Anyone premenopausal here?



  • guess I belong in this group.....I haven't had any hot flashes yet, but periods are very irregular, and heavy sometimes, and then only spotting some months. I gain weight just opening the refrigerator!!! I am doing the venus workout/diet, and into my 3 rd week. I am also a certified fitness trainer, which is really frustrating, because all that I have learned and have done over the past, suddenly doesn't work, for me at least :(
  • kdogmarie
    kdogmarie Posts: 1 Member
    I am also 48 and also work out 3-4 times a week. I have not lost any weight in the last yer and am so hoping tracking my food will help. This pre-menopuase stuff is not helping, between the mood swings and fatigue it's tough to stay motivated. I have noticed a sudden increase in joint pain and read that it may be result of low estrogen. It's good to know I am not alone with all of this.
  • cbfliz
    cbfliz Posts: 33 Member
    Just turned 47 and I'm fairly sure I'm at the start of all this. Periods are pretty regular still most of the time although I think they are a little lighter now. For me the thing that seems the most obvious change is my lack of tolerance leading up to my period and also total irrationality, tears, emotional upset from time to time.

    Last Saturday it was like someone flipped a switch in me at 3pm exactly, I turned into a crying emotional wreck. It eventually passed and I returned to my relatively rational self again.

    Oh well. As others have said, it's good to hear from women in similar situations and know that you are not just going insane. :bigsmile:
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    Barbpol62 - Don't give up on weight loss, it happens to me like that.

    I don't think anyone believes me but the scales can go up or down by 7 lbs in a week and that can't be what I'm eating or exercising as my routine doesn't vary that much.

    I also have the skin thing going on despite the low dose antibiotics. I have found that exfoliating my face everyday seems to reduce it a bit.

    My moods were so bad I had to visit the doctor to be prescribed something to keep me more on an even keel. Normally I'm really laid back but my husband is some kind of saint to be putting up with all that has been going on!

    I'm in a very stressful job right now so all I can think about is when will the torment end. I go months with nothing and then cramps with nothing followed by spotting everyday for a month or bleeding for 6 months without a break (I can tell you what fatigue is LOL).

    Half the time I think I'm going crazy and I'm clinging to sanity by the thinnest of threads and the other half I just want to cry :sad:
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen and I'm 49.

    I've started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and peri-m is the common denominator.

    I have only had night sweats occasionally and now the pattern seems to be 2 - 3 nights before my period starts. As for my period, I stopped taking BCP 1 year ago upon the suggestion of my Dr. The last few months my periods are very heavy, last longer and seem to be getting closer and closer together. Today is day 8 and my last cycle only ended 16 days before this one started!

    I have been tired, gaining weight, moody, restless sleep and fatigue to name a few. I went to a Dr. a couple of weeks ago, my Dr. has just relocated and this was the interim Dr. I told him I am hypothyroid and I also fight depression, I listed off the reasons that brought me in and his suggestion was that I go and see a psychiatrist!!! Can you imagine? I left so insulted and still at a loss of what was going on with me. I realized why I prefer women Dr.'s. It also reminded me why it is so important for us to take charge of our own health.

    The only good that came out of the appointment was that I was more determined than ever to fight back and prove the quack wrong.

    I have been reading books on peri-m and I just added zinc, magnesium and flaxseed oil to my diet to see if this helps. I know that when I eat well and exercise regularly and avoid flour and sugar my body and mind work much better. It's just learning to stay on track that is the hard thing.

    I have been napping excessively and the highlight of my day was to get home after work and nap! I'm almost 50 and I can't afford to lose anymore of my life than required to sleeping. I get 8-9 hours of sleep a night which is more than enough.

    It's good to read and find other women going through the same issues.

    I am always looking to learn and grow and I'm always open to new friends.

  • Nancy_AZ60
    Nancy_AZ60 Posts: 99 Member
    I went for the bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants , 4 years ago... AWESOME !!
  • palmtree51
    palmtree51 Posts: 7 Member
    Been a year since my last period YEAH!! but the mood swings are ridiculous. I have gain about 20 ponds and not happy about it. I started working out to help my moods. I cant wait for the night sweats to stop they are disgusting. I am taking this one day at a time. :smile:
  • RockinMBC
    RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all! Just joined the group!

