Having issues psychologically eating?

Makoce Posts: 938 Member
Before starting to switch, I was a carb / sugar "addict".
I would exercise like crazy just to eat more and binge out on those types of foods and never felt full.
I could consume and destroy 3,000 calories in one meal.

Now that Ive switched and started 16:8 fasting, I find myself always full.
Which is great to finally find the bottom of my stomach in my life and be satisfied.

Problem? I want to learn to listen to my body and stop eating when Im not physically hungry.
Which now I never am.
I have a goal of 1700 to maintain, and Im still losing so I might have to up it to 1800 even.

Problem is, I find it hard to eat the allotted amount of calories in my goal because of this.
I think I need to start adding more animal fats and whatnot for the extra calories.

I literally switched less than a week ago so im still new and ignorant to a lot of stuff, any support or advice?
Diary is public, too.

ALSO now Im starting to psychologically feel like .. Im full, I dont need those calories, etc. and the typical paranoid-weight-loss attitude of getting a high off losing weight. I really like this lifestyle change and want to keep it and sustain it, so any information or advice is great.



Also.. I dont like a lot of foods, including onions & peppers, avocados, as well as most nuts and seeds( gagged down some almonds last night, uuuuh ). I also dont like relishes/sauces/stuff like that..
So getting calorie dense stuff like that is harder.

Im willing to try new foods .. but im a very picky eater.
Im not sure what to eat for vegetables other than broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, and carrots or peas?
Ive never tried anything else.


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    To maintain right now I would need to eat 2200-2400 calories per day, and I'm older and not all that active. So, as you know, you are not eating enough.

    Exercise can help increase your appetite. Lift heavy things. Go hiking.

    Don't force yourself to eat when not hungry, but also be careful that you aren't purposefully trying to eat less- which sounds like what you are doing. No need to force down nuts either; they are not super beneficial for health. Organic, raw, unsalted and sprouted are best. Veggies and meats are better.

    Add lots of healthy fat. Grass fed fatty meats and putting coconut oil/ghee or whatever on things could get your calories up, but then again fat is very satiating. I can't totally relate to not eating enough so I'm probably not very helpful. I had BED which has been resolved by diet, but I still have to fight to not over-eat if I'm eating too many carbs (for me, more than 5% seems to be too much!).

    Make it a point to try new foods, and keep trying them. Work on changing your mental attitude because that really does get in the way of eating the healthiest foods. Sometimes I don't like something the first time I try it but will develop a taste for it over time. You definitely need to try more veggies. I don't like 3 of the 5 you listed. (peas are a legume, but still ok for many people.) lol
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Give yourself some time, your body is adjusting to your new way of eating and you are probably feeling fuller because you've got more real food in your system that your body has to work harder to digest. Absolutely animal fats are a great way to get more calories in, bacon grease and butter are delicious for cooking your veggies in. You0.5r body will start to normalize after a bit of time eating this way. As for the psychological "high" from weight loss....I am a recovered bulimic/anorexic and totally understand where you are coming from with that. I have to be very careful and watch for warning signs of my obsessive behavior around food. the best advice i can give is stick with your plan of 1700-1800 cals/day, as closely as possible. If you cannot get to that amount through your meals then try adding in a shake or bulletproof coffee or tea. It's much easier to say this rather than do this and it's taken a lot of self discipline but, everyday I make the choice to be a healthier and better me than I was the day before. It would be so easy for me to slip into skipping meals or working off all the calories from the meals I have eaten. I have to consciously make that decision. Make that choice for yourself.

    Veggies? Just a sampling of what I currently have in my fridge:

    2 types of Mushrooms
    Brussels Sprouts
    Parsley root
    2 types of radish

    I try to eat 2 types of veggies at each meal and 2-3 cups of veggies per meal.

    You can do this, it will get easier, don't give up :)
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks for your help & words guys! Definitely helps.
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    Lizz I love your veggie list, it reminded me to branch out more. I can not wait until spring and local produce is back at the markets.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Lizz I love your veggie list, it reminded me to branch out more. I can not wait until spring and local produce is back at the markets.

    Tell me about it!! You should see what goes on in my veggie drawers when it's farmer's market and garden season. I try to stay as seasonal as possible, buying most of my items from surrounding farmers. Luckily this year, one of my favorite farms grew tomatoes, cukes, and basil in greenhouses so I got them all winter! I do buy a few non-seasonal items so I can get the variety and I mix in veggies that I canned or froze from my summertime garden. I loooooove veggies!!