


  • flashbacks
    flashbacks Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ! I'm 20, I'm not doing this challenge to lose weight ( although I would like to. ) but I always like to try and improve myself and see the progress I have made. Im taking the burpee plank and push up challenge. :)
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Hey ! I'm 20, I'm not doing this challenge to lose weight ( although I would like to. ) but I always like to try and improve myself and see the progress I have made. Im taking the burpee plank and push up challenge. :)

    I have added you in to your desired challenges. :)
    I'm sure you shall succeed.
  • DLJ_77
    DLJ_77 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I'm Deena and I'm a 36 year old school psychologist. I work full time and am taking classes to become a principal. I know how hard life and hectic life can get! I have about 53 pounds to lose...I have not always been consistent on this weight-loss journey, but this time I am going to do it! I will do the squat and plank challenges:) Please feel free to add me so we can support each other!
  • Strawn21
    Strawn21 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Luke. I'm a third-year college student. I really just want to do what I can to get in shape. I'm around 230 and I feel like I've been here for far too long, so I've set a long-term goal to get under 200 through reddit's 90 Days Goals. In the 90DG program, they have "sprint goals," for every 30 days. These are absolutely perfect for those :]
  • dittybugdesigns
    dittybugdesigns Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all! My name is Christine, I'm 39 and I work for the Department of the Navy. I am a happily married mother of 3 (2 boys- 8 and 7 and 1 girl-4). In addition to working full time I have my own business and help my husband coach our children's sports teams. I'd like to lose 15-20lbs before summer but if nothing else I need to tone up and strengthen my neglected muscles. I'm going full force with this so in addition to T25 I'd like to participate in the easy push up, burpee, squat and plank challenges. Thank you and best of luck to everyone:)
  • addiemax0611
    Hi everybody, I'm 26 and a happily married momma to two wonderful babies - a 20 month old boy and a 3.5 month old baby girl. I am working really hard to lose weight, I am the heaviest I've ever been after having two babies back to back. I have about 45 pounds to lose to be where I want to be. I'm doing the squat challenge!
  • hotpinkmess7
    hotpinkmess7 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, im 27. Im a mom of a 2 year old daughter and 6 mth old boy/girl twins. Im doing the plank and crunch challenge on top of my weekly workout and eating healthy. I need the extra motivation to get these last few pounds off and tone up. Good luck everyone!
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi I'm Kadi. I'm 31, married with 2 kids. I work and study part-time. My job is mostly standing and walking. I walk up and down the stairs several times a day! I work in a lab and only sit down when doing paperwork or looking in the microscope. At the moment weare very low on staff so I'm exhausted by the end of the day so it will be a challenge to keep up with the motivation.
  • NewCarma
    NewCarma Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, there!
    My name is Carma. I'm a 28 year old married mother of 3. (boring!)
    My starting weight (not reflected on MFP) was 213. I got down to 140 and now I'm back up to 163. haha
    I'm looking for some good team members who I can interact with and help motivate each other.