MACROS! In need of some tips please! (:


I've started IIFYM today, and my macros are 181gP/181C/40gF on a 40/40/20 split, was wondering if this sounds right?

I'm cutting and want to get as much use out of this as poss, and was wanting to know some tips on how to hit your macros, expesh when it comes to protein! & Is it worth me getting a protein powder to make shakes and incorp in my food as I dont think i'll be able to hit my P macro by eating so much protein

Also any meals ideas to help hit as much as poss, I'm super new to this and did all my research and worked it all out yesterday

Please help! Any tips would be much appreciated :smile:


  • cd0326
    Between egg whites, NF greek yogurt and cottage cheese, a Quest bar, and some kind of fish or other lean protein for my meals daily, I usually hit my protein macros pretty easily. There's lots of ways to work all those things into your diet. My protein macros are lower than yours though, only 119. If you find you're not meeting them, then protein powder would be helpful!