What I have Learned in 5 Months

1) Apparantly the quality of clothing in this country is not as poor as I had thought. Remarkably I have not lost one button, shredded the crotch of a pair of pants or blew out weak seems in my underwear in quite a while.

2) The seats on the train are actually sized well and two people can sit together without rubbing *kitten*.

3) Leaning forward to avoid having the front of your shirt pull out of your pants may contribute to back pain.

4) 4,000 calories at lunch really was too much.

5) Zippers go all the way up!

6) It's true what they say about weight loss and proportions....

And most importantly = It wasn't too late to start!!!!!


  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Way to take control of your life! For sure not to late...it is NEVER too late!

  • Syndigutez5
    Syndigutez5 Posts: 35 Member
    Strong work! Congratulations!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Great list sir.

    May I add to this, while underwear isn't blowing out any more, I'm going through way to many socks and shoes now. I used to be able to wear shoes for at least 6 months, until they broke down under my weight. Now I wear them out through actually walking. I had socks for years, possibly decades. I recently had to replace them because they wouldn't stay pulled up any longer, the new ones are getting holes in the toe faster than I thought possible.

    The seatbelts on airplanes aren't really inadequate.

    Crowds are no longer necessary to avoid. One can get through them without forcing people to spill drinks on themselves.

    It is not necessary to use Taxi's when in Washington, DC. Everything is closer than you think (thought.)

    Disneyland really CAN be a fun place to be.

    Hiking is just as fun as I remembered it being.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    1) Apparantly the quality of clothing in this country is not as poor as I had thought. Remarkably I have not lost one button, shredded the crotch of a pair of pants or blew out weak seems in my underwear in quite a while.

    2) The seats on the train are actually sized well and two people can sit together without rubbing *kitten*.

    3) Leaning forward to avoid having the front of your shirt pull out of your pants may contribute to back pain.

    4) 4,000 calories at lunch really was too much.

    5) Zippers go all the way up!

    6) It's true what they say about weight loss and proportions....

    And most importantly = It wasn't too late to start!!!!!

    So true, turns out you only get 3 handfuls of nonprocessed food a day to maintain your BMI if you don't exercise-not 3 serving bowls of food a day.

    I weighed the same as 2.5 people because I was eating 2.5 peoples' calories.
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    You say your not to old, but at 51 still can have this done?

    Mangopickle you are so funny with your list but I can relate so much with the clothing issues.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    Thank you for that very funny post - it made my day. Congratulations on your weight loss and sense of humor.
  • 51 is a great age to have a new start your still young and have a lot left for you!
  • I love all the things listed. I got my surgery date today: April 28th! I look forward to being able to ride a roller coaster and not wonder if the seats are big enough. I look forward to flying on a plane again without wondering if the seat belt will buckle. I look forward to being able to cross my legs. I look forward to so many things.

    Any "yay, you"s are appreciated!

  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    Haha! Love the list! Awesome!

  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    You say your not to old, but at 51 still can have this done?

    Mangopickle you are so funny with your list but I can relate so much with the clothing issues.

    @2Mouse: Is there really a big difference between 46 and 51? As long as your breathing it's not too late!! Most of the "sleever's" I come accross all wish this procedure would have been available years ago. The Dr's who invented it have a special room in Heaven waiting for them!
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    You say your not to old, but at 51 still can have this done?

    Mangopickle you are so funny with your list but I can relate so much with the clothing issues.

    @2Mouse: Is there really a big difference between 46 and 51? As long as your breathing it's not too late!! Most of the "sleever's" I come accross all wish this procedure would have been available years ago. The Dr's who invented it have a special room in Heaven waiting for them!

    Thank you for the support. I just would have thought there is a age limit on this type of surgery and it stopped at 50. I am very hard on myself.
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    51 is a great age to have a new start your still young and have a lot left for you!

    thank you, you ahd dhronnel has made my day so special today.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I turned 50 a month after my surgery, and there are people in my support group in their 50s who have had or are about to have surgery. It's never too late to get healthy!
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    You guys are so right! I should not be thinking I am too old for this and start thinking get my act on right the healthy way.
  • Great list! I agree, 50's are not too late. I am 54, recently sleeved, and plan on enjoying many years to come in my thinner more comfortable healthier body!
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I've seen people well into their 60's get it when I've gone to support groups.

    Great list!! I'm anxiously waiting to be able to make my own list. St. Patrick's Day will be the first day of the rest of my life, I'm so excited!
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    hi - I am older than you and have decided I have the rest of my life to enjoy it - whatever that may be. so basically I am healthy except for the weight. my psych dr. thought I was 10 years younger than the printed age on my forms - then proceeded to tell me I will look even younger than that with the surgery.

    my life goal is to be healthy - and that's what I plan on doing.
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    Well I seen my doctor yesterday and he said it is time to remove the band. So now I have started the process to have my band removed and the sleeve in its place. Looking at maybe in three months from now instead of the normal 6 months waiting period. I have been doing follow ups so my waiting period is over. Yeppy. I am little scare but excited too. Just hopes this works out for me.
  • reisu
    reisu Posts: 16
    I needed to see this post, badly.

    I'm at that "OMG what did I DO TO MYSELF" stage, about 1 month post-op. Last night, I couldn't see the forest through the trees, and even this morning I was on the verge of a meltdown.

    I needed some levity, and to see something positive out of it. Your post gave me that.

    Thank you for your inspirational (and humourous!) post.
  • Patty2point0
    Patty2point0 Posts: 41 Member
    LOl Thanks of this post!