    I've been pre-menopausal for about two years - with my cycle being all over the place. One month 18 days the next 52 days - I never know when it's going to arrive. I started a really stressful job at the end of February and immediately started getting severe, super frequent hot flashes at night (about 1 per half-hour) that was making any kind of deep sleep nearly impossible. (Ugh). Then the anxiety attacks started...

    I went to my GP yesterday and he prescribed me Paxil for the hot flashes (I can't do hormone replacement). I read up on Paxil and it sounds downright FRIGHTENING! I'm not going to take it. That said, anyone having success with any herbal remedies? I'm going to try Rhodiola for the anxiety.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I went to my GP yesterday and he prescribed me Paxil for the hot flashes (I can't do hormone replacement). I read up on Paxil and it sounds downright FRIGHTENING! I'm not going to take it. That said, anyone having success with any herbal remedies? I'm going to try Rhodiola for the anxiety.

    I took Paxil for a while for anxiety. It made me sick (physically and mentally) and I gained a whopping 45 lbs in 13 months. I know this is harsh but if it were up to me, it wouldn't even be on the market.

    Out of general curiosity, what does Paxil do for hot flashes?
  • RockinMBC
    RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
    According to my doc - serotonin helps regulate body temperature and cuts down on hot flashes. Here's a link to the FDA's press release about it:
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    scared to get off birth control (progesterone only) because it levels my my mood swings. Newest fright is water retention/facial swelling response a a few salty meals, my eyes were unable to open and I thought it was because I was angry but I was just having a salt hangover. 50 and haven't used more than a single tampon per period in over two years. My doctor would like me to get off the pill just to see what would happen but I am terrified of the blunt angry pregnant raving person I could become!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    I am new to this group. I am turning 50 this October. My period is still regular but it is extremely heavy that makes me think I have started my premenopausal stage. I am a bit weary about what changes should I expect as I get closer to my golden years.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    scared to get off birth control (progesterone only) because it levels my my mood swings. Newest fright is water retention/facial swelling response a a few salty meals, my eyes were unable to open and I thought it was because I was angry but I was just having a salt hangover. 50 and haven't used more than a single tampon per period in over two years. My doctor would like me to get off the pill just to see what would happen but I am terrified of the blunt angry pregnant raving person I could become!
    If you DO go off the pill you may also become pretty weepy. Good luck, it's a tough decision.
    When I removed my mirena I CRASHED (this was before perimenopause). It sucked. I ended up adding bioidentical progesterone and tweaking it as my body began making progesterone. Now I'm using it again for menopause.
  • cinnamon009
    cinnamon009 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed as premenopausal last year and after struggling with the depression and crashing fatigue for about six months I was put on HRT patches to help with the symptoms. Anger is much better, irritability worse, hot flushes and fatigue practically gone. But from being diagnosed I put on 21lbs which I am really struggling to lose.

    Tried the protein only diets and everything else but nothing works for me anymore. MFP and starting insanity next week as a last ditch attempt. Getting married in 7 months and would love to be back to my fighting weight on my wedding day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed as premenopausal last year and after struggling with the depression and crashing fatigue for about six months I was put on HRT patches to help with the symptoms. Anger is much better, irritability worse, hot flushes and fatigue practically gone. But from being diagnosed I put on 21lbs which I am really struggling to lose.

