Important stuff will go here one day.
well I dropped the ball. Been traveling and doing a Crossfit competition, so I guess I am out. But would like to stay in the group though if that is ok. May motivate me to restart after this competition is over in April.
week 2
Okay...I just finished day 2 of week 2 and I may be dying, lol. Someone suggested to just have new posts titled for each week, not each day during the week, so we'll give that a try as long as it's okay with everyone! Keep up the good work:)
Week 1 Day 3
We've survived the first week!! Congrats to us!!! I did a total of 57 today and it was not easy! I bet you killed whatever you did:). I am happy to have 2 days off before week 2 starts on Monday! Now I'm off to Boston for the rest of the day!
Week 1 Day 2
I was fearing today, because I am still very sore from my Day 1 workout the other day. It was not as bad as I was fearing:) Today's reps were 10-12-8-8-12+. Today I only did the 12 at the end...just could not do any more! Overall, I was pleased with the way it went! Can't wait to hear about your day!
Week 1 Day 1
How did your Week 1 Day 1 go? Mine was a bit rough if I'm honest. About halfway through I could tell I was going to be sore the next day and most definitely I am! I don't consider that a bad thing tho:) My reps played out like this 10-12-7-7-9+. I took good advantage of the 60 second rest period in-between sets and I…
Initial Test and Tips:)
I am glad to see so many of you are eager to get started! Obviously, there is not a specific start date so do it when you feel comfortable...I am going to have a post for each day of the challenge. M hope is that when you do start you can contribute to the conversation for the day that you are on (for example there will be…
I'm Deena and I began this group to force myself to complete this challenge! I have started it two other times, but this time I want to finish it! I have already done my initial test and I completed 15 push-ups (which is 5-6 more than the first time I tried). My first day will be tomorrow (2/24). I'm excited to share that…
I am a new member and I am excited to learn more abut this pushup challenge. What tips can you offer for getting started?:smile:
Thanx for creating this group. I started this once then got bored by myself, so the group will help. Another option for modification if you can't do strict is to begin with elevated pushups (elevating your upper body/arms, not your feet), this allows you to stay in a plank type position as you progress to a real pushup,…