Talking Dead: Team Rick



  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    So in the challenge for the week we're supposed to write a mini-bio - is there where it is to be posted? Has anyone done that yet? Because it's Friday, right? Am I looking in the wrong place for the bios? I'm always confused, sorry!!!!
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    So in the challenge for the week we're supposed to write a mini-bio - is there where it is to be posted? Has anyone done that yet? Because it's Friday, right? Am I looking in the wrong place for the bios? I'm always confused, sorry!!!!

    I think we're supposed to do it here (on this thread). I've been thinking about it, but I haven't made the time to actually sit down and write one out yet. I think I'll do it tonight after work! If I'm remembering correctly, it can be how you started your weight loss journey, or it can be non-weight loss related, whatever you prefer. I'm looking forward to learning more about you all!
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Team:
    My name is Emily. I was a fairly regular/average kid and was plenty active including playing outside a lot, soccer, etc. Unfortunately I learned poor eating habits at home from a very early age (my mom was/is obese bordering on morbidly obese) and I put on a lot of weight in high school. Right after high school, I entered community college and I managed to lose quite a bit of weight with Weight Watchers. However, I never addressed the underlying issues that caused me to gain weight in the first place: namely a lack of knowledge of nutrition/portion size, and a stress/emotional eating habit. After a bad breakup, coupled with entering an intensive university where I double majored, worked a job, and was president of a student organization, I stress ate/slothed most of the weight I had lost back on again. My breaking point was when I lead my student org abroad on a trip to South America and I couldn't keep up with them on the jungle hikes that we did. I had to take a hard look at my health, and I didn't like what I saw: I was back to where I had been in high school, allowing my weight and lack of activity to interfere with my life, my happiness, and my self image. I don't like sitting on the sidelines in life. Ever since then, I've been on a 'slow and steady' path towards better health. I've lost 33 pounds, and have seen great improvements in my stamina and fitness. Most importantly, I finally feel like I'm getting a strong hold on emotional eating. This second time around, my weight loss is slower, but the manner in which I'm doing it is also sustainable. I'm loving life again, and looking forward to practicing my new healthier habits for the rest of it!

    Yay Team Rick!!
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    Well here's my mini bio (thanks Emily for starting it off!);
    I am 46 years old. I've known my husband since kindergarten and we will married 24 years on March 17th. We have 4 kids. I played volleyball and did karate in high school. I got my black belt in Taekwondo at age 18 and taught for a year but then quit. I always ate a lot but through college I was able to exercise enough to keep the pounds off (I taught aerobics classes in the 80's - there's a vision to behold - leotards, leg warmers, high top reboks!). I went to medical school after I was married and again, could exercise enough to keep ahead of the calories. Then kids happened! I had 1 kid in medical school and 2 in residency. I struggled with weight and health and exercise (ironic, being a doctor) until after my 4th kid was born in 2006. I hit the "obese" BMI for my height when I was 40 and that was rough. I did Take Shape for Life and lost 60 lb which I have kept off for the most part. I got back into martial arts when my son was 5 and now I have had 1 MMA fight (amateur) and am competing in Brazilian JuiJitsu! Better shape at age 46 than I ever was before! Of course, I eat a little healthier overall but I still exercise to keep ahead of my appetite! Best advice for fitness I ever got was from Dr. Wayne Anderson (TSFL) - he pointed out that my health (or lack thereof) is a choice I can make. He helped me with a deliberate plan to achieve my health goals. Setting the goals instead of just hoping to fall *kitten*-backwards into good health made all the difference to me! Go Team Rick
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    Total Cardio Minutes: 640
    Total Strength Training Minutes: 95
    Weekly calorie goal met: yes

    Wall squats - 5 sets of 5 minutes (included in my strength training minutes)

    Bio done!

    Whoo Hoo!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Remember to check in! Don't forget that there's a great prize this week, the top four teams get to add a new character from the show, who will make them points for the rest of the challenge.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Hi All, I'm April. I'm 37 and a mom of 3. I started my family really super young, but no regrets. My oldest is now 20 and a college sophomore. My younger son is 18 and high school senior and my daughter is 15. I have always struggled with my weight. Growing up everyone in my family was overweight and was actually the "skinny" one. Of course I was also anorexic. I have hashmitos hypothyroidism, like many in my family. I refuse to use this as an excuse. I have lost the weight before and will again. I was in the army for several years but decided to get out after 2 deployments. I kept my weight down while I was in, but after I got out ballooned back up because I was no longer accountable and disciplined. I live in Georgia but am from Maine originally. My nickname is Yankee because apparently I have some sort of accent.
  • April, you can blame me for the sinus infection as well; I also have one of those. I just can't catch a break, apparently.

