Newbie with a question

tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
Hello. Today is my first day using BMF Link armband. Does it take time to get an accurate caloric burn from activities? I put the armband on this morning immediately before I stepped onto my treadmill. I ran one mile in 9:04, and then did incline walking (incline 6, speed 4.1) for the next 16 minutes. At the 25 minute mark, I lowered the incline and began slowing down my speed to cool down. The treadmill showed a calorie burn of 302--this is my own treadmill, and I plugged in my height and weight before starting. I got off the treadmill, did some light stretches, made coffee, had breakfast, and walked upstairs. I used my phone to check on how much I burned, BMF showed 625 calories. That seems very high for what I did. I had anticipated seeing maybe high 300s. Has anyone had this problem? How can I resolve it?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    BMF is an activity tracker not a HRM. The amount burned is what you burned for the day doing the things you normally do.
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    I understand that it is an activity tracker. However, I only had it on during my time on the treadmill and for approximately 15 minutes afterward. I'm just concerned that it tracked my activity so high for approximately 45 minutes.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It continues to track your "average" daily activity even if it is off, which is why you should wear it 23 hours like the instructions say.
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not trying to be difficult, but how can it have tracked that many calories burned in 45 minutes? Today is the very first day I've every used it.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    It's giving you your total calorie burn for the day. Even the time you don't wear it. So it's giving you the calories you burned from midnight to whatever time you checked it (although it's estimating your burn for the time you weren't wearing it). The calories you burned in those 45 minutes are included in the total, but the total number it gives you is for the whole day (or if you just activated it-from the time you activated it - like online account activated - until whenever you checked it).

    If you have the link and the phone app, turn the phone to landscape mode and you can see exactly what it's measuring in your total (it gives you a minute by minute display of your activity level. Shaded areas are where you're not wearing it. You can highlight a period of time if you want to know the calorie burn for a specific thing).
  • insane5150
    insane5150 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes it will take about a week to start reading more accurately. Right now it is getting to know you.

    If you would like to see calories from a workout and you are linked to your phone, you can click the tab "Workouts" and use one of the selections. "Quick Start" or "Timed" this will give you the information for that workout. Or you can sync after your workout and use the graph to determine your calorie burned for your selected period of time.

    Good luck to you!!!! BodyMedia is an awesome tool.
  • insane5150
    insane5150 Posts: 93 Member
    Also, even if you don't wear the armband for an hour, a day, etc. BMF will still show calories burned during that time based on a average daily calorie burn. For instance, when you charge the unit, shower, etc. it will still continue to calculate an average burned calories.
  • tinkystyle
    tinkystyle Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I did activiate it last night, but did not wear it until this morning. From what you are all saying, the calorie burn makes sense if it is estimating from midnight-when I woke up and put it on. I understand it better now. I'm in no way doubting that it works--too many peope have had great success with it!