Day 4 (30 DS challenge)

dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
I'm such a zombie today. I think I only slept 3 hours last night. First day back at work....UGH!

I'm hoping to shred at lunch.


  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    I did it! Thank goodness for my DH cause he is doing it with me now. It is a little cramped at my mom's house, but I was able to do the workout.

    Today was my DH's first day and as we were my legs are sore. 30DS is a good workout!

    I crashed again on the bicycle crunches....hopefully I will be able to make it through without stopping to do regular crunches.

  • ecu_jules
    ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
    Well I did 2/3 of it today and that will probably have to do! Got through the second circuit and had to pick up lo. If it hadn't been for this group I probably wouldn't have even attempted it today.

    Usually my lo is so chiil, but he has been such a pill this week. If he is not breastfeeding or lying on me he is crying. He will nap as long as I leave him on me after eating but that is it. I know some of you mamas deal with this daily so bless you because it is hard!!! I am hoping it is just a growth spurt and he returns to normal soon.
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Ecu Jules sounds like we had similar days! DS was up without a nap for over 6 hrs which is A LOT for him. I finally got him to nap and turned on the white noise full blast so I could get a workout in. Finished day 4. Feeling good except my knees are getting achy. May make some modifications for a day or two. This group definitely helped me get it done today. That and my extra 30 lbs!! :)
  • SHenn84
    SHenn84 Posts: 9 Member
    My knees have been hurting me too. I think I'm going to take glucosamine to see if it helps.
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    To guys are doing so good, keep it up! So proud of all of you!
  • jtmt21
    jtmt21 Posts: 39
    Cortycrazy - you have been rocking your workouts too! I'm impressed. How do you manage to fit it in?
  • yellifish
    yellifish Posts: 15
    I forgot to check in after finishing but I did get it done earlier. I don't do well with the bicycle crunches so I do plain bicycle instead and that burns good lol.
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    I did it yesterday! Only for the second time. I think the second WS harder than the first. My upper body is way ore sire than lower.
  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    My knees are a little sore too. I guess from all this extra weight on me isn't helping my knees!

    If it wasn't for you ladies I would have probably passed on some workouts too.

    Julie, that is awesome that you were able to do most of the workout. Dedication right there! You go!

    Cortycrazy- thanks for the encouragement!! Yes, you are doing such a great job yourself. Those jeans of yours are going to fit you in no time!!

    Yellish--I might try doing the bicycle today if I can't finished doing the bicycle crunches. I was just doing regular crunches, but I think doing the bicycle would be better!