    Bio time! Yay!

    You may have gathered from my user name that my name is Chris. I'm 30 years old and have been with my wife for 8, though we have an assortment of pet rats rather than children so far (they're easier to clean up after).

    I was actually significantly underweight for most of my early life, especially for my height. When I enlisted in the Navy at 18 (coincidentally two months before September 11th, 2001; a real fun time to be enlisted, that's for sure) I was 6'2" and 183 pounds, which even now I consider just under my ideal weight. When I left boot camp, I was 6'2" and 143 pounds with a 32" waist. It's the lowest I've weighed in my adult life, and was in no way healthy. My mother was terrified when she saw me.

    While I was actually in the fleet (as a gunner; not a "light" sort of job), I was ~190 almost the entire time, despite living on the official junior enlisted diet of fast food and a gallon of vodka per night. It was a running joke that I simply didn't gain weight. I once ran my twice-a-year 1.5 mile fitness test run with a can of Yoo-Hoo chocolate drink in my hand, slurping it as I went. Once, on a bet with a coworker, I ate literally nothing but Cinnabon for a week straight just to see if it affected my weight. It actually did; the fact that the only local Cinnabon was about 5 miles away, combined with me not having a car, meant that all the walking to and from the Cinnabon caused me to LOSE weight during that week. I actually had to start fastening my belt tighter by the end of it. Meanwhile, my coworker was living on salad and spending all of his free time on the treadmill and still gained 2 pounds.

    The cosmic irony wore off when I got out of the fleet and spent my 3 months of accumulated leave sitting on my butt, playing video games, eating delivery pizza, and not doing a damn thing else. By the time I went to work again, I was around 200-210 pounds. On the upside, the job was working as a cast floor operator in a steel mill, both physically intensive and often very hot (regularly 130 degrees and we were wearing 5 layers of heavy protective clothing). Despite sitting around 220 pounds, I actually feel this was a great size for me as I was also very well-muscled. I rarely did true "exercise," by which I mean a gym routine or workout regimen, but using a sledgehammer for 12-16 hours a day tends to build up some upper body strength. I lacked what you'd call definition, but I was tall and strong as an ox. This is also when I got married, for those keeping score at home. I actually met my wife online in an internet art forum. Yeah, I was a REFINED ex-Navy steel worker.

    After four years there, we moved from Iowa to Washington (my wife couldn't stand Iowa winters... or summers, or springs, or falls) and, mostly due to a lack of an immediate job, I started going to college on the GI Bill. I graduated last summer with a BA in History and English, because apparently I really like writing essays or something. I work in online content development and copywriting fields, as well as a variety of other casual or volunteer jobs that I hold on the side.

    Unfortunately, going to school full-time and also working at least two jobs at any given time (I also worked for 2 years in a Veterans Affairs hospital during this time), combined with rarely being home at the same time as my wife, meant that we both maintained awful eating habits and I rarely had the time or motivation to go to the gym. I joined MyFitnessPal a couple of months ago, when I hit 240 pounds for the first time. 230 was concerning, but 240 could not be ignored. I started off my trek with a 5-day juice fast, after which I never wanted to see a piece of kale for as long as I lived, and then started a "clean" eating regimen. My wife and I make as much of our food as possible, and I don't just mean making meals at home. We bake our own bread, make our own mayonnaise, and slice our own lunchmeat. I even started brewing my own alcohol; I have two batches of mead currently going on top of my liquor cabinet (one traditional honey and one mixed berry melomel; so exciting!). We didn't eliminate any specific foods from our diet, we just started eating better versions of what we already liked. We also still occasionally get "bad" foods because we know that occasional delicious treats prevent us from getting bored and going on binges. Even those foods have changed, though; I still have an occasional can of pop, but instead of a Pepsi, I'll have a Hansen's strawberry vanilla soda made with cane sugar and natural flavors. We also buy local products now rather than just buying what's cheapest at Costco.

    I began the juice fast, which I consider to be the rough starting point of my change in lifestyle, in roughly the middle of December (coincidentally, New Year's had nothing to do with it). Since then, I've dropped from 240 pounds to 225. My wife has lost nearly the same amount; she's actually lost more, but she's doing almost exclusively cardio while I do more strength training than elliptical work, so I suspect I'm putting on more muscle than burning fat.

