Week 9 weigh in

I usually weigh in on Sunday, but I won't be near a scale tomorrow. So here goes...

SW: 237.4
CW: 230.4 (-2.8 this week)
CGW: 220

Next week's goal is to get out of the 230's!


  • meek277
    meek277 Posts: 16 Member
    SW 317
    CW 298.6 ( -2.4 loss this last week)
    Feb GW was to get out of the 300's. Yay, I made it!! I need some time to think about my March goals.
  • mojisha
    mojisha Posts: 36 Member
    SW 162.5
    Last week 153
    CW 151.6
    CGW 147.5

    This week was a good one for me! I have been nursing a bad case of plantar faciitis so my exercise has suffered. As a result, my weight loss had been somewhat stalled for the last couple of weeks. Looks like I've broken trough though! Also, I was without a scale all week. It was kind of a nice change of pace not worrying about a number and just trying to eat right. My foot is on the mend, so I'm hoping to get walking this week. I just wish the weather would cooperate.

    Oh! And I met my personal goal of making it to my pre-pregnancy weight of 152 by the end of February. I may just make my challenge goal. :) Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Oh! And I met my personal goal of making it to my pre-pregnancy weight of 152 by the end of February. I may just make my challenge goal. :) Keep up the good work, everyone!

    YAY!!!!! :drinker: Congrats! :smile:
    SW 317
    CW 298.6 ( -2.4 loss this last week)
    Feb GW was to get out of the 300's. Yay, I made it!! I need some time to think about my March goals.

    Nice work meeting your goal, hon! :flowerforyou:
    SW: 237.4
    CW: 230.4 (-2.8 this week)
    CGW: 220

    So glad to see you broke through the plateau! :smile:

    Will post mine a bit later today - Need to take a photo, but too lazy to get out of bed! :laugh:
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,

    As promised, I'm here and organised. This week was a good one, though I am still struggling a tad psychologically with this journey. This is the first time I've ever seen sustained and substantial losses and the panic response keeps kicking in, getting dealt with, dissipating, then returning a few days later. In the last few days, that's fading to an odd sort of numbness where I'm doing everything right, and know that I'm losing, but am totally dispassionate about it. Just, like... "meh". It's weird, but I'm going to push through it. I always knew that I was using my fat as a barrier against the world, but wow! I never had any idea how much I relied on it to feel safe - the more I lose, the more concerned my brain is getting about the loss of its 'safety net'. Will almost definitely end up seeing a professional about how I can deal with what is causing such a severe panic response. Anyone else in a similar situation?

    On a positive note, I went 'out' for the first time in some months on Friday. We had a meet the neighbour event at the hotel next door that then got extended into pizza and drinks at one of our apartments. Met some awesome people, and was really proud of how calm I stayed whilst meeting new people - probably a function of never being more than a few floors away from home!! (In case you haven't picked up on it, I get pretty severe social anxiety).

    I've been keeping track of everyone on here's journeys, trials, tribulations and losses and I couldn't be more proud of all of you! You are all a constant source of inspiration for me - Sunday is a great day, because I know I get to interact with you guys on here and see how awesomely we're all going!!

    Anyway, facts, figures and photos for this new month!!

    SW: 125kg (275.5lbs)
    LWW: 119.5kg (263.5lbs)
    CW: 118.7kg (261.6lbs)

    Loss this week: - 0.7kg (- 1.7lbs)
    Loss for 90DC: - 6.3kg (- 13.9lbs)
    Total loss: - 11.3kg (- 24.9lbs)

    I've adjusted my goal weight for the 90DC to losing 12kg, taking me to 113kg at the end of this challenge. It's 5kg less than I originally planned, but I know that I'll need some leeway in the coming few weeks. :smile:

    As a motivator, I'm making sure that I'm always looking back to where I started, so I'll do the same for you guys to remind YOU to remember how far YOU'VE all come!

