Weigh in 24/02/2014

Well seems pretty quiet so thought I would post

Start weight 131.5
Feb 24 -130.5

Kinda annoyed at my scale today. I've been consistantly down at 128/129 and of course have a jump today lol, oh well even wih a jump is still a loss. Gonna keep working at it, have another lovely two weeks everybody!


  • MissSethra
    MissSethra Posts: 16 Member
    Start weight: 162
    Weigh In #2: 159

    A little surprised I actually had a loss, haven't been exercising like I should. My back is finally feeling like I can work it a bit and just got an elliptical trainer and set up an area to do that and some weight lifting. Will see what that does to me over the next two weeks lol.
  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    Start Weight: 2/4-219.2
    Weigh In#1: 215.6
    Weigh In#2: 215.2
    Weigh In#3:
    Weigh In#4:

    Scale has been really up and down. I am going to up my exercise this week to at least 5 miles 4 days a week. I am hoping for a much better loss in two weeks.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    SW 196.2

    CW 199.2:sad:

    I could hardly believe it when I got on the scale. I don't feel I did anything to merit a 3 lb gain, just hoping for better results next weigh-in.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    SW 185
    Week #3: 180
    Loss last week: 3 lb
    Total loss for challenge: 5 lb
    Goal loss for challenge: 30 lb

    Sometimes I work hard at it and lose nearly nothing - it is frustrating
    Last week I thought I was not so good, but it worked!
    I am going to try and remember this week when things don't go so well!
  • CupcakeGangsta
    CupcakeGangsta Posts: 18 Member
    Start weight:145lbs 2/10/14

    Weigh 1: 141lbs 2/24/14

    I am seeing on some other people's posts they already are on their third weigh in. I thought the first weigh in wasn't until 2 weeks after the initial starting weight. I think this challenge is for bi-weekly weighing and not weekly weigh-ins. But if you feel confused ask Laura who started this challenge...she is the first post under the Introduce Yourself weigh in thread..
  • 4wheelinchick
    4wheelinchick Posts: 45 Member
    Start Weight: 239.6
    Weigh In#1: 237.8
    Weigh In#2:
    Weigh In#3:
    Weigh In#4:

    I lost almost 2 lbs. Not great, but I'll take it!!! :-) Went out with some friends one night and some days I didn't eat the best that I should. My goal by weigh in 2 is to lose 3 more lbs. :-) And by the end of this challenge to be under 230. I can't remember if that was my original goal or not, but I think it's very attainable!! Another goal for the next two weeks is to be under calorie goal every day.

    One step at a time and we will all make our goals!!! Good luck to all of you'uns the next couple of weeks!!!!! :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    Looks like the group creator has deactivated their account so we will have to moderate ourselves lol. To everyone who had a loss way to go keep up the hard work, to those who didn't keep up the hard work and your results will come!! :smile:

    Here's to hoping some more of our members sign in and weigh in as well:flowerforyou:

