First Two Weeks Completed

MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
So, just completed week 2 of the JMBR this morning - actually starting to enjoy that Cardio 1 workout (shock!!!) - I'm sure Cardio 2 will come along in a another fortnight and kick my bootay, so I'd better enjoy it whilst it lasts.

I'm a little nervous about Monday and what workouts 3 and 4 will bring for the next two weeks, but I'm certainly ready for the challenge. I'm noticing changes in my body already and my endurance has DEFINITELY improved. I went for a run today (something I DON'T do) and managed to sustain a steady pace for 2.5miles non-stop, which I'm REALLY pleased about. Never thought I'd be able to do that. It's amazing what you can do when you start looking after your body and working it hard. I'm really excited to see where I'll be when the 13 weeks is over.

I hope everybody else on here is doing well with their plans. Sending lots of positive vibes to you all - YOU CAN DO IT!!


  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    It's amazing what you accomplish in only 2 weeks! congrats! You will see, as the program progress, you will hate Jillian every 2 weeks when you start a new strength training. Then, you will be proud of yourself at the end of the 2 weeks because of you were able to accomplish.

    As of myself, I just finish week 6. I feel great. Didn't goes as I planned since I hurt my knee ( a old wound). I had to laid off for a few days and I ate like a pig during those days. But, know I'm back on track, doing even better. Eat clean, seeing some abs and inches coming off. I even added yoga so I can get more flexibility because I found myself really stiff with some Jillian moves. I'm sure it with help me with my strength training.

    So let's get in those skinny jean :)
  • Congrats to you and well done. I am about to start workout 3 tomorrow, I just watched it - Jillian has definitely stepped it up a notch!! I also was disliking the cardio, but really enjoyed it this morning. Suprised my endurance has improved, I look forward to results, but need to be stricter with my food intake - I really need to plan more.