Looking for friends & support

chi2indy Posts: 3 Member
Hi my name is Erica, I work full time, I'm a wife and mom of 2 boys ages 5 & 1. I am looking for a MFP positive support system & to be a positive support system for others. I've recently reduced my carb & sugar intake while increasing my protein, so far this has really worked for me very well. I want to know what has worked well for all of you?


  • yanasmom
    yanasmom Posts: 27 Member
    Nice to meet you. This is the first time since I joined MFP that i can say the consistent tracking has made a difference. No matter what I eat, I am tracking it. My first time hitting the 50 day mark so for me this is really helping. I am more accountable this time around. Feel free to add me. I try to be supportive and encourage my pals. Wishing you great success on this journey......
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    Hi Erica. I'm Bri. I'm back at MFP after taking some time away. I had great success with reducing my carbs and sodium and increasing protein. I got off track, gained some weight back, but now I'm back in full force. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement as well. I need some of that too.
    GR8TAWK Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Erica,

    What has worked for me are the small changes I made:

    exercise 30 minutes per day
    drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day
    staying within my calorie range (tracking "EVERYTHING" I ate)

    this has helped me lose 35lbs (5lbs at a time).

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! Feel free to add me a friend, we can do this together.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey Erica. I'm Shanese and feel free to add me!

    I've been at this (again) for the past two months with a reasonable amount of success and one of the things that helped me definitely was MFP. Getting on and making friends that encourage and support make a world of difference kept me motivating myself most days to log in. And staying in the habit of logging everyday helped me stay closer to my goals because it's like a competition to myself.

    Meal planning and eating clean are key. Losing weight is 80% nutrition and I try to keep that in mind everyday.

    Working out at least 20-30 mins a day, at least 5 days. It helps gain a few extra calories for sure, but it also helps with toning and losing inches.

    Only weighing myself once a week, taking measurements and pictures of my progress. I can see changes and feel better, and that's equally as important to me as the number on the scale.

    Finally a positive attitude and enjoying life. I love and enjoy food, I just enjoy it differently now. I eat well most of the time but I don't put total restrictions on myself. I still have a drink every now and then or eat out, I just make sure to log it, find creative ways to save calories, and try to make up for it with cleaner eating and exercise a majority of the time. It's a lifestyle change and not at all a diet.
  • I'm new and would love friends and motivation with eating habits. I need to be guided in the right direction to reach my goal and build back my confidence. I've learned you have to fix yourself from inside but you also have to fix the outside. I'm ready for #teamfit.....I really want to see myself healthier and slimmer. Im soooo ready for a sexy body......yessssss honey...lol
  • Oh yeah, does T25 workout really works and is it fun?
  • Tanijay
    Tanijay Posts: 5
    :wink: I am new to this group. feel free to add me too :).

    I am on week 2 of T25 and i love it! Hard work for sure- even doing the motified routine.. My sister and i work out together so it holds me much more accountable. With T25 the moment you are like, "I can't do anymore!!" the workout is over...
  • Pinkcharity23
    Pinkcharity23 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Erica,

    I am Charity, I have been going at it since January 6, 2014. You and anyone else in this group feel free to add me for encouragement. I personally am on a mission and focused on my fitness goals.

    Zumba is my cardio outlet. I do some sort of cardio just about everyday. Realistically long term I think I could do 5-6 days a week. I drink lots of water. Stay under my caloric goal. Most important I try to burn more calories than I consume.

    Good luck in your fitness journey :-)
  • arthur02
    arthur02 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Erica, My name is Tonya I too am looking for friends and support because I am obviously doing something wrong. I have been at it for 55 days now and have lost zero lbs. Please look at my dairy and tell me what I need to tweak.

  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Hello Erica, My name is Tonya I too am looking for friends and support because I am obviously doing something wrong. I have been at it for 55 days now and have lost zero lbs. Please look at my dairy and tell me what I need to tweak.


    I had my eyes opened by the posts below. They may work for you too. There are several offers to help, as long as you follow their rules.

    9 weeks of work and no weight loss. What's wrong?!?

    You're probably eating more than you think.

    Good Luck
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Tracking my food
    Watching sodium intake
    Increasing water intake
    Exercising (usually 5 times a week)

    I workout at home. I usually do Jillian Michaels' dvds and I have TurboFire. I also have treadmill.
  • jkwpdx
    jkwpdx Posts: 29 Member
    Just sent you a friend request!
  • ATyghter
    ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
    T-25 works amazingly. I already replied to another threat specifically about it but I absolutely love the program. It's perfect because the workouts are so short and just when you feel like calling it quits, it's over.

    The workouts are really effective even my husband ends up drenched in sweat!
  • hi guys.sending love to all you beautiful ladies all the way from africa...im new too n seriously have no idea how this works.id love to have friends to start with.i do zumba atleast 3 times a week,its helping a lil but id love to hear what your workout regimens are. Goodluck n God bless...
  • helensdaughter
    helensdaughter Posts: 4 Member
    Took a break for a while and now I'm back and I'm also looking for some much needed support!
  • Am30168
    Am30168 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there!

    I am more consistent this time ...all the way around
    I am more conscious about making sure I exercise and I have been doing more strength training and circuit training versus cardio.
    Seeing everyone else's progress is definitely a motivator as well.
    My next thing will be to buy an outfit a couple of sizes smaller to use as a barometer :-) :smile:
  • Ricka824
    Ricka824 Posts: 1
    Hello LADIES,

    I am excited about trying this weight lose thing for the umptinth time. My issue has always been CONSISTENCY. Something in life happens and I get knocked off my weight loss square.

    I am not new to myfitness pal but this is the first time I have even thought about joining a group or anything.

    I am hoping that this will help because we all need support and motivation and I hope I can find that here, and also provide it to someone else as well.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all and I know we can get it done!

    Have a blessed day and stay encouraged