
purplybob Posts: 51 Member
What are some things you are grateful for today?

Mine include...
- My happy and healthy children
- My wonderful life partner
- My job
- My faith community
- My sponsor


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Great post Bob! I do a verbal gratitude list daily. Today I am grateful to be abstinent, and grateful that my higher power has blessed me with another day of life!
  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    Amen! Life is good! day at a time!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Today, I am so grateful for:

    1. My daughter is safe (a minor fender bender)
    2. My husband, who is the most loving and attentive partner that I could've hoped for
    3. My mom, who called me this morning to "mother" me
    4. OA phone meetings, because I can tune in at any time of the day, such as this morning
  • purplybob
    purplybob Posts: 51 Member
    Today I am grateful for the steps and my support network. Going through some stuff today and reached out and shared instead of eating my feelings. God is good!
  • brilliantcoe
    brilliantcoe Posts: 35 Member
    My gratitudes:
    6:30am face to face meeting with two newcomers!
    Ability to walk without pain
    Delicious and satisfying breakfast