Not "Loosing" , Frustration Setting In



  • Thisisit51
    It is very normal to "stall" or hit a plateau. This happens to most people. I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep doing what you're doing. Although, I wouldn't decrease my calories. I would decrease the carbohydrates. If you want to jump start your weight loss, try eating 0 carbs/high fat for three days. Just my non-expert opinion ;-)
  • Nicole9187
    Nicole9187 Posts: 122 Member
    Ugh, now I'm stalling! This is very frustrating. I'm going to try increasing my fat intake and water.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'm not sure if I broke it or not but I held 206 for a couple days. Then I was supposed to fast last Sunday for a medical procedure on Monday. So, Saturday I met some friends at a restaurant and had wings that were way too salty, and some jambalaya, thinking I was going to fast Sunday. Well, they cancelled my appt due to an impending snow storm. I gained 4lbs in water weight from the wings and jambalaya! Today I'm finally back down to 207 as of this morning, and I'm fasting today for the rescheduled procedure tomorrow.

    I think what helped me the most was really being aware of my calorie counts. I have so little room for error, so I was conservative on what I ate for that last week and that's what did it.