


  • sarasharp1
    sarasharp1 Posts: 8 Member
    How is everyone doing this week on t25? Completed day 3. I hate Burpees and planks. Can't do them AT ALL. :(
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hello, my name is Kim, I am a Child of the One True King! Everything else is….stats. I am 43, I have had Degenerative Disc Disease for 24 years with a lumbar laminectomy in 2011. I've been married to my husband for 17 years; I have had 2 children, I treasure my 33 year old step-son (he calls me Mom and we still enjoy messing with peoples minds with that one!) and have 3 step-daughters. I own a small injection molding company and my gym is in that building.

    I adore lifting weights but after a move and the ups and downs of my DDD I had been out of it for 10 years. My journey back to the gym began with a blast from my past. A workout partner from the '80s contacted me on fb. That combined with losing 10 pounds over the 2012/13 winter, seeing some definition in my abs for the first time in YEARS! and my Dr. telling me that my body fat was at a level most women would kill for; made my dust off my weight bench and begin again. I also promised myself to be in the best shape of my life by 12-31-13.

    Things were progressing beautifully until Sept. My workout partner bailed on me in late Aug, my step-son was arrested (still in jail), we had a 40% drop in our family income all related to my work, and my seasonal pain began plaguing me. I was at a point where I couldn't lift weights - mentally or physically. I did force myself to do a 30 day abs challenge with a wonderful BeachBody Coach. At the end of the challenge she invited me to do a 10 week T25 challenge. While I couldn't afford the program through her, I found the routines on youtube, in my fifth week of alpha all the videos were pulled from youtube (yep, I know... piracy is wrong) so like any addict I found it on Craiglist, drove 140 miles roundtrip to buy it and got my workout in that night!

    Yesterday, I finished my first week of Beta and I am planning on buying Gamma as a Christmas present to me - through my BeachBody coach if I cannot find it on Craiglist!

    My health goals - I WANT a 6-pack by 12-31-13! I am sooooooooo close! I am thrilled with my current weight, even more thrilled with the size in jeans I am wearing. While I know I will be in the best shape of my life end of year, I still have a lot of work to do to get my thighs into the shape I desire. In 2014 I will build a Salmon Ladder and successfully use it! I will exercise every day this winter season regardless of my pain level!!!! I did take before pics and weekly pics; I will post them and my 12-31-13 pics on my page.

    T25 is the first DVD workout program I have ever stayed with for 6 weeks!! Finding this group has been like a shot of energy! I am so grateful for the updates each one of you posts, thank you!!! Let's get stronger and achieve our goals together with T25.
  • clarigate
    1. Introduce Yourself
    Hi, My name is Clarissa and I am a nurse, wife, and mother of a 2 year old. My hubby and I start T25 today Nov 25th!

    2. What do you wish to accomplish
    I'd like to lose some weight and fit back into my wedding gown (which has been my goal for last 7 years and I have gotten close at times but have yet to succeed!) Approx 35 pounds to lose!

    3. WHY are you looking to make this change in your life?
    After I had my baby I lost all the weight and some before returning to work (almost a year here and when I sleep on a regular schedule it seems to just fall off) but since going back with all the flipping back and forth from days to nights I don't eat properly and I have chronic sleep issues. I want to take my life back and love it and myself again!
  • srosek217
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Serena, I'm 29, I work a full 40 hours and come home to wonderful husband and two yellow lab dogs. My husband and I have been together for 10 years this coming April and have been married for 5. He's a huge inspiration to me for everything in life. Together in the past 2 years have collectively gained 64 lbs. We've had a lot of up's and down's trying to start our own little family and have resorted to lazyness, in what we eat and do!

    I myself want to lose not only the 26 lbs I put on, but an additional 18 lbs. WHEN I do this, I will put myself SMACK in the middle of a BMI calculated healthy weight. I'm considered overweight now and have only visited the healthy side for a period of time. I'm looking to LIVE there!

    We both are looking to accomplish a healthier body. Our families have medical problems we're hoping to stop with us, well as much as possible. Secondly we'd both like to just feel the confidence we used to have prior to the 64 lbs. My goal is to use T25 to get us both there!

    I'm also hoping this group will help keep me honest and motivated to get through it!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Lesley. I'm going to be 28 tomorrow (11/26) and I work 2 part time jobs and go to school full time. I got married last year and we have 1 dog. No kids yet, but we are planning to starting trying within the next year.

