Breastfeeding with MFP

ebrady913 Posts: 12 Member
I know several people have had questions about this so I've been doing some research!

There seem to be 2 ways to "track" the extra calories we need to continue breastfeeding-

Some people say you burn about 3 calories/minute of breastfeeding so if you want to keep track of the time you're feeding (especially for anyone who is supplementing)

Several say that you need 500 extra calories per day for breastfeeding. So you can just add these in daily at the beginning of the day!

Either way, I recommend setting it up as a cardiovascular exercise as it is not officially part of the MFP exercises!

I have seen in MULTIPLE places that the most important thing is to eat when you're hungry! So my plan (once dr clears me) is to exercise more so I can eat as much as I need to keep my little man growing and happy!


  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Question, does pumping count as breastsfeeding? Because now that I'm back at work I've been pumping since I can't feed my baby directly from the boob.
  • ebrady913
    ebrady913 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm pretty sure it would since the point is that you're expressing the calories. Even with pumping, you're "eating" for 2!
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Yeah it would. It takes energy to make milk.
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    Thanks ladies :)