Introduction / Support/ Diary sharing

sscad Posts: 73 Member
Hi everyone, I first discovered/researched the Paleo lifestyle about a year ago, and through a gradual change (although my diet was never highly processed prior), finally became fully Paleo about 6 months ago, but reintroduced dairy back into my diet a few months in (so Primal, I guess). Aside from eating rice or store bought sweet potato chips (ie- vegetable oil) on occasion, I think I eat pretty well. I also started doing Crossfit-type workouts since July last year.

My frustration lies in my slow progress. I was/am 5'4'' ~130 lbs, around 22% BF, so I know I shouldn't expect a radical change, but at this point, I have expected more I guess. I have experimented with calorie counting vs. intuitive eating, not eating fruits/nuts, intermittent fasting, different calorie deficits, macronutrient ratios, levels of activity, and I still can't seem to find the cause/solution. I know part of that problem lies in the fact that I have fluctuated between different diet and exercise approaches, so my goal is to commit to a single regime for a much longer period of time before making adjustments.

Before I continue, I wanted to ask for input and advice on my current goals:

1,650-1800 calories
20% Carbs
25% Protein
55% Fat

Crossfit 3x week
Hiking/long walks (60 min) 2x week

I understand there's controversy in the Paleo/Primal community whether or not to count calories and macronutrients, but I feel that it's best for me in order to stay on track and make sure I'm eating enough/not too much.

If there is anyone out there who's seen success with eating Primal and/or doing Crossfit and has a food diary that's open, please let me know, I'd love to take a look at it!



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You are already at a healthy weight and fat percentage so your body may be content where it is at. I guess you can force the issue, but I think the best thing to do would be eat as Paleo as possible and enjoy your healthy lifestyle.

    My diary is open to everyone. I don't do Crossfit and likely never will do Crossfit. I live in the Arctic and my exercise consists of regular daily activities, hiking/atving/snowmobiling when the weather is warm enough, and some bodyweight exercises.

    My macros are 70% fat, 25% protein, 5% carb. I am still trying to lose weight and I was at 10% carb over the last few months and was really struggling with wanting to over-eat and not losing weight.... so back to 5%. I've been Primal/Paleo for almost 20 months and I'm never going back to SAD. I can eat like this forever. :wink:
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    My diary is open, feel free to have a gander. I don't do crossfit but I do HIIT and tabata style workouts, sim to crossfit. I workout pretty regularly. I honestly don't remember what my macros are right now but carbs are the lowest, I think 20-25, then protein 20-25, then fat 50-60. I have been doing Whole30 this last month so things are a bit wonky while I normalize them after re-introduction.

    I follow 80/20 primal and traditional foods (WAPF) and am happiest when sticking to that. I have absolutely lost weight and am well on the road to healing my joint pain.

    From your description, I agree with Akima, your body may well be where it wants/needs to be. It sounds like you are doing just fine, I wouldn't really worry. Perhaps you are simply looking for more muscle cuts and sticking with crossfit will absolutely take care of that :)