Non Scale Victories

I used to do weight watchers meetings and one of the best parts was when people shared victories related to being healthy even if they didn't show up on the scale. Healthy eating and regular exercise is about so much more than weight loss. Especially with PCOS it might not show on the scale, but it deserves to be celebrated!


  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    My NSV for today is that I did over an hour of Zumba only stopping twice for a minute each to catch my breath... (Normally I stop between every song) I'm building endurance against my exercise induced asthma much quicker than I thought I would! I think if I wanted I could easily put in another half hour without too much difficulty :)
  • My non scale victory today is actually getting to the gym. Feels great to be moving again!
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Non scale victory for the weekend: I had an important dinner to go to and needed to dress up. Wasn't sure what I was going to wear but this week I noticed that my size 18 dress pants were getting awfully loose. Thursday I had tried my 16s but they were still a tad tight to sit in. Well Saturday night came and I put on the 16s anyway and discovered they are a perfect fit! The 18s are officially being folded up in a drawer to never come back out again! :)

    ( I'm saving the 18s in the hopes that I can pass them to my mom as she loses weight too)
  • Great news! I'm looking forward to that day, too!
  • julieferg7
    julieferg7 Posts: 17 Member
    Though not too happy about how I feel now, I am ecstatic about getting a period after adjusting my diet and loosing some weight.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    your NSV's are really motivating me :) Finally getting a period or fitting into my skinny clothes would be such a great feeling, so I know how great you all must feel. Well done! Very proud of you :)
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    Forgot to post this earlier this week, but a big NSV for me... I'm no longer b-12 deficient! This is huge for me because I had been getting shots monthly and quit well over a year ago because I couldn't afford them. My doctor has been on my case to start taking them again and I argued that I wanted to try taking sublingual tablets and trying to get more through diet if possible before resorting to the shots again. My lab work came back this month and no more deficiency other than my iron. :)

    Time to update my profile!
  • My NSV is beginning a PCOS-friendly diet. I should have done it sooner but I was very upset that I even had PCOS and I blamed all my problems on the disease instead of doing something about them.

    Big NSV for me :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Well done you guys! So mpressed with all of you. Each and every NSV is a huge step.

    I have a little victory of my own! First period in 5 months! Never have I been so happy before about this painful visitor :)
    Not sure whether its due to the supplements I'm taking (inositol and folic acid) or because I just spent the weekend with a load of women (period syncing etc) or if my body just did it on its own...but I'm very happy!
  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    BIG NSV this morning! My size 14 work pants fit again! I can actually buy pants at Express again! Woohoooo! Two sizes down that i never want to see again ever... and if i get down another size, i can actually wear most of the clothes in my closet again!
  • scooterjen
    scooterjen Posts: 28 Member
    Just joined this group and love it already! I have has pcos since my 20 s and began having weight problems since my late 20 s. I started a weight loss challenge at work Jan 6 and found my mojo to lose weight (again). I had success a few times in the past with weight watchers but I didn't keep it off. I've had some NSV after losing 8 pounds I'd like to share. Like others I have been "shopping" in my closet lately. I'm a nurse and I couldn't get rid of some uniforms that were too snug ( they are cute and pricey!). Well I've worn two of them and there's room around the belly region to boot! Another thing was being able to slip on my wedding set first thing in the morning! Usually I had to wait till lunchtime and have gotten to where I just wear my rings on the weekend. It's taken me 8 weeks to lose 8 pounds but I'm going to keep celebrating these NSV as I go.