Has everyone made it past Day 1?

MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
So I'm on Day 2 and it felt better already not jumping on the scales this morning, and I'm also on Day 2 of my 3 day Cleanse and Detox, which is so far so good! My mind is wandering to them more often than I'd care to admit but I'm determined they won't beat me today ;)

How did everyone else go today?


  • Keep it up Mickey!! I am on Day 56 of no scales! I am at times really tempted, but I want to try a full 3 months of this without checking that number! Adding weights to my cardio workout this week...starting tomorrow I will be doing my stair climbing wearing 2# ankle weights. I am just hoping I can do it!
  • morefit_bec
    morefit_bec Posts: 20 Member
    Today was my Day 1 of no scales. And it was actually kind of relieving since yesterday I ate more than I intended at a family party and so the scale probably would've gone up.

    I'm also on Day 8 of consecutively tracking the cardio/exercises I do and liquid consumed in my journal. I'm still pretty weak since I've been so inactive for so long, but my endurance is increasing which is pretty exciting.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm still in it with you guys. I keep looking at the scale, but I quickly put it out of my head. We can do this!!
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    I am on day 2 and I didn't jump on the scale. Do you guys know how hard it is to walk pass that scale.

  • Yep...we know!! Use your energy level and your "inner" sense of health be your encouragement!! Focus on "how do I feel?"!! You CAN do it!!
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    I am on day 2 and I didn't jump on the scale. Do you guys know how hard it is to walk pass that scale.


    Yes!! I'm half asleep and about to step on it and then I'm like "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" and run away.

    Not sure I'm going to make it but hoping for the best. I do feel "thinner" which is temping me even MORE to check, but holding fast.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I am on day 2 and I didn't jump on the scale. Do you guys know how hard it is to walk pass that scale.


    Yes!! I'm half asleep and about to step on it and then I'm like "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" and run away.

    Not sure I'm going to make it but hoping for the best. I do feel "thinner" which is temping me even MORE to check, but holding fast.

    Yep i feel the same! Made it through Day 3 today, but all day my head was saying "you must have lost weight by now" LOL and then talking myself out of weighing by telling myself um it's only been 3 days! :/ Funny how the mind works when it's attached to something.

    And yes we can make it! It is getting easier each day and we're all strong enough to get past it :)
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    unfortunately I am still in a biggest loser competition so I have to weigh every monday. I think next week is the last week though but I don't plan on looking at the scales in between and then after the final weigh in, I won't look anymore!
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    It's definitely been on my mind, but I know I'll be happy when I step on the scale and have lost more than a pound lol I'm excited to see what it says! I'm really relieved and my mind is at ease, though.
  • jbeanv
    jbeanv Posts: 32 Member
    I'm going to do one last weigh in tomorrow then no scale for the month of March. Glad to see you guys sticking with it!
  • kheagy
    kheagy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to do one last weigh in tomorrow then no scale for the month of March. Glad to see you guys sticking with it!

    I caved!! I started really journaling my food and hitting the exercise this week. I just needed that confidence booster to get me through the weekend...
  • morefit_bec
    morefit_bec Posts: 20 Member
    The past few days have been tougher to stay away from the scale, but I'm determined to wait until March 25th to check. It's so tempting to check since I've been eating right and exercising steadily, but it should be worth the wait.
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I'm going to do one last weigh in tomorrow then no scale for the month of March. Glad to see you guys sticking with it!

    I caved!! I started really journaling my food and hitting the exercise this week. I just needed that confidence booster to get me through the weekend...

    Don't feel bad, I caved this morning :noway: Feel a bit embarrassed to admit it, but hey gotta own up to it to move past it. I'm going to re-start and look at it in one week lots, baby steps LOL
  • maybe2m
    maybe2m Posts: 18
    I'm going to do one last weigh in tomorrow then no scale for the month of March. Glad to see you guys sticking with it!

    I caved!! I started really journaling my food and hitting the exercise this week. I just needed that confidence booster to get me through the weekend...

    Don't feel bad, I caved this morning :noway: Feel a bit embarrassed to admit it, but hey gotta own up to it to move past it. I'm going to re-start and look at it in one week lots, baby steps LOL

    Just keep going..it get's easier!! I promise! Still keeping up with daily food journal and cardio 3 times a week. Day 59 without being on the scale!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'm on Day 6 and I really feel relieved. I'm tempted, but it's not that hard to resist so far. Keep going!
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    Hey guys! I am on day 6!

    It is such a relief to not have to check the scale this last weigh in (Friday), but also I feel scared that the numbers will go up when I hit 30 days.

    I have decided to start doing weekly measurements to keep track of my progress.

    The reason I joined this group in the first place is because I had hit a plateau early on in my journey and it began to affect my motivated mindset.

    I am proud to say that as of this past week I have lost 1.5" around my waist and 1" around my hips.

    It is exciting to see that I am making progress!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Hey guys! I am on day 6!

    It is such a relief to not have to check the scale this last weigh in (Friday), but also I feel scared that the numbers will go up when I hit 30 days.

    I have decided to start doing weekly measurements to keep track of my progress.

    The reason I joined this group in the first place is because I had hit a plateau early on in my journey and it began to affect my motivated mindset.

    I am proud to say that as of this past week I have lost 1.5" around my waist and 1" around my hips.

    It is exciting to see that I am making progress!
    2.5" inches is A LOT! great job!
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Hey guys! I am on day 6!

    It is such a relief to not have to check the scale this last weigh in (Friday), but also I feel scared that the numbers will go up when I hit 30 days.

    I have decided to start doing weekly measurements to keep track of my progress.

    The reason I joined this group in the first place is because I had hit a plateau early on in my journey and it began to affect my motivated mindset.

    I am proud to say that as of this past week I have lost 1.5" around my waist and 1" around my hips.

    It is exciting to see that I am making progress!

    Wow well done on the inches lost! I'm in that awful in between sizes stage, too small for one and too big for the other so I'm going around in clothes that are sagging off me LOL Kind of makes me feel better that they are so much looser though! I'm doing my measurements at the gym at the end of this week hopefully so it'll be interesting to see how much of a drop there is from last time.

    I hear you on the plateau as well, I've been sitting at the same weight plus a small gain since Xmas, and although I caved and weighed I was so grateful to see that I was doing the right thing and that I was back to my Xmas weight in just a week, I'm committed to not weighing now that I know it's all in my head!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Good morning guys!
    How are you doing?
    I'm on day 8 and I feel awesome :)
    I haven't been scale-free this long since... forever!
  • RamaAkyer
    RamaAkyer Posts: 94 Member
    I haven't weighed myself since January 30th, but I have been taking weekly progress photos, and I can see major changes and it feels awesome :)