Week 1 Day 1

DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
How did your Week 1 Day 1 go? Mine was a bit rough if I'm honest. About halfway through I could tell I was going to be sore the next day and most definitely I am! I don't consider that a bad thing tho:) My reps played out like this 10-12-7-7-9+. I took good advantage of the 60 second rest period in-between sets and I somehow managed to eek out 10 pushups on my final rep. Can't wait to hear how it went for you!!!


  • kaseym0217
    kaseym0217 Posts: 11 Member
    I finished mine this morning. I will most definitely be feeling that in the morning. Until I started this challenge, I never realized how awful my upper body strength really was
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Working my arms has always been my least favorite part of exercising. I hate it! I just don't think it ever feels good, lol. I feel that pushups also help build core strength so that is a huge plus for me! We will get stronger every day!!!
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    I work out with weights a LOT but sheesh! This pushups thing has really humbled me. lol :noway: I just don't like them anyway. Well...I'm LEARNING to like them. (code for: it sounds really negative to say I hate them so I will apply the Universal Vegetable Mother Rule about not saying I hate something, but that I'm learning to like it. :huh: )

    My week one, day one was the same as yours, DLJ! 12, 10, 7, 7, 10.

    46 in under 10 minutes, still that's not too shabby! :drinker: I know I can get better at this though...
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Two weeks before you started the challenge, I had started doing push-ups, and got from barely doing a few, to a just barely doing a set of 10-10-7.

    In theory, I could have done in the range of 11-15 in one go for the test, but looking at the starting band for that, I decided to start in the 6-10 window, to make sure I would get a good start, and not be discouraged by not being able to do the numbers for the the 11-20 band.

    So, I succeed in doing my 6-6-4-4-5 first set, and jumping ahead, I've just done my 6-8-6-6-7 set for Week1, Day2.
  • Louisehn22
    Louisehn22 Posts: 5 Member
    Just downloaded 100 pushups for iphone and am going to start this tonight. I've not even attempted a pushup since i was in school and even then i failed miserably. I'm determined to do this within the 6 week limit. Bring it On!!!!!
    Good luck everyone :-)
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Way to go guys! You are doing awesome! My arms are still sore from the other day and so are my abs so today's set should be lots of fun...:ohwell:
  • 4Lab
    4Lab Posts: 20
    awesome everyone. Yes I am quite sore just from my test.....lifting coffee cup to mouth is a complex exercise this am! Keep up the good work.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    My initial test (yesterday) put me at 7, which means Column 2 on the hundredpushups.com chart. I just finished my Week1 Day1 of 6-6-4-4-5+ (managed 9 at the end)

    I AM doing straight-legs but inclined by the third stair tread. I had do give myself SOME sort of encouragement, so that I didn't feel defeatist before I even got going. If all goes well for Weeks 1 and 2, I MIGHT (no absolute promise yet :wink: ) try the Retest between weeks 2 and 3 using the 2nd stair. if it puts me inside the minimum for Column 1 of Week 3, I will go with that. But I reserve the right that, if it is lower than the minimum, to carry forward with Week 3 using the 3rd stair. Same drill for later re-tests - to see how close to flat-floor I can get by the end. :glasses:
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    My initial test (yesterday) put me at 7, which means Column 2 on the hundredpushups.com chart. I just finished my Week1 Day1 of 6-6-4-4-5+ (managed 9 at the end)

    WTG!!! That's great!
  • SunShine726
    SunShine726 Posts: 6 Member
    Started week 1, day 1. I am gonna be sore tomorrow LOL