Cloth diapers



  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    We're definitely doing it. Just deciding which brand/system to use. Environmental concerns are our #1 reason, and that is reason enough for us.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    I found a local cloth diaper group on FB. The ladies share so much information as well as buying/selling/swapping. I've learned so much from them as well as having a support group available when I start using CD.
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    What a great post, thanks everyone for the info! We're on board with cloth diapering as well, seems like the only logical option when you consider the environment and cost :) exciting!!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member

    - Needs to be changed more often. I think this is a positive. I'd like to get in the habit of changing this baby more often than I did with my previous babies. But the reason I feel like I didn't change them enough was because it was hard to tell when the disposables needed to be changed if they weren't dirty. Is it easier to tell when a cloth diaper needs to be changed -- and *before* it *really* needs it? Is this actually something that cloth diapers makes easier, or is it more like... like, when it's obvious the cloth diaper needs to be changed, it's already just as bad as if you'd waited until it was obvious that the disposable needs to be changed? I don't know if changing to cloth would help, or if I should just set a timer and change the baby every so many minutes, needed or not. (I feel so dumb asking about this. This is my EIGHTH child, and it seems like I should have a better grasp on diapers by now.)

    (BTW, other baby wearers -- how often do you take baby out of the carrier just to see if she needs a change? If baby is sleeping in the carrier, do you just wait until she wakes up? I didn't wear my other babies around the house, so this wasn't much of an issue, but I want to do that this time.)


    - Laundry. I already have to do about three loads a day just to keep up with clean clothes. It's pretty much the one thing that I feel like having a large family actually makes really difficult. I'm really concerned about not having clean diapers, and not being able to just run to the store. Store run takes 20 minutes -- load of laundry takes 90. Longer if the diapers have to be washed twice. (I just read that in this thread. More info?)

    - There are so many options, and everybody has a different idea of what to buy, and all the explanations that people give sound confusing to me (because I don't understand the terminology). This is our last baby, and cloth diapers are a big initial output, and I don't want to buy a bunch of something and then have to go buy a bunch of something else. I really need to get it right the first time, or I probably would just give up.

    I'm not a super picky person and I've been happy with all my diapers, although there is one brand that hangs off his butt and, as you can imagine, poop falls right out the side. the legs of the diaper dont have elastic so obviously if they don't fit just so... Hoowever, my stretchy covers do a much better job st containing up the back blowouts than disposables.

    Also, I don't wash diapes twice. I do use an extra rinse. And you use about one third the detergent you would for clothes.

    As far as how to tell a change is needed, I just get a feel for how often is good for my kiddo. I can smell a pee diaper (cloth or disposable, although the "flavor" of the stink varies based on the diaper) or you can just feel at the leg of the diaper. If you use a moisture wicking fabric you may find that it lasts about the same as a disposable. Or maybe I just changed disposables more than average when I used them.

    Laundry is going to be more frequent the newborn period but its gotten easier with a toddler. I do weekly laundry for my whole family though. I could not deal with daily laundry.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I'm using cloth for the primary reason that it's cheap. We've spent $150 and have all the diapers we will ever need (a lot was gifted to us). I can't imagine having to go back and forth to the store or spending upwards of $2000 on stuff I will throw away.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    I used cloth with my first and I will certainly be doing so with this one, as well! (:
  • MeanieD

    We definitely are going to use cloth diapers, but I'm still researching the brand. I'm leaning towards an all-in-one tongue style. I just don't want to deal with stuffing and inserts. If anyone has brand suggestions, I'm open to them.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    You should check to see if there is a local to you cloth diaper buy/sell/trade board! I wouldn't necessarily buy all of one brand. Try a few and see. I make cloth diapers and my favorite are All in twos/ They are just like the all in one, but you snap the insert in instead of it being sewn in. Cuts down on drying time and b/c I put microfleece on the inside (which doesn't absorb), you can let the shell air dry and use it again with a new insert if its just a pee diaper! No need to unsnap it either when dirty if you're washing the whole thing. I leave mine attached and they usually come out of the dryer still attached! lol
    Check out some WAHM diapers (work at home mom)! They usually use better materials (real bamboo and hemp) and fit better, but they are more expensive. Hyena Cart is a good site! (My own business is Sow Much Love on facebook)

    I'm can't really think of what commercial brands do the snake style AIO. Maybe bumgenius? Most seem to be pocket diapers. But that is where a local fb diaper group can come in handy! you can see pics of different brands and maybe even meet up with someone that has different kinds that can show you. Also, you might not even like the same kind of diaper for every stage for your baby! Fitteds/covers work great for naps/overnight/heavy wetters, while the AI2's and pockets can be great for toddlers. (With more solid poo! lol)

    Anyway, didn't mean to write a book, but its a topic I'm passionate about. Feel free to message me with any questions and check out Hyena Cart to see some beautiful diapers! ;)
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I used cloth with my first. I am hoping to use them with this one too. I only have 11 diapers at the moment though. I will need to look into getting some more. My DD is potty trained, but is still wearing the cloths at night. Some mornings she's leaked through and others she hasn't. Not sure why. I did use disposables as well though. I used them only when I had a load of diapers to wash for a while, then I got lazy and my DD was able to use the Parent's Choice brand from Walmart - $20 for 144 diapers. I have the AIO Bum Genius ones now. I'm not sure if I will purchase more of those or try something else yet.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    We used disposables for our first, second we cloth diapered at home and disposables at daycare and on the go, this baby I plan on cloth diapering from start to finish.