    I have been on a weight loss journey for close to 3 years now. I started in Feb. 2011 weighing 275 lbs. At one point this summer I had gotten down to 205, but after a HUGE job change (1 full time job with 20 hours a week just commuting to 2 part time jobs and barely any commuting) and losing my Aunt/Godmother to cancer, I've put back on 20 lbs.
    Today is my 2nd time starting Focus T25. I started it back in July and made it through 4 weeks before my Aunt got sick and I haven't been able to get back on track ever since.
    My main goals for wanting to lose weight are as follows:
    1) for ME. I want to be healthy and I want to be the best version of me that I can be.
    2) Diabetes and Cancer are very prevalent in my family. If I focus on losing weight and getting healthy, I may be able to delay the on set of both diseases. There is also a chance that I could never get either as well.
    3) For my future children. I want to be healthy so that way I can teach them about leading a healthy lifestyle. I also want to be in shape so I can keep up with them. I want to be the mom that's outside playing with her kids and not sitting in a chair watching them play.
  • vatalicious
    vatalicious Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Oliva. I'm 29 yrs old, married, my kids are my 2 pitbulls and 2 birds :smile:

    I started changing my lifestyle a little less than 5 months ago and have lost about 20 pounds. It would have 23 lbs if it weren't for thanksgiving! Lots of cheating going on. My current goal is to drop down to 135lbs by 12/31/13. Last weight in I was 142 and I believe that 7 lbs is doable if I stay focused. My long term goal is to keep a healthy lifestyle.

    I want to go into my 30's being the strongest and healthiest me there can be. I want to feel balanced and in control of what my future can be.

    I just completed Alpha Cardio 1 today and I feel good. Wish me luck! :happy:
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Sheldon. I am 47 years young. I have a girlfriend with whom I've started on this T25 journey with. I am an IT professional while proudly serving my country in the military for over 23 years.

    This is not necessarily a lifestyle change for us. We are both pretty active. We picked up a copy of T25 because we are fans of the Beachbody products. My girlfriend will tell you that she works out because she likes to look good but I do it to fight off father time and hopefully extend my life so that I can have more time with her.

    We are in week 2, day 4 of Alpha and we are loving the workouts.

    Anyone interested in adding me to share ideas or for some needed support, feel free.
  • ScottishBloke
    43 year old Scottish man here. I just started the programme today after always being tempted by Insanity, but knowing it'd be impossible for me while I'm 3 stones overweight.

    Have lost 2 stones over the past 2 years through eating better and light exercise such as yoga, but really want to feel much fitter and healthier, and hope T25 will help get me there.

    First session was tough, but the most doable exercise I've ever tried. I finished it feeling that this is something that I could actually complete.
  • lezerlies
    lezerlies Posts: 39 Member
    I'm Lezlie, I'm 36 and have a 2 year old, trying for another. I gained 70 lbs with my pregnancy and lost it all doing Insanity. Then I went back to work, stopped exercising and started eating lunch out every day again, slowly packing 10 pounds of it back on. I'm small framed so 10 pounds is VERY noticable on me. Working full time, I don't have an hour a day to devote to exercise like I did when I was on maternity leave, so T25 it is!

    I want this change because I feel my best when I'm exercising regularly and holding myself accountable for what I eat. I'm now in my second week of Beta and although I haven't lost as much weight as I'd hoped, I'm down a pants size and most importantly, I FEEL better. There's nothing quite like getting to work early in the morning and already having my exercise for the day done.
  • leahhmarie1703
    leahhmarie1703 Posts: 3 Member
    Is this group still going!? Im on week 3 day 2 and down 6 pounds!
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Is this group still going!? Im on week 3 day 2 and down 6 pounds!

    I hope it's still going because I am!

    Beta W3D4.....mixing Insanity in for 3 days a week.
  • j3ni_bee
    j3ni_bee Posts: 4
    Hi I'm Jennifer. A 27 year old air force wife and mom to 2 beautiful kids. A 7 year old princess and a 5 year old super hero. :D I am a photographer, doula and also indulge my Scentsy obsession by selling it. ;)

    By doing T25 I hope to slim down, firm up, drop pounds and gain more energy. The "I just had a baby" excuse can't fly anymore.

    I started Alpha on Thursday and i am loving it :D