Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
Hi, all. I was happy to find this group. I have checked out Jorge Cruise's book "The 100" from our local library and am anxious to start. I've also checked out "The Belly Fat Cure" and believe sugar is definitely the enemy. How has it taken me so long to find out this info? I don't know, but I am now looking to give it the boot (sugar, that is).

I was wondering if this is still an active group. Anyone out there? Holla! :happy:


  • Sandyfit2010
    Sandyfit2010 Posts: 2 Member
    Would like to hear from any active members. We can all use the support of others.
  • kerstc
    kerstc Posts: 3
    I started "the 100" a week ago today and I have lost 6 lbs. I have also looked at the BFC and decided that I want to cut out the sugar in my life. I have felt no dips or crashes in energy this week and I haven't had too much trouble transitioning into it. How have you been doing?
  • scrappingnetta
    scrappingnetta Posts: 2 Member
    I just found this group. I have been on "The 100" way of eating since June 3rd 2014. So far I have lost 17 lbs. I find this way is extremely easy. Looking forward to reading past post!
  • scrappingnetta
    scrappingnetta Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Kerstc! You started a short time before me. How is it going for you? Still hanging in there?
  • Ahdillard
    Ahdillard Posts: 42 Member
    Anyone still on this?
  • mogie01
    mogie01 Posts: 1 Member
    Is this Group still active?