    For my second son, I made fitted cloth diapers from flannel, and then the soakers were cotton batting (3 layers), microfiber towel(1) encased in flannel. For a cover, he just wore fleece or wool pants that I made for him. I pinned them closed. I used the free Rita Rump pattern. I was new to cloth diapering and started late when he was about 6 months. I did not want to spend money on something I was unsure would fit into our family. For the flannel I just used receiving blankets (we preferred the stretchy knit blankets so these were never being used) and then also bought a flannel sheet from Goodwill to cut up.

    This go round since we know that cloth worked out well for us and daycare has agreed to use them as long as they were AIO type I have been slowly building our stash. The brand that daycare and I agreed on were Applecheeks. I prefer these to one size because they just seem like so much diaper on a little baby. When she is at daycare the soaker will have to be stuffed and they will change the whole diaper every diaper change. At home, I can lay the soaker on top of the diaper and use it like a cover. For just wet diapers this will supposedly last through three diaper changes before needing changed. I also cut up bamboo fleece to use as a diaper liner. This lays on top and makes rinsing those poopy diapers much easier. Since I do sew, I have bought PUL to make a some diapers. Just waiting on it arriving. With the Applecheeks, they come in 2 sizes. So there will be a need to purchase larger diapers later on.

    For wipes, I used the baby washcloths since I found them worthless for trying to wash baby at bathtime. I keep them dry in a basket and then just have a squirt bottle with wipe solution mixed in it. I squirt their bottom and wipe.
  • MeanieD
    You should check to see if there is a local to you cloth diaper buy/sell/trade board! I wouldn't necessarily buy all of one brand. Try a few and see. I make cloth diapers and my favorite are All in twos/ They are just like the all in one, but you snap the insert in instead of it being sewn in. Cuts down on drying time and b/c I put microfleece on the inside (which doesn't absorb), you can let the shell air dry and use it again with a new insert if its just a pee diaper! No need to unsnap it either when dirty if you're washing the whole thing. I leave mine attached and they usually come out of the dryer still attached! lol
    Check out some WAHM diapers (work at home mom)! They usually use better materials (real bamboo and hemp) and fit better, but they are more expensive. Hyena Cart is a good site! (My own business is Sow Much Love on facebook)

    I'm can't really think of what commercial brands do the snake style AIO. Maybe bumgenius? Most seem to be pocket diapers. But that is where a local fb diaper group can come in handy! you can see pics of different brands and maybe even meet up with someone that has different kinds that can show you. Also, you might not even like the same kind of diaper for every stage for your baby! Fitteds/covers work great for naps/overnight/heavy wetters, while the AI2's and pockets can be great for toddlers. (With more solid poo! lol)

    Anyway, didn't mean to write a book, but its a topic I'm passionate about. Feel free to message me with any questions and check out Hyena Cart to see some beautiful diapers! ;)

    Thanks so much for the input! I'll check out your business as well as some others.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    We're 13 weeks in with Baby g Diapers and absolutely love them! Initially I was concerned that laundering/prepping diapers was going to be time consuming but I wash them every 3 days and it takes maybe 5 minutes to prep 2-3 days worth. So far, we're leak free (even with the overnight diaper which is sometimes close to 12 hrs). No diaper rash/irritation either. I couldn't be happier!

    I did pick up a package of 50 Up & Up Diapers for $6 at Target, and she's probably ready for the next size and we haven't even used them all. But it's nice to keep them in the diaper bags/cars for emergencies.

    I agree with the other ladies about trying a few brands, I know Facebook has pages for getting used ones. I understand there are a lot of them at consignment/mom club type sales. We got lucky and picked the right brand for us right off the bat, but it can be an expensive venture if you pick the wrong brand. I didn't check where you are, but I'm near Chicago, IL and very few stores actually sell cloth diapers (and the ones that they do sell tend to be packaged up tight) so I couldn't really "preview & play" with my options before choosing ours. An expo show (Mommy Con is coming to Chicago) may have an area where you can get a good feel for different brands.
  • _jessicamarie_
    _jessicamarie_ Posts: 35 Member
    We CDed our first, and we loved it. She is 5 years old now so I know there have probably been some new innovations to the brands we tried, but we loved Bum Genius one size pockets best. I am SO EXCITED to CD this new baby, especially since I still have our whole stash ready and waiting and we won't have to buy much of anything!

    When we started out, we did a 3 week trial package from an online cloth diaper store. They sent us a variety of brands, and then we tried them all and sent them back for a refund minus a small deposit. It was the perfect way to find out which types and brands were going to work for us.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Love BumGenius 4.0!! I've tried two other brands (FuzziBuns and Happy Heinys) and the BG are for sure my fave. We use washcloths with warm water as "wipes" -- anything else irritates my girls skin. My 2.5 year old has been out of diapers since before she was two, now just little sister (age 7m) is in them -- love!!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Yes I cloth diapered #3 from 4 months til potty training and #4 from birth til potty training (she never had a sposie on). I am going to cloth diaper this little one due is October from birth as well. I also use cloth wipes. I never had any blowouts with cloth. They are really modern now depending on what kind you pick. with #3 I mainly used prefolds and some one size pocket diapers at night. With #4 I used fitteds and covers when she was little and once she fit into one size diapers we used a lot of all in ones and pocket diapers. We didn't have any problems with daycare using them. I am excited to be able to reuse the ones I have with this new little one soon. I would highly recommend cloth diapers. I also work full time and will have pump once returning to work and nurse when home as well as keep up with the four kids, washing bottles, and everything else that comes with it. I did it last time and I know if I can do it again then it can definitely be done.