First Challenge Results and next challenge :)

Hey guys,

hopefully you all had a good week (mine started off strong as usual but I didn't keep it up as well as I could have at the weekend).

Last Sunday, I set a Challenge to reach 2000 calories burned from exercise alone. To those who met your goal, that's great! you've basically taken a full day's worth of eating off your week by being good with your fitness goals this week :D

And to those who missed it, it's not a problem, sometimes schedules do get in the way and that's ok. Not everything can be planned in advance and you can meet your goal next week.

I have a few suggestions for this second challenge, which is both diet AND fitness related. I dont want to suggest one size fits all type challenges because some of you may have different expectations of yourselves, or might just not be interested in meeting this goal. Therefore I will suggest different options to choose from, and you can just go with whatever you prefer :)

Fitness: to choose from:

A. Burn 2250 calories

B. Push - Up / Squat /Ab challenge: day 1: 40 squats, day 2: 50 squats and so on. Day 7: 100 squats. Set a similar goal for push ups and abs (whatever is reasonable for you!!!)

C. Mix it up every day for 6 days (1 day rest) . (burning at least 300 calories each) For example: monday aerobics, tuesday 10km run, wednesday circuit training, thursday yoga, friday gym session, etc.


Its difficult to a make a suggestion here as everybody is different and struggles with different food cravings and has different caloric intakes. I here would suggest you make one change about your diet that youre unhappy with at the moment and commit to giving it a try this week. For instance, you could decide to give up all sugars, cut down on your salt intake, eat less red meat, drink more green tea, anything!

Just choose something you want changed in your diet, post it and stick to it.

Good luck and see you for tomrorow's weigh - in ;)


  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,643 Member
    I will go for:

    Get in all 10 workouts and burn over 5000 calories

    Avoid the junk food, especially on weekends
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    I made last week's exercise goal of 2000 calories! (2329 according to MFP) I had to throw in one extra workout, plus I entered some time for housecleaning, which I don't usually do, but I was really working hard doing some scrubbing in preparation for company! :)

    I have been working on the JMBR program, but unfortunately I completed phase one this past weekend using iTunes, and am still waiting for the rest of the program to arrive in the mail. So I think it will be a great challenge for me to try different types of exercise each day this week.

    I really bombed my diet last week, so I am challenging myself to log everything - EVERyTHING - that I eat.

    Best of luck to everyone this week!!!
  • Congratulations if you've met your goal!

    I chose together with a friend today to do lent starting wednesday. 40 Days to cleanse my body from all processed food and to rid myself of my addictions. I am so determined to not be miserable anymore because of food.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    I am so determined to not be miserable anymore because of food.

    I am SO there with you! I'm dedicated to keeping my food tracking besides working out. I have to be honest with myself, good or bad.
  • It's 'nice' to see people with the same demons fighting the same battle as I am. Tomorrow lent begins and with that a fresh start, hoepfully.
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    You've got me thinking about lent now, too! I am considering giving up potatoes. Or maybe alcohol. Going to keep thinking on it tonight, because I don't want to make too many commitments to changes and then burn out trying to fulfill them all :)
  • I completed the challenge as well :) I had to throw in an extra workout but it was all worth it ! I think the biggest challenge for most of us is about our diet... Goin to the gym becomes an habit after a while but it seems like keepin up with a good diet seems a little less easy...

    I think my challenge this week (starting tomorrow), will be to simply eat less. MFP set me to a 1200cal diet but there's no way i can eat that little... I average about 1400-1500 on good days and 1600-1700 on "bad" days... I gotta say tho, its almost always healthy... so yea i have a big appetite for my 5"1' frame haha Well, I'll try to not go over 1500cal for the rest of the week !
  • jobell2355
    jobell2355 Posts: 49 Member
    I've been off here a few days. Had a snag cause I got sick and had to stop my exercise to rest for a few days. I did make the challenge though and today I am back on it. I have been really motivated but I had something personal bring me down and now I a fighting to get my mood elevated so that I can move forward.

    I like the idea of keeping a calories burned challenge and also clearing something from the diet. Honestly, my struggle is alcohol. I do love a cocktail or 2 or 3. Gonna work on that this week.

    Thanks everyone for helping me stay motivated. Good luck to you all!
  • kodji67
    kodji67 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh jobell, I can SO relate with the cocktail temptation!

    And with having to deal with personal struggles - cudos to you for making it back here :) Kathryn really boosted me the other day with "To succeed, you only have to get up one more time than you fall down"
  • I completed the challenge as well :) I had to throw in an extra workout but it was all worth it ! I think the biggest challenge for most of us is about our diet... Goin to the gym becomes an habit after a while but it seems like keepin up with a good diet seems a little less easy...

    I must agree, I exercsie 6 days a week and it has gotten to the point where I feel bad for taking a day off! Exercising is not the problem as much as food is. I am on 1500 kcal a day because 1200 just seems too little and unforgiving, but it really does depend on people, I've tried 1200 kcal so often but always ended up failling because I was simply too hungry all the time. 1500 kcal has helped me stay on track and feel balanced for much longer so its definitely a fit for me :)
  • I've been off here a few days. Had a snag cause I got sick and had to stop my exercise to rest for a few days. I did make the challenge though and today I am back on it. I have been really motivated but I had something personal bring me down and now I a fighting to get my mood elevated so that I can move forward.

    Hope it's nothing too serious, but either way I think it's great you're hanging in there! I usually take up to a week to recover from a bad few days because I just throw in the towel and then find it hard to start over... AGAIN. Anyway stay motivated and keep your mind focused on your goal!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Exercise is not my issue, but eating is. Has anyone watched there Macros before, today is my first day and I am try 40% carb 30% each on fat and protein, we will see how I do. This is on a 1500-1600 calorie food intake. Hopefully this will help on my plateau and stop some bad habits.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Exercise is not my issue, but eating is. Has anyone watched there Macros before, today is my first day and I am try 40% carb 30% each on fat and protein, we will see how I do. This is on a 1500-1600 calorie food intake. Hopefully this will help on my plateau and stop some bad habits.

    Since February 24 I have been eating an average of:
    1650 calories,
    Macros 25% Carbs 37% Protein 37% so far.
    Average calorie deficit of 200
    For me "Slow and steady wins the race" Slow and steady is actually fast if you compare it with never get it because of fat progresses and even faster setbacks. I wanna be able to make it easier for me to maintain my 15% body fat goal and avoid the binges.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Exercise is not my issue, but eating is. Has anyone watched there Macros before, today is my first day and I am try 40% carb 30% each on fat and protein, we will see how I do. This is on a 1500-1600 calorie food intake. Hopefully this will help on my plateau and stop some bad habits.

    Since February 24 I have been eating an average of:
    Macros 25% Carbs 37% Protein 37% so far.
    Average calorie deficit of 200
    For me "Slow and steady wins the race" Slow and steady is actually fast if you compare it with never get it because of fat progresses and even faster setbacks. I wanna be able to make it easier for me to maintain my 15% body fat goal and avoid the binges.