Leslie Party Songs and Radio Remixes

irvinbl97 Posts: 15 Member
I recently purchased Leslie's Walk to the HITS Party Songs and Radio Remixes. I followed the Radio Remixes when it was on Youtube, but has since been removed. I also saw a preview of her Party Songs DVD. So far I've lost 49 pounds, and have a lot more to go. What are your thoughts/opinions of these DVD's?


  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Love both of these DVDs - they are so much fun! I would also recommend her Walk It a Off in 30, also fairly new, if you're building a collection. Adding that strength portion 2-3 times a week is so good for you! Best wishes in your continued walks.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Darn, I was doing Radio Remix from YouTube too. I figured it would be removed pretty soon though!
  • Northorpe
    Northorpe Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I went to walk the Radio Remixes today from Youtube and found it had been removed, why does that happen. I'm new to WATP but this was one I really really like and I felt I got the best workout from.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi, I went to walk the Radio Remixes today from Youtube and found it had been removed, why does that happen. I'm new to WATP but this was one I really really like and I felt I got the best workout from.

    "Why does that happen?"

    ...............because sometimes (often times) ..........videos are up loaded to YouTube illegally. Creating new exercise videos cost money. Everytime someone uploads something illegally the creator loses money.

    Jessica Smith has a YouTube channel..........lots of free (legal) walking videos there..........

    Leslie Sansone DVDs are on sale lots of places (Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy).....DVDs are nice because you get something that YouTube doesn't offer. Many DVDs are chaptered (you can skip to different miles) ......the Radio Remixes DVD has a music only option.
  • Lizajayne23
    Lizajayne23 Posts: 123 Member
    I second the Jessica Smith recommendation. I love Leslie's workouts and have used them off and on for years (my first WATP set was VHS LOL), but for more burn in less time, Jessica Smith's Power Walks are great.

    With that said, the Walk to the HITS are well worth the money and do offer a bit more burn than most. So far, the best is 4 Fast Miles so that's another I would recommend. It's on Youtube for the moment so you have a chance to try it out.
  • dzinter
    Just did 3 miles of Leslie Party Songs.
    LOVE the new dvds!!!
  • BeyondThePast
    BeyondThePast Posts: 9 Member
    I love all her DVD's but these 2 are the best! I was so excited about them. I get bored easily and these were a great change. I've lost 60lbs with Leslie and counting!
  • mlp2004
    mlp2004 Posts: 13 Member
    I was doing her Walking to the HIITS Radio Remixes from YouTube because I can't find it anywhere where I live. I like it better than the Party Song one as I find the Party Song's has a lot more bouncing which aggravates my feet. If I could find it up here I would by it in a heartbeat as I LOVED it!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Perhaps request that your local library system add it to their collection if they carry exercise DVDs.

    I agree with TeaBea when she talks about the creator of exercise videos losing money when videos are uploaded illegally and then being viewed without purchase or compensation to the creator.

    I understand if you live in an area where some videos are not available or the DVDs don't work in your country's DVD players that that will limit what you can use.

    That said, does any one know about Walk TV on Leslie's web page. I have not used it as I have access to DVDs and do not have a tablet or internet compatible TV, but perhaps it could be an answer to those who need an alternate way to purchase/watch her DVDs.

    Check out Leslie's Walk at Home web page and click on the 'Walk TV' button. She has over 20 of her DVDs that one can purchase for download. Her latest Just Walk series is now available. I would expect that soon she will add in the yet newer HIITS DVDs also. This would be great for travel to load on a tablet. (my disclaimer: I do not work for Leslie nor have a financial interest, just love her workouts :heart: )

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I was doing her Walking to the HIITS Radio Remixes from YouTube because I can't find it anywhere where I live. I like it better than the Party Song one as I find the Party Song's has a lot more bouncing which aggravates my feet. If I could find it up here I would by it in a heartbeat as I LOVED it!

    Do you have a Wal-Mart anywhere near you? They have site to store delivery (free) at Wal-Mart.com
    Both Hiit DVDs are available.

    What texasgardnr said - downloads are great. I have one on my laptop, I'm always ready to take Leslie with me on vacation.
  • mlp2004
    mlp2004 Posts: 13 Member
    Walmart didn't have and I checked every time I went in :) BUT I found it today at HMV and am going to do it tonight! So happy as this is one of my favs :) My 5 yr old LOVES to do this one with me too.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi, I went to walk the Radio Remixes today from Youtube and found it had been removed, why does that happen. I'm new to WATP but this was one I really really like and I felt I got the best workout from.

    "Why does that happen?"

    ...............because sometimes (often times) ..........videos are up loaded to YouTube illegally. Creating new exercise videos cost money. Everytime someone uploads something illegally the creator loses money.

    Jessica Smith has a YouTube channel..........lots of free (legal) walking videos there..........

    Leslie Sansone DVDs are on sale lots of places (Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy).....DVDs are nice because you get something that YouTube doesn't offer. Many DVDs are chaptered (you can skip to different miles) ......the Radio Remixes DVD has a music only option.

    Awesome I need to look for the music only one - my husband cannot stand her giggle!!
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks TeaBea for the info on Jessica Smith YouTube channel. I just learned about her the other day from someone's post but hadn't thought about looking for her on YouTube. So again thanks.

    Edited because auto correct changed TeaBea to Teaser, so helpful and so annoying. :-)
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    I bought mine on Amazon. It's probably as cheap as Wal-Mart and I'm a prime member so shipping was free. Still, even if you have to pay for shipping, it keeps you from having to go to a Wal-Mart. That's a plus right there. :)