Studying + Snacking..

Anyone else find that when they're really cramming or working on something important that they always have to load up on the snacks?
It's really hard for me to find something else to keep me calm when I'm in that "gotta get this done" state..

I've tried tea, taking a short walk break, music, water.. nothing seems to work..

Any tips?


  • For me when I'm studying, I am usually very jittery and like to eat things that I can munch on. Things that are low in calories but high in volume like popcorn or popchips usually help. Also drinking tea helps me. Good luck!
  • helloreenie
    helloreenie Posts: 25 Member
    When I'm in a major studying mode I like to cut up some fruit or veg and just munch away. other options: apples with some cheddar (watch the portions), popcorn, sunflower seeds...and be sure to drink a lot of water in between munching, that way you have some time to know when you're full or not.
  • serrazee
    serrazee Posts: 30 Member
    Sometimes when I'm studying or working hardcore on a paper/project, I have to snack as well. It's just somewhat soothing to be chomping on something while stressed. And plus, if I'm consciously NOT snacking when I have the urge to while studying, my brain starts to fixate on eating rather than studying!

    So I've learned to keep a stash of celery sticks, carrot sticks, broccoli, snap peas, grape tomatoes, apples, bananas, oranges, etc. on hand, because if I need to snack for the sake of snacking, better be something good at least!
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    fruit smoothie w/o sugar +popcorn pooped on paper bag + LOTS OF WATER and avoid chewing gum AS YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT BECAUSE IT DOES! it will only make you even hungrier!
  • I'm all about the coffee. I just keep it coming and drink a very unhealthy amount (like 40 oz) when I am working on something. I drink it black so it isn't fattening or anything.
  • ooohboyherewego
    ooohboyherewego Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome ideas guys, thanks..

    Also, didn't know that about gum, I chew a lot of it, too. lol
  • Keekomary
    Keekomary Posts: 2 Member
    I just got on here to ask the exact same question. I crave sugar in particular in the "get it done" mode. For me I know it's not so much a habit as a stress coping mechanism - nothing else keeps me calm and focused, which makes sense since the sugar actually does boost my energy and also makes me feel better (temporarily, of course). The best thing I've found is sweetened coffee: I go ahead and have it, decaf if it's late, and and sip it very gradually through a straw as I work. With that I find I can eat just a little bit of something healthier (a few nuts or something) if I'm actually hungry and still keep going with my work. I'd like to try tea, though, because 1) I like it, and 2) I've heard that black tea helps even out cortisol levels or reduce them or something like that, and that might be total crap but it seems worth a shot.