    Tried the protein only diets and everything else but nothing works for me anymore. MFP and starting insanity next week as a last ditch attempt. Getting married in 7 months and would love to be back to my fighting weight on my wedding day.
    It's just calories in, calories out, right? :laugh: Sorry, couldn't resist. Doesn't it make you nuts when folks on the boards say that?
    I feel your pain. This blows.
    I read A LOT on the subjects of nutrition, diet, etc. I've actually read some of the diet books folks (who clearly have never read them) mock on the main boards.
    Anyway, I read Gary Taubes: why we get fat and what to do about it. He has an interesting theory that suggests something to the effect of: our various hormones (including insulin etc.) actually cause the weight gain. He suggests that when your hormones are jacked, your body will respond by changing your weight.
    Or something to that effect (it was a library book, so I don't have it with me). He says that it's not that we overeat when we go on the pill etc. but rather our body responds to the hormonal situation it's in (thinking it's pregnant, in this case).
    If we also believe (I do) that the shift in hormones at menopause can cause a kind of insulin resistance, then it makes sense that we gain weight like ladies with PCOS and diabetics do.
    And that pretty much blows.
    I'm just trying to figure out how to undo it!
    I'm not saying this well, at all, from memory, but that's the gist: we KNOW it's not calories in/calories out.
    I wish I could have predicted when peri would hit and gotten really skinny first lol.
  • mumtheshopper
    mumtheshopper Posts: 29 Member
    So once the menopause is over and done, does the weight become easier to manage again?
  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 139 Member
    scared to get off birth control (progesterone only) because it levels my my mood swings. Newest fright is water retention/facial swelling response a a few salty meals, my eyes were unable to open and I thought it was because I was angry but I was just having a salt hangover. 50 and haven't used more than a single tampon per period in over two years. My doctor would like me to get off the pill just to see what would happen but I am terrified of the blunt angry pregnant raving person I could become!

    I stopped the Progesterone only pill and my period stopped too. No mood swings, although I never have had that lovely side effect, but you never know! I had headaches on the PG so not sure if that changed. One big effect is that I wake up at 4:00 am EVERY DAY on fire!
  • LadyBedo
    LadyBedo Posts: 5
    I have been in perimenopause since i was 39. i am 44 now and i can handle everything about it but the weight gain. i can look at food and i jumps on me. i have a spare tire that just keeps getting bigger no matter what i do. it is really depressing. :explode:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It's just calories in, calories out, right? :laugh: Sorry, couldn't resist. Doesn't it make you nuts when folks on the boards say that?
    I feel your pain. This blows.
    I read A LOT on the subjects of nutrition, diet, etc. I've actually read some of the diet books folks (who clearly have never read them) mock on the main boards.
    Anyway, I read Gary Taubes: why we get fat and what to do about it. He has an interesting theory that suggests something to the effect of: our various hormones (including insulin etc.) actually cause the weight gain. He suggests that when your hormones are jacked, your body will respond by changing your weight.
    Or something to that effect (it was a library book, so I don't have it with me). He says that it's not that we overeat when we go on the pill etc. but rather our body responds to the hormonal situation it's in (thinking it's pregnant, in this case).
    If we also believe (I do) that the shift in hormones at menopause can cause a kind of insulin resistance, then it makes sense that we gain weight like ladies with PCOS and diabetics do.
    And that pretty much blows.
    I'm just trying to figure out how to undo it!
    I'm not saying this well, at all, from memory, but that's the gist: we KNOW it's not calories in/calories out.
    I wish I could have predicted when peri would hit and gotten really skinny first lol.

    Couldn't agree more. It's just SO not calories in and out. I got to my ideal weight last year and now that I look back on it, I was starting to have the peri-menopause symptoms then, but I didn't realise.

    This year I've put on weight, been SUPER exhausted (I thought it was over-training at first), been sick, not sleeping, going to the toilet all the time, periods got closer to 21 days and then started getting longer, haven't had one for about 3 months now. Anyway, went to the doctor and had a gazillion blood tests and my hormones are just all over the place.

    "It's all part of life" my doctor tells me... Well it sux!! LOL!!

    Anyway, I've read a lot too, and now deciding to go down the predominately grain free /gluten free route and keep my diet to mostly fresh food and see if I can get back on track.

    The worst part is not sleeping. Sleep deprivation is a nightmare and without sleep all good intentions go out the window.

    So to EVERYONE in this group - hang in there! We will find a way through!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I found Sara Gottfried's book - The Hormone Cure really good. She also has a podcast called "The Health Bridge" if anyone is interested in downloading it, well worth a listen.