
mel521 Posts: 74 Member
daily thread


  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm having trouble getting motivated this morning. I have a head cold, my knee hurts from my dress shoes yesterday, and the weather is yucky. I will do w3d1 today. I will!

    ETA: I read my post and kicked myself for trying to throw a pity party and decided to get up and just do the workout. It was tough, but it feels good. My knee isn't hurting as bad now and I'm breathing better. The weather is still yucky, but that's okay. Hope you all have a great day!
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't ran since last Tuesday. I've been a super slacker but am going to get back at it today--maybe that'll make help make me feel better! I am suppose to start on Week 2 Day 1 but wonder if I should do a Week 1 run since I haven't done one in about a week?

    Here's to keeping up with the program!!

    Have a good Monday everyone :))
  • tracywintn
    I am still sick with a cold and fever of 101. I may have to start over since I only made it to w2d1 but I'm not going to let it get me down. In the long run an extra two weeks is nothing.
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    The important thing is not quitting. We all know we can do that, but we have to prove to ourselves that we can do this! Feel better soon, Tracy! rubydrm, I would probably do a week 1 run just to ease back into it, but I don't think it'd be a huge stretch to try w2d1.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Just finished W3D3, and did 10:12:12:10 squats. Week 4 really bumps up the length of jogs - yikes!
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    W3D1 is done! I was strolling home after work on this beautiful afternoon when I hear lots of pat-pat-pat behind me. I turned to see the entire high school cross country team jogging up behind me. Somehow it made me feel soo happy and I started jogged along with them for a couple minutes (in my snow boots, jeans, backpack, etc). I probably could have done my W3D1 workout right then, but I have a nasty habit of making things way too complicated.

    I went home, changed into my fancy running clothes, fiddled with my waterproof running shoes with built-in booties, got my GPS watch going, got super frustrated with my phone - re-start, re-start again. Couldn't get Pandora to work (for my music), so downloaded Spotify. Got my bluetooth headphones going ... and this was after I decided to forgo the heartrate monitor for the day. Yes, things were getting beyond ridiculous! My dog and my husband were surely thinking of calling in the mental health squad.

    So about 45 minutes later I am finally ready to get out the door, but the dog can't take it anymore. He makes a run for it just as 3 snowmobiles pass by. He has a thing for chasing - part greyhound. I am out waving my arms and yelling when the Sheriff drives by. Thankfully, she is just laughing at me (kindly).

    From that point on everything was absolutely perfect. I got the dog on the leash and had a fantastic run with awesome dance electronic music. We just got a great snow storm and the mountains above and town below were absolutely gorgeous. Next time I should bring my gopro to show y'all what an amazing place I live in. ... Just because I'm pretty sure that running with 5 electronic gadgets is not enough!

    The week is young! Tracy - you will get better and we'll be here to cheer you on. Mel - way to go with getting your workout out of the way early. Ruby - just get started again :-)
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Aaah. Week 5 is tricking me!!! So I have been at day 3 for 3 days now. It is 2 x 8 min blocks, with 3 min walk. I haven't been able to do the second 8 min run twice now. I am making better time -- tonight I did 8 and 6, and the night before it was 8 and 5. This is all indoor running on the treadmill. (making it a bit more depressing!)

    So, I have made up my mind that I do not want to give up so I will conquer day 3 and keep at week five this week also.

    My aim is to complete the 5k, and to be able to run the 25 minute straight (or whatever it is) so I need to get the sustainability .....

    It isn't that I get a stitch, it is just i struggle with staying on it. I know I will get a kick at the end of it, but I don't enjoy the doing of it much. Hence I think I need to go back to what I have been able to acheive so that I don't give up......

    I think it is good for the weight loss though. Wish me luck -- and Kim to paraphrase you, hope y'all have a good run!

  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Kim, your electronic struggle stories make me laugh a little. Knowing me, I'd just throw them all down and give up. It sounds like you live in a beautiful place!

    maree, I'm doing this on a treadmill too because I can't leave 4 kids unsupervised at home. ;) It does get boring and it seems like the timer goes slower the longer I run. I've only had to do 3 minutes so far, so I wonder if I'll run into the same issue as you. You keep improving so I know you'll get it! Persistence is key!