    Come on people, lets get fit for spring, I for one can't wait for no more snow!! :wink:
  • sarahondel
    Beginning Weight: 192 (I signed in to the challenge a few days before it started and this was my weight then)
    Weigh In #1 190.6 (This was my actual beginning weight on the first day of the challenge)
    Weigh in #2 185.4 (This is really my first of the bi-weekly weigh ins...not too confusing, I hope? :D )
    Weigh In #3
    Weigh in #4
    I will share what my friend's doctor and trainer told her, losing weight has to be from at least 80% diet habit and 20% exercise. His suggestion, and what I have been doing: Eat 5 meals a day (3 meals, 2 snacks) and 2-3 hrs. between each eating time. 20g of lean protein, a glass of water, and 2 cups of veggies with each meal is a minimum to feel full. Exercise at least 30 minutes 3x a week. I have been walking 40 minutes at least 5x a week outside. This has always worked for me to lose pregnancy weight. I have two daughters, six years apart. With my first pregnancy, I weighed 208 at my heaviest. With my second pregnancy, I weighed 180 at my heaviest. After each pregnancy, I counted calories and walked and I lost the weight. But, each of those times, I wasn't eating very well even with losing the weight by counting calories. I had a lot of "empty" calories that I was consuming. I have learned that eating lean protein and 2 cups of veggies is very fulfilling. I have been doing this for six and a half weeks. I didn't start myfitnesspal until I had already lost my first ten pounds. I am beginning to feel great! So far, I have lost 17.5 lbs and I have dropped one dress size. I would encourage anyone to try this eating plan! Here is an example of one of my meals...Walmart canned chicken (small can), drained; 1 tbl light mayo, 1 qtr package of low sodium taco seasoning. Stir all together. Add 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese and 1 tbl salsa. Put on top of 2 cups romaine lettuce and enjoy! The cottage cheese works as a great sour cream replacement and it has lots of protein. If you eat too much protein, it's ok; it is like eating too many vitamins, your body gets "rid" of it! Best wishes, everyone, on your journeys!
  • bnprice1
    bnprice1 Posts: 8 Member
    Start Weight: 319.2
    Weigh In#1: 317.7
    Weigh In#2:
    Weigh In#3:
    Weigh In#4:
  • valmc511
    valmc511 Posts: 22 Member
    Start Weight: 172
    Weigh In#1:169.2
    Weigh In#2:
    Weigh In#3:
    Had a really bad couple of days the first week, so got my act together this past week an was very focused. Doing a moderate low carb plan (no more than 100 carbs). Really enjoying a little pb2 on a celery stalk for a snack. I been using some YouTube videos to do zumba. I like being in a class with other people but this is fun also and easier to work with my schedule right now.

    Don't get discouraged Fcrvygrl, in two weeks you will see a pay off from your work. I think the body sometimes has it's own plan. In the past I have had a not so good week and had a little gain or have been totally on and have had a little gain. Over time there will be a downward trend.

    Saraondel, my doctor also advises a similar plan. It's very important to have at least 20 grams of protein per meal and lots of veggies. I like to put chicken or deli meat, light cheese, shredded carrots, sprouts and 1/4 small avocado in a couple of large romaine lettuce so it's like a wrap.

    Have a great two weeks everyone.
  • dbymers
    So I did weigh myself yesterday but was busy till now. I was a little upset when i got on the scale. At the start i was doing really good in the middle had a few bad days then got back into it. this week I am going to push myself into staying focased on my goal, so I can do better on the next way in.

    Start weight was: 202
    Weigh in #2: 202
  • dbymers
    Ok question was this weigh in number 2 or number 1? I see some people put down #1 and some put #2
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    Ok question was this weigh in number 2 or number 1? I see some people put down #1 and some put #2

    Well guess how you look at it. Weigh in 1 or start weight lol. This is suppose to be the first weigh in after the initial start weigh in (bi-weekly weigh ins). That's why I put the weigh in date in the title instead so it would hopefully make it a bit easier...
  • kerrirob1
    kerrirob1 Posts: 23 Member
    hello :flowerforyou:

    start weight: 169
    WI#1: 165

    I've not been exercising as much as I should have been so I'm happy that I lost anything at all..had a few bad days filled with pizza and cheesecake :love: The next 2 weeks will be better!

    Good luck to everyone with their goals!
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    Things are going OK for now, but now that I am out of the obese category, I am starting to feel really hungry. I wonder if that is a psychological thing. :frown:

    SW 185
    Week #4: 178
    Loss last week: 2
    Total loss during challenge: 7
    Goal loss for challenge: 30 lb
  • 4Titaa
    4Titaa Posts: 42 Member
    This last 2 weeks was tough.Was sick for over a week ,than had company from out of town (which meant hosting and cooking no time for workout) but i got on the scale today and am happy i didn't gain weight ...lol

    SW -193.6
    WK 2-193.2 (-.4)