Lose the last pounds for Spring Break 2014!

I've just started on here recently. I only plan to lose 10-15lbs but I want to do the best I can by the end of March, which is my Spring Break! I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join me? I'm 5'6" and weigh around 135lbs and I want to (eventually) weigh around 120-125lbs. Obviously I want to do this safely, but who doesn't want to look good for Spring Break, especially if you will be wearing a swim suit? I also want to make healthier decisions and all that jazz. So at that note, who wants to join me? :bigsmile:


  • MurderMonroe
    MurderMonroe Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there, I'd love to join! I'm doing a detox/exercise challenge in March. We should chat, it would be great to have some support!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'6" and stuck around 131.6 lbs. I can't seem to break the 130 lbs mark! I was in a very bad binge/restrict cycle, but I have broken it and am eating much healthier again. I'm hoping to get below 129 by the end of March. (I'd love to be 125, but I'm setting smaller goals in order to keep out of that B/R cycle.)

    Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    I'm in! I have 3 weeks until spring. Hoping to lose 3 lbs. the scale has been stuck at 114 up and down for the past month so I'm not very hopeful.
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    I have about 10 pounds to go. I'm aiming for the end of April though it may be a little agressive for me, being so close to goal, but what the heck. Getting to 150 (I'm 5'10") this would be the first time at my high school weight since high school (I'll be 35 tomorrow) so that would be kind of awesome.
  • ordinaryintrovert
    I have a week and a couple of days before spring break. I'm hoping to get under 130 by then. 125 would be great but I know nothing short of a dangerous miracle will get me there. So I'm aiming for 128. I just got my weight back down to about 131 (5'6") and at this point I'm not about to get set back again.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm 5'1" & am wanting to lose 2lbs by Spring Break! I'm a SAHM & workout from home everyday. Will never wear a bikini, but would love to rock a one piece by May when my daughter turns 3.
  • samikingsley
    I'd love to loose 10 lbs too.
    Like everyone, I'm not super heavy and when I loose weight don't noitce it much on the scale..more in my clothes.
    I have a birthday Vacation In august and I want to look awesome in a bathing suit!