I've been doing for years and did throughout my first pregnancy so the doctor has given me the OK. As for my eating, I'd say I'm a 60% good 40% bad. I'm hoping to stick to no more than a 30lb weight gain this time around. My weaknesses are (and always have been) sweets....especially at night time. Any ideas for healthy, sweet snacks would be great!
  • kirssienbre
    kirssienbre Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone !!!! I'm due Aug. 28th with my third child. I have two girls right now one is 9 years old the other is 17months old. I told my husband that this will be the last one for me I believe three kids is plenty. I know he wants more but he doesn't carry them lol. My first pregnancy was wonderful I loved it. But my second I was way over weight with, and I developed GD, plus never got rid of the nausea and had round ligament issues along with back problems and when she was born she was 10lbs 2oz. A BIG GIRL lol. This time around things have been ok, I'm still very much over weight and had lost 50 lbs last year but I ended up putting it back on. I was on a weight lose regiment that really did not teach me how to maintain the weight loss and slowly but surly I woke up one day and my clothes didn't fit anymore and I was a wreck again. Then shortly after that I found out we were pregnant again. SO this time I'm back in the game and going to teach myself how to eat correctly so I do not gain the weight back. Plus I figure the slower I lose the weight, the better. I lost the 50lbs in three months before, not sure that was the best way. But this time I will make a life style change I can actually live with instead of depriving myself of the foods I love, I will incorporate them into my daily plans so that I can really lose weight and keep it off for good.
  • JarryIvette
    JarryIvette Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Ladies!! My name is Jarry 29 recently moved to Ohio and found out I'm expecting (first time mommy) I'm super nervous, tired and hungry ALL the time!!! :laugh:

    With all these changes I'm trying to get myself back on track. Before I got pregnant I had loss 63lbs and so far I have gained 4lbs, thank God I haven't gotten any morning sickness or anything except constantly craving crazy things lol I'm here looking to talk, support and receive any advice or tips on how to push yourself when you feel sooooo tired!!! lol feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • Hello there! I'm Melissa, just turned 33 and pregnant with our second. My little girl is 2 1/2 and tons of fun. I've been over the 200 mark for 5 years and I've tried things and gave up. I found out I have PCOS in 2010 and had a hard time getting pregnant. I was healthy with my last pregnancy and had a 6 lb healthy baby girl and only gained 15 lbs during that pregnancy. I weigh about the same this time and so far it's been a rough pregnancy. Nausea, heartburn, sciatic pain and migraines. I just recently started a meal plan suggested by a friend and I've lost 5 of the 10 lbs I've gained so far. I know its going to be hard to lose or maintain, but I'm still getting at least 2000 calories a day (the healthy way!). I go in for my GD test in 3 weeks and I'm hoping I dont get a positive this time. I could really use some encouragement because my other 5 friends that are pregnant right now are all smaller women and I feel like I stick out. I'm trying to stay positive. I haven't been able to work out or even go walking because of the sciatic pain : ( so I'm seeing a chiropractor for help and hope to be able to start walking soon. It's nice to meet you all : )
  • lisa84usa
    lisa84usa Posts: 10
    Hi! I'm Lisa and have a little girl due in August. She is my first child and I'm so excited! Apparently she is too because she's kicking up a storm right now! But she does that if I eat a lot and then sit back for a while. Anyway, I joined MyFitnessPal because my doctor told me at the last checkup that she wanted me to keep a food diary. I had gained too much weight.

    I started off good, gaining 10 pounds between months 0 - 5. Then, bam, in my 5th month I gained 9 pounds in one month. I had been pigging out and trying to gain weight, worried I wasn't getting enough nutrients for the baby. That backfired and I'm now trying to only eat healthy food and maintain my weight for the next month.

    I started the pregnancy in the healthy weight range, though a little more than what is normal for me. The only exercise I'm not scared to do during the pregnancy is walking, and I'm trying to walk more often since my last checkup. I have a treadmill and am enjoying walking on it while watching online shows- since its much too hot here in Los Angeles to walk outside- unless I get up early but I'm not motivated enough to do that. Good luck to us all and our healthy babies!
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm Katie and I'm 26 years old! I'm 27w/2d and I am due August 18th, expecting our first baby, a sweet girl! I've been trying really hard to stay active - exercising roughly 5, maybe 6 days a week and trying to eat healthy. My last appointment was at 24 weeks and I had gained around 11 pounds overall (starting weight: 113lbs, 24w: 123.6lbs). I have my next appointment a week from tomorrow. So far, it's been a really good pregnancy. Here lately I've been experiencing major hip/groin/pelvic pain and pressure when I run, so I had to cut back to the elliptical, group cycle class, and easy weight training. So excited to meet our girl this August!