
kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
Hey everyone! So let's start the group out by introducing ourselves and saying what beachbody program we are currently doing. My name is Kelly and I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid and drinking shakeology along with it :)


  • expatpam
    My name is Pam and I really would like to get into shape. I've really never had a problem with my weight, my goal is to tone up. I've got so many programs in front of me right now I don't know where to begin. I'm looking at Jamie Eason's "LiveFit", a 12 week program with Muscle & Fitness Hers and a program on Simply Shredded. I don't think at 50 years of age I'll be able to obtain a sculpted body but would like to see how far I can get.
    I've been wheat free/processed food free for a year and lean towards a primal diet. I set up my account on My Fitness Pal just a week ago and am tracking my macros. Interesting.
  • streatch84
    streatch84 Posts: 4 Member
    I am currently working through the insanity program, just started following the nutrition guide. After I complete insanity around April I will begin doing hip hop abs. I also incorporate going to zumba every Sunday at the gym (cause I love it & its fun), in with my insanity.
  • roguem1
    roguem1 Posts: 15 Member

    I currently do Turbo Jam and Slim in 6 DVDs. I have Zumba and Hip Hop Abs and want to start incorporating them into my fitness routine. I want to lose 25 lbs and would love to have a exercise buddy to keep me honest! :)
  • JennyGOL87
    JennyGOL87 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently doing P90X. I am on day 58 and so far have only lost 1 pound :(
    I've definitely noticed that I am more muscular and more flexible, but my goal is to lose 17-18 pounds, so a little discouraging. I haven't been following the nutrition plan that comes with P90X but eating healthier than before. Decided to start logging my food on here to see what the problem could be.
    I also have Hip Hop Abs that I did years ago.
  • emartin74
    emartin74 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Erica and I've been doing P90x for I'm not sure how long now...probably over a year? LOL. I love the results I've gotten, I'm down to the lowest weight I've been at since I was a teenager, and I probably look better now than i did when I was a teenager (I'm 2 months away from turning 40). I love P90x, but I have to confess I'm getting a little bored with it. Trying to convince my husband to take me up to our apartment complex office so I can sign whatever I need to sign to use our complex's gym once a week, even if I just ride on the exercise bike for half an hour.

    Anyway, looking forward to meeting all of you and getting to know you.

  • Geier42013
    Geier42013 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, Im Angela and I will be starting the P90X program in April. I just had surgery on my arm to remove plates and bolts from a car accident a few years ago in Dec and you have to wait 3 months before intense workouts. So I have changed my eating habits to what I will be allowed to eat on that program already. I can do some tapes, but not all yet. I have been a "thick" girl all my life. But then there came a point I was no longer just "thick" and fit, to just being fat. They say people that are anorexic, look in the mirror and see someone bigger, my problem was I looked in the mirror and still saw that fit girl, even when the scale went past 200 lbs. I took my goggles off and here I am. My sister gave me her whole p90X program, she had great results. And if she can do it so can I.
  • emartin74
    emartin74 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck with P90x Angela, it is a tough workout in the beginning, but if you keep at it you'll notice that you get stronger over time.