    Anyway, on to what you're all actually here for; this week's numbers! It's a late posting because I spent the last 4 hours driving across western Washington in pouring rain after helping my in-laws move for the last three days.


    Cardio: 464 minutes
    Strength: 164 minutes
    Everyone was within their goals, and everyone did what they were supposed to. In my opinion, those are good enough numbers for me to send Sergeant Apone to tell you all how badass you are. No, really:

    Now, I just need to actually watch this week's episode since I was still on the highway when it aired.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    No spoilers in case anyone hasn't watched it yet. I watched the episode, but not the Talking Dead, which I really wanted to see with Beth and Darryl. But I recorded it, me and my shiny new treadmill will be watching it tonight. I have some making up to do for my slacky week.

    I still think we have a good shot at top team this week! Glenn & Maggie tied us for kills last week but it appears they have issues with meeting their goals so here's hoping...
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I haven't officially posted it yet, but Team Rick is number one this week! Four teams got a perfect 3.0: Rick, Carl, Tyreese/Sasha and Michonne. So Rick gets first pick(I am going to assume, Abraham) and the remaing three teams are all tied, so to be fair the best solution may be for the three character's (Tara, Rosita and Eugene) kills to be added together every week and divided equally among the three second place teams. Is everyone okay with this? Team Rck, please confirm your pick? Abraham or no?
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    Chiming in to say, awesome job Team Rick!! I'm super proud of everyone! In my opinion, Abraham is definitely our best bet to snatch up for the team (although I do love how Tara's shaping up). My vote's for Abraham!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    That's one vote for Abraham. Punishment exercises for the other teams also have to decided on, within about 24 hours so everyone can get started on them. :bigsmile:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New Challenge is posted on the team's Walking Dead thread.
    Recap is posted here:
    Summary of Kill points Daryl 6, Beth 2

    Leaderboard and this week's MVP's has been posted.

    Rick will be deciding the punishment exercises this week and choosing one of the four new characters. The weekly points from the remaining three will be divided up among the three, second place finishers. 

    This week's optional show inspired exercise is this fitnessblender golf workout:
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    I also vote for Abraham! Awesome job Team Rick! Doling out punishment should be fun :devil: Anything but squats, I'm so sick of squats! Maybe sit ups or ab crunches instead? Or an additional 60 minutes of cardio?
  • If anyone has any input on the punishment, I'm all ears; I haven't seen last night's episode yet anyway. And yes, Abraham is definitely my vote for the new character addition.
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    YAY for Abraham! Punishment - BURPEES. I hate them and did so many of them last night I want others to share in the pain! Or abs because core is key! Here's a good one:
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Congrats on MVP to colibri23!!!
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    Congrats on MVP to colibri23!!!

    Awww thanks April! :flowerforyou:

    Maybe we could get creative and make a very simple mini circuit for the punishment. Something like: 1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.

    Altogether it should be 5 minutes or a little less, it combines a bit of cardio and strength, and it targets the core instead of the legs (stupid squats---I think everyone could use a rest with those). Like the other punishments, we could require 5 sets over the course of the week. Of course it can be modified per everyone's thoughts, or we could do something completely different. Just a thought! What do you guys think?

    ETA: I also like the look of the fitness blender video as well, that our good doctor shared with us as a possibility. Since it's level three intensity, it seems like something that's challenging but not insanely hard so that it can be done by people at all levels of fitness.
  • Maybe we could get creative and make a very simple mini circuit for the punishment. Something like: 1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.

    Altogether it should be 5 minutes or a little less, it combines a bit of cardio and strength, and it targets the core instead of the legs (stupid squats---I think everyone could use a rest with those). Like the other punishments, we could require 5 sets over the course of the week. Of course it can be modified per everyone's thoughts, or we could do something completely different. Just a thought! What do you guys think?

    I like the idea of a little circuit rather than a single activity for several minutes at a time.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    Maybe we could get creative and make a very simple mini circuit for the punishment. Something like: 1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.

    Altogether it should be 5 minutes or a little less, it combines a bit of cardio and strength, and it targets the core instead of the legs (stupid squats---I think everyone could use a rest with those). Like the other punishments, we could require 5 sets over the course of the week. Of course it can be modified per everyone's thoughts, or we could do something completely different. Just a thought! What do you guys think?

    I like the idea of a little circuit rather than a single activity for several minutes at a time.

    Get with it please.

    Jumping Jack's-45
    Plank-1 minute
    Mountain climbers-50. (On each side)

    Just a suggestion. :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Shelley, team Michonne