    This was me 2 months ago, 1 week into my journey:

    And me this morning (2nd March)

    So proud of all you guys! I will absolutely be in this with you all til the 90 days is done, and will be there for any further challenges as well! xx Much love from Oz xx
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW: 264
    CW: 238.6 (-2.3...total of 25.4 since joining MFP)
    GW for 90 days: 235 (3.6 to go!)
    Final Goal Weight: 150-170
    BMI: 36.1 (-.4)
    Body Fat%: 35.2 (-.3%)

    On goals from last week:
    1) Water consumption: Got my 8 2 days, 1 day was 7..averaged to 4.9 glasses!
    2) Extra exercise: Got extra 15 minute walk in one on one day, otherwise not even close. This REALLY needs focus in March. Hopefully, better weather outside will make this easier.
    3) Strength training X3week: Monday, Wed., Fri. - even upped my weight on a couple things this week.

    MFP prompted me to adjust calorie goals this morning. I went through and saw that I had based my assumptions on a VERY light workout plan (only working out 3 times a week, 15 minutes daily). Since I've been meeting/exceeding that for a long time, I have now adjusted that to read 5 times a week and 20 minutes to more accurately reflect what I'm doing already. Once I consistently am getting in 6 (or more) exercise days a week, I will alter that again.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 193.8
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 9.7 lbs.

    Yipee! I actually didn't have great food days on Friday and Saturday, so I was worried about weigh in. This past week I was very stressed, and I'm surprised my body didn't react by holding onto more weight. I gave in to a few temptations, but I'm actually glad because I learned something. I just didn't have that kind of mental satisfaction that used to come along with eating junk.

    It was just kinda of like, "Okay, I'm eating this. I guess it's tasty. It's not doing much for me, though." I think as we get healthier our perception of food and its influence changes. Eating a cookie is no longer some magical moment that makes you feel better. I think it speaks to the benefits of working towards an overall change; you can lose all the weight you want, but if you don't change your relationship with food, you're bound to gain all of your weight back plus some.
  • emilynbanks
    SW: 180.5
    CW: 180 (Gain of three pounds over two weeks :/)

    Well these past two weeks were disappointing. I've been insanely busy, and haven't had the motivation to work out at all. Time to get back going, because I recently found out that I'm going on a cruise this summer, and I WILL be comfortable in a bathing suit and not cover up the entire time. I WILL DO IT
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    A little late posting this week, so here we go!

    SW: 228
    CW: 213
    GW: 210

    So I lost 1 lb over 2 weeks. I'm pretty excited that I lost 15 lbs in 2 months, but like coolchick, I'm starting to get the mental block. "What if I stall? I stalled last time I got to 200, and then I gained a lot of weight back." I'm trying not to fixate on the number and instead focus on just motivating myself. I signed up for a Color Me Rad 5k in April, I'm planning on a 10k in August, and my fiancé and I are discussing the possibility of the Disney Princess Half Marathon next February (because if I'm running 13 miles, it better be in the happiest place on Earth).
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    SW 317
    CW 298.6 ( -2.4 loss this last week)
    Feb GW was to get out of the 300's. Yay, I made it!! I need some time to think about my March goals.

    Meek277 Congratulations of meeting your February goal ~ keep going at it!
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    SW: 207.7 (beginning of 90 days)
    LWW: 198.9
    CW: 197.3 (-1.6 lbs, -10.4 lbs total)
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 219 Member
    SW: 162.5
    CW: 152 (half lb loss from last week)
    CGW/UGW: 145

    Everyone's posted such good stuff, but I'll have to add comments when not trying to type on the treadmill. :bigsmile:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Weighin from 03/08:

    SW: 264
    CW: 236.6 (-2.0...total of 27.4 since joining MFP)
    GW for 90 days: 235 (1.6 to go!)
    Final Goal Weight: 150-170
    BMI: 35.8 (-.3)
    Body Fat%: 35.0 (-.2%)

    On March goals:
    1) Water consumption: 6 cups twice, only averaged 4.2, -.8 from goal of 5 :frown:
    2) Extra exercise: Got extra 30 minute walk in one on one day, otherwise not even close. Weather has improved so it should be easier to get more walking/jogging in.
    3) Strength training X3week: Monday, Wed., Fri. - even upped my weight on a couple things this week.

    Not sure how I ended up losing weight, had a calorie overage vs. goal calories 5 out of 7 but I'll take it. Will need to be stricter THIS week though.

    Just started "Run for God" 12 week program so I'll be adding 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week so that should get me closer to accomplishing #2.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Ack! I didn't realize I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks now!

    SW: 183
    LW: 168
    CW: 167
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    Loss this week: